Who was the worst Roman Emperor, and why was it Commodus?
Who was the worst Roman Emperor, and why was it Commodus?
it was augustus for not ending the empire before it started
marcus aurelius because I fucking hate philosophy, think he's an idiot and why would an emperor write stupid philosophy in his diary like a teenage girl anyway? doesn't sound like a man to me sounds like he had too much free time and was bad at his job. also I've read meditations 3 times and got absolutely nothing out of it each time.
How many times have you seen that movie fuckin Roman history expert....
Strength and Honor.... Maximus
I have it in my car right now and haven't come around to read it. Should I just forego it?
Commodus isn't even bottom 5 honestly
>Valentