Let's not forget IOC is red right now ... Currently 35 million market cap will be 200 million market cap in Q4 get in guys.. this and Ark are the tickets to lambo world that we can drive up to our family for Christmas.
Let's not forget IOC is red right now...
This is facts ark and ioc equals lambo impress your parents at Xmas.
You right OP lucky for me I got 5000 ARK and 10000 IOC I'mma get a red lambo for Christmas.
I'mma get a yellow lambo.
All I want for Christmas is a lambo bruh then women will think I'm cool
Stoked!!! Good luck man. BTC vs BCH we planning for the future. Quarter four is gonna be great.
Bruh 5000 ark 10000 ioc you'll be able to buy two lambos...
what kinda pajeet shill thread is this
IOC I really do believe in the diamond.... Ark everyone seems to know about but IOC I got 3000 of them will pick up some more and I think great things are coming ... Definitely quarter four
What do you mean you can pink.wojak.when you miss.out cause you ain't got.no.ark or iocs
Holy shit I have a shit ton of ark and ioc ... I am going to get the light blue lambo.
Oh shit. I didn't even think about a light blue lambo. That's pretty dope.
Wtf is going on.
You fucking autistic fucks
This is whats happening. Pic related.
Otherwise this is some next level reverse-shill-accummulation going on
We love lambos ioc is straight to moon quarter four. I'mma get a orange lambo. We should all meet up and do street racing with Vinny d the founder of IOC
Did you hear about the ark.smart contracts... That plus Dion's holy shit my mommy will be so proud of.me IOC market cap only 35 million with 16 million coins holy fuck it's gonna be 20 dollars plus a coin and it's only 2 dollars right now.fuck thanks OP
Holy shit ioc market cap is only 35 million and.only 16 million coins this will be 20 dollars a coin by Xmas... It's only 2 dollars now wow thanks OP.
Wow I wish more coins we're for sale for ioc looks like mostly everyone is staking REEEEEEE
IOC gonna kick ARK's butt
Bruh there a order for like 7000 coins for sale what you smoking for ioc. Anything under two dollars is a steal.
Ioc and ark will both be the winners of 2017 quarter four