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why didnt China conquer south Korea?
Did the fear the white asian warrior?
Tribute state.
Gross, as if including Qin and Wu people in China isn't bad enough, Han literally brought the Yue inside its borders.
People should pray that China doesn't collapse today and devolve into civil war, that will mean the complete and utter end of the modern globalized economic system. China is simply ''too big to be allowed to fail.''
Yeah. Korea, Tibet, Japan, and Vietnam were all Chinese tributary states technically and not worth conquering.
Japan sort of never paid tribute though and was only a tributary in name only.
I think when the Mongols took over they got tired of that shit and tried to invade.
>responding to bait
It started collapsing circa 160 AD, though...
What's with that weird tail region?
>We integrate to disintegrate, and disintegrate to become integrate again.
China in a nutshell.
Why do many Chinese identify as Han, when the southern Chinese are Yue?
Silk road. South of it is Tibetan Plateua. It's basically the only viable route west from China.
south china has had a different history to northern china, which creates a different national identity for these groups
Japan did pay tribute, the earliest recording is from the Han Dynasty, written record can be found in the "Book of Eastern Han"
They even paid tribute for a short period during the Early Ming Dynasty.
It is just that Japan went from being good boy to just stop initiating contact for centuries.
The path of the loyalist is the path of righteousness.
Hail Liu Bei, true heir of the Han Dynasty
Koreans are white skinned and chinese are yellow skinned
a chink friend I know got really drunk and started telling some wierd shit about china. (he's a real chink from china, not homegrown western chink)
he thinks america is going to collapse in the next few years, and that everyone in china is basically waiting for that to happen. then china will "take over the world"
he gave an example of some chinese dynasty that was against the han, that basically was very aggressive, wheras han dynasty on the opposite, was very kind to everyone. he compared the han to modern day china, and the bully dynasty to america. I got a bit scared, and changed the subject, but it was weird.
what do you guys think? What dynasty is he talking about? What is the likelyhood of american collapse, and china taking over?
Very small possibility but higher than most people think. Just check out the last 6 months
Pretty low odds of america actually collapsing. Diminishing a bit maybe, especially under trump, but not a full collapse
China taking over, long term, is probably inevitable. Despite all the memeing the next era will probably belong to china and india, horrifying as that may be
>Koreans are white skinned and chinese are yellow skinned
Weebs, Weebs never changed.
How autonomous was an empire like that?
I mean that shit is huge. It must have taken ages to send a messenger from the Emperor to the edges of his lands.
Tributary in Chinese term doesn't imply that China was a superior to Vietnam, it implied that they have a mutually beneficial relationship.
America wont collapse. At worst (or best) Trump gets impeached which will cause some uproar from his voters and then they will get a normal president and things will go back to normal.
China will probably either take over or at least share the title as the biggest super power eventually, but I doubt it will be because of a collapse.
How close is Russia and China at this point?
The mountains are tall, and the emperor is far away.
People don't understand that the authoritarian streak in Chinese history is a response to how little control the central government actually had on day to day matters. Even today it's best to think of China as an authoritarian EU instead of a unified nation state. It's also why their safety standards are so shitty
There will be more than just an uproar imho. Trumpkins will just take it as a sign of how the international globalist cable will go against the democratic wishes of the people to get their way.
Well they do, hence China had obligation to help Vietnam when France invaded them during 19th century. Same to Korea when they faced Japanese invasion.
Mutually-beneficial only in economic relationships, but usually tributary states gained more benefits than they give way. Politically they're not equal.
>when the southern Chinese are Yue?
Yue was never an ethnic identity but a political one. Baiyue(myriad Yues) was a conglomeration of multi ethnic/cultural southern barbarians who the Chinese viewed as descendants of the original Yue polity.
Furthermore,the Sinicized elites of south(including Vietnam) used Yue related polities e.g. Nanyue as a symbol of political legitimacy akin to Northern Chinese reviving Yan or Qi. The Southern Chinese that inhabit the former lands of the Yue derive their ethnic identity from northern migrants though former polities are still used as toponyms.
Not sure about the Han Dynasty rival, but the Chinese do believe, from my research, in a sense of cycles and precedents from their history, and use it as examples for future generations. It's mostly because Eurasians tend to have a long memory, history-wise.
In terms of a US collapse, it is possible. The world is slowly trying to wean itself off the US dollar as its global reserve currency, where China used the IMF SDR as a vehicle for its yuan to get started on that path for the last three years or so.
That said, China hasn't been risk-free. Their economy is showing signs of financial crisis and weakness. But the US also has the same signs.
To sum up, whoever ends up collapsing, will probably depend on whichever economy is fundamentally weaker.
Whoever does not collapse will inevitably "take over" the world in a sense. I'm still not sure which one is worse off.
