So. TRON ICO test run starting in about 1 hour in BNB. Who's in? I'm kind of on the fence with this one first because I can't read their whitepaper since it's in chinese and second because it seems to have a very large circulation (500 000 000) just for this test run, meaning the overall amount is gonna be huge. That said, Binance is a very promising exchange so there's a chance this could pump hard. What do you think?
TRON TRX test run
>in BNB
shit I fucked up, meant to say "on binance"
Im in, Will dump my CACA and will spend 0.25 BTC on TRON
Even if it pumps, look at the other coins with the same supply. Unless you're hodling a shit ton, you're gonna be in Borrowing Your Mom's 1998 Toyota Land. Or worse...Public Transit Land.
go find a PnD somewhere else little boy. This coin has great tech, devs and a clear timeline. The Chinese are going to buy this up big league
Yeah at first I was all "cool, Tron!", but I haven't been convinced since then by anything I've seen.
Is my shit going to be locked up until the ICO finishes later in September or will these be tradable right away?
I'm just looking for a quick flip.
i think it will be a huge pump
Could you elaborate? I would do my own research but as I said, I can't seem to find much info in English about it.
im waiting with 500$ in BTC on binance
made an account on that shit exchange just for this ICO, might use binance more if the interface is good when i go to buy tron.
If I could move all my shitcoins to Binance, I would. I've lost so much in trading and withdrawal fees on Bittrex. Not to mention I used to keep NEO in there and they've given everyone a big fuck you in terms of keeping our GAS. Bittrex has made mad bank off us.
the ICO price is gonna be something like 38 sats right?
inb4 we invest and it dumps to 1 sat when it goes live
yeah with bitmain, qtum, and f2pool behind it
i really doubt thats going to happen.
The advisory board for this coin is like the chinese investment/startup all star club
Everyone is selling now to get on Tron. Amazing
Will bnb rocket after this?
Yes, in a couple of hours
>sorry you were too late
wasnt able to buy one coin lol
wtf was the point in releasing 200 btc worth i bet 1 person just got them all
Was able to buy 0 lol. quic as hell
It sold out in 5 seconds, 200 BTC in 5 seconds.
look at bnb go boys
Look at that BNB rise tho!
i need to start an exchange
That was literal bullshit - what the fuck is the point if it's just bot script bought
I'm starting to really hate ICOs. Either they get dominated by 4 people or America isn't allowed to play.
no one here got shit did they
Dumb chinks should have limited a certain amount per account.
I guarantee it was bought out by 1-2 people
You guys had at least 10 seconds to get in.
was able to get some at 580. thank you TRON
i was waiting for this moment and i miss it for 1 second, this is bullshit
i literally submitted 5 seconds after the button became live
and it said my order was in queue, then it said i was too late.
I literally refreshed the page at 11:59. At exactly 12 it was 95% sold out. By the time i put in my order it said i was too late.
Fucking chinks and their uber micro, Jesus.
This is just the soft cap test run. When can we buy in next?
we all got fucked by the chinese
Everyone pump BNB now that we got fucked on Tron
You were allowed to play, we weren't fast enough. Binance is going heavy though, invest in BNB as they're just flaunting their networking.
Is it worth getting into DNT then or just wait in BNB?
I have some. I'm just bitter especially with DNT price being 2/3 of what it was yesterday.
Next step in the ICO is BNB. Doubtful that anyone else will get in at 38 sats though.
When? In a few hours?
is it cheaper during this test run or something?
this is info posted in binance slack, and even after the soft cap, you got 72 hours
Legit question.
Every ICO i see doesnt allower Americans. Dont you guys just VPN and register anyways, or do you actually wait for ICOs that let them in?
Asking for my friend, obviously.
Woke up at 6am for this shit. Heartbreaking stuff. This is an easy 15-20 BTC from a single BTC investment.
No it'll still be 38 sats. They're not pulling a 0x on us. We're all just surprised at how fast the ICO is selling
On 3 days there will be 3 icos, everybody will dump binance and buy the icos, BNB market will move the same, 20 minutes before the ico start we sell our binance and then after we buy binance and make lots of profit
So far there's no info on pricing for the other ICO stages, but I wouldn't blame them if they increased the price based on how fast they sold out of 500 million tokens.
Really hope they increase the price though.
Well I heard Kyber requires your passport so can't really VPN that. The others I try to just ignore them when they say no Burgers. Like Bitfinex saying no more American customers, I sign up buy Iota even though it's IP tracker is telling me exactly where I am in Merica.
I guess TRON didn't think they would sell out in literally 10 seconds.
Anyone have info on when we can buy in?
When is the bnb session?
oh I think they did.
The site tels me they sold out in less than one second. They mght have bought it themselves even but either way this will build demand for next ICO at higher price/coin.
Be wary, be vigilant.
i had my order rejected 20 seconds after opening
DO you know how many people read this site? Hw many people read ads on ICO between here, Binance, plebbit, etc? Look at how fast the price was dropping right before ICO testrun, there were so mny people selling to buy in to the "warmup ICO" were they never hd a chance. And then it started going back up wthin the minute.
I think this was a fake test run and they just sold it to themselves. But maybe it wasn't or maybe it doen't matter if it was or not
190 btc worth sold in under a sec FWTW. This will justify a higher price and create FOMO.
>more than 19 seconds late
WTF it isn't meant to IPO till September this industry is in desperate need of regulation.
got 2million of this with a script, otherwise you had no chance
No script, got in. Got the green check mark. Chads only!
thursday 12pm
Will it on Binance???