Face it. Brands and trends are determined by and catered to upper class attractive white women. Everything from Chipotle, iPhones, fashion, nightclubs/bars, Guiness Beer, yahcts, and luxury apartments always feature a white woman in their advertising. They set the trends. What is the next product they will love?
Face it. Brands and trends are determined by and catered to upper class attractive white women...
god damn OP who is that
theres quite a bit of truth to this
women love a man with a NEO GAS farm
They would absolutely LOVE OmiseGo. Like LOOOVE it.
>that girl
She looks more than half hispanic.
I didn't even read what stupid shit you had to say. Just tell me who that girl is.
who are these whores supposed to appeal too?
i would only ever get with a chick that looks like that when im in my 50s or 60s
she looks old as fuck
any truth to it lies in the fact that upper class white women are arguably the most consumerist, stupid sector to exploit
t. ex- customer service worker at major chain retailer
t. Low testerone nu-male
No, these are just the women trends that are well known and advertised as such.
>Women only want the popular trends so they can brag to their friends
>advertise product as trendy, popular
>women buy
meanwhile, men are still buying yachts, guns, and beers, although they are not the *omg latest* trend
this man speaks the truth
Men set trends
Women are used to sell it to other men
Women don't care a out the trends as long as they represent social status and wealth
See women and automobile racing
>not wanting a sophisticated mommy gf
no taste t b h
i know right. what a beta fag
Take a look at this guy. Like he has a shot even now with a woman like that. Keep copin bud
>What is the next product they will love?
not you, faget
>men are not the *omg latest* trend
there are literally thousands of us here FOMO buying a product that is actually called OMG
google how much white women spend
they are consumerism in a nutshell
dat. fucking. ass. doe.
teslas. and their stock went on sale today too.
or maybe it's just that females are brainless, hobbyless idiots who always copy what the hot famous brainless, hobbyless idiot do.
>Brands and trends are determined by and catered to upper class attractive white women
No they cater to upper class people. You see white women a lot because duh we live in the West and the fact that men always love a hot woman on the cover well it sells, this is basic shit. Go to China see hot chinese girls on brands, go to Germany see hot german girls on brands
In which OP has never heard the phrase "Target Market"
ass too big. tits too big. TOO OLD. 0/10
Is Chipotle an upper-class thing?
almost certainly. white women just don't have curves like that.
shes actual trash dude
are you really attracted to these plastic freaks? lmao
must be the porn in the water supply
>go to china and see hot chinese girls
actually you see white girls like everywhere else
wow you're so off the mark.
Iphones=trendy, popular?
you act like that's the only thing going for them when they were literally the first mass produced "smartphone" upon which template the rest followed. and yes, that's trendy. but it's not SUBSTANCELESS
its all african genetics anyways you see those big ape butts in brazilian women because thats where most african slaves went
proof? have you been there?
>Brands and trends are determined by and catered to upper class attractive white women.
What is positioning?
Also you can't just tie "brands and trends" together. One is meant to have permanency, one is intrinsically seasonal/ephemeral.
Anyway you're wrong because, why do cars come out with "sports kits". Please explain to me how NASCAR with all those logos emblazoned on the overalls is catered to upper class attractive women?
Okay, yes, trends may gain traction with upper class women because they are the one's spending their husband's cash and so once it becomes a trend in that demographic it is mimicked by middle-class housewives and bastardized by lower class house wives.
But most trends, be it denim jeans, punk tartan, saying words like "thot" and dabbing all start with POOR PEOPLE.
Didn't see this. But underrated post.
my argument is general so there will be exceptions, good point
I've been reading a book about marketing to women and it's done a pretty good job of convincing me that they are the gender making most purchase decisions. The author tries to portray her gender as picky, time-starved consumers but all she's really done is to create an unintentionally redpilled book about women.
Any more insights you care to share on selling to broads?
Could you be more specific? All selling is emotion, which are the lady emotions I should be targeting?
I'm assuming
>a e s t h e t i c s
Those three, insecurity (major), injustice (especially against women)
>injustice (especially against women)
Ahhh. So like:
>"$5 off you purchase goes to support agencies helping women in Somalia escape being child-brides"
>"You are powerful. You are strong. You are woman. With Feminia Deoderant You *are*"
Look at how companies like Victoria's Secret and South Beach Diet use absolutely gorgeous women when marketing to straight women.
Yes, same is done with men too.
Aspirational yeah?
It's like slap a beautiful woman on an ad, the men are thinking as per the Jerry Seinfeld joke
>If I buy that product I will get beautiful women
While women see it going
>If I buy that product I will BE the beautiful woman
yeah? it's leveraging the fantasy so it's associated with the lingerie or the diet regime
bahahahahahaha! That Sierra commercial: LOWEST COMMON DE-FUCKING NOMINATOR. Fuck I hate that pseudo-poetic copy and the "fellow young people" use of Like a Boss.
That Axe ad I've seen before, and that's brilliant. They pick a slightly unconventional looking guy, he's not CHAD handsome but he's not ugly either. It's actually different to what you're saying about the Victoria Secret catalogue, because it's not selling you pure fantasy, it's a "obtainable fantasy" to coin an oxymoron.
Exactly. Marketing, like HR, is a field that is filled with not not smart and incompetent people. Those who are actually very skilled at their job, will rise to the top.
It's called Why She Buys. It's a great read.
Those curves can be, and most likely are, from exercises.
I want to lick her feet
I want to huff her NEO GAS because I'm a worthless cuck.
>Why She Buys
yo thx senpai, imma check it out
Found the faggot
pretty sure shes danish or some shit like that