Technically speaking, Trump isn't the one causing the collapse. Rather, in three-player hegemony theory that he is instinctively showing through his actions, he is trying to right the USA foreign policy direction by having the US and Russia realign to prevent China from dominating Eurasia.
For example, one implied reason why Trump destroyed the TPP trade deal is because if you read the TPP charters, they would actually allow Asian signatories get Chinese materials/resources and use them in the production of goods that would be shipped to the USA, a similar method that's being used by China to send materials via Mexico right now.
But for some odd reason, almost no one in the governing establishment (outside of, ironically, Trump) is seeing that China is rising into a power that can dominate Eurasia. And in complete shortsightedness, we are pushing around half of the Eurasian continent (Russia and China) to come together to oppose us. In strategic 3-player games, this is not how you do things.You either ally with one side, or, make sure the other two sides don't form a team against you.
>normal president
>Mike Pence is ridiculously more right-wing than Trump is in just about every single issue
Powers don't become a hegemon without a collapse of a previous power. A power will collapse, whether it's China or the US, that is the question. Both of their economic systems are have severe faults.
Sorry, I modified my post then had to do something else.
>How close is Russia and China at this point?
They are close. To the point that I am not sure if we can pry the Russians away from the Chinese anymore. UNLESS the Chinese did something horribly out-of-character: try to wade into Central Asian politics to the detriment of Russia before they have made sure that we (the US) are unable to engage in geopolitics anymore. That said, it's still to the Russians' interest to have a three-power game. If there is no counter-balance to the Chinese dominating Eurasia, they essentially Chinese puppets.
You might ask why the EU is not considered part of this game? While we have "allies" in the EU, they are very weak, secondary powers, that is disunited foreign policy wise as of now. Their military prowess would be useless in a conflict against the Chinese, for example. The EU lacks power projection. Their military budgets are shamelessly low, and they have to be. Most of their government spending is on their welfare states. If they don't fund their welfare programs, riots will happen in Europe (see Greece and France). They are a regional force only and cannot directly (militarily) affect geopolitics like us, the Russians, and the Chinese.
The tributary system has also been abused at times, to the point that it occasionally became an extortion racket by nomadic tribes around China.
That's quite a brilliant point. Never thought of that in that way before.
which one is which one
me on the left
>And in complete shortsightedness, we are pushing around half of the Eurasian continent (Russia and China) to come together to oppose us
It's not that it's shortsightedness, it's that the Democrats (Neocons are Democrats) are being paid by the Chinese to make this happen. The Chinese Communist Party was an immense donor to Hillary Clinton's election campaign, for example. Why would they ever bite the hand that feeds?
Given how easily and quickly Trump is countering China not only shows just how hilariously corrupt the Obama administration was but also just how shaky the Chinese and Russian geopolitical positions are. It's very telling that Trump has achieved victories by simply engaging in sane policies (Ousting government officials on the payroll of foreign governments, not overthrowing random Middle Eastern dictators at the behest of Israeli-Saudi Arabia-Turkey-Qatar, not letting other countries fuck yours over in trade, etc). Hell, the fact that Assad is still in power alone ingratiates Putin to Trump; Putin's a smart enough guy to know that if Russia loses oil imports into Europe then Russia is done for. As you said, he's well aware of the three power dynamic, he's not about to go and let the game just become China vs America.
>Rebelling province of Republic of China collapes
>A bad thing
>that will mean the complete and utter end of the modern globalized economic system.
You mean cheap electronics and rubber boots manufactured by political prisoners? And that manufacturing returning to aging Japan, Europe and North America? Or end of new colonization of Africa by said rebelling province?
Yeah, a really bad thing.
Globalization did indeed raise the living standards of the Western European for a decade or two, but now the opposite is happening and thus good riddens for the prison camp industry.
He drank too much of nationalistic proporganda. No doubt USA is in decline and China is on the rise, but the former is not terminal yet, and the latter's progress is on shaky ground (Muh 8%)
Actually the Han Dynasty did conquer Korea.
Dude, if electronics falls in China it's going straight to Africa, they picked china for low regulation and low wages, which both cause lower living standards.
China will never be a nation state. It's too big for it.
It will always be some sort of Imperial Government with a strong centre but with relatively semi-autonomous bits.
No they did not. They set up 4 commandaries in Old Joseon. Even then, commandaries were colonial administration that often lacked any influence outside its region and often conflicted with the central administration by increasing autonomy.
Technically not worth conquering, and yet all of those nations had multiple border conflicts that blew up into years long wars.
Ayy ignore my shit comment, I misread OP's "South Korea" as "Korea."
Ah alright senpai.
Does anyone have the greentext stories user posted based off of the Dynasty Warrior franchise? I got a good chuckle out of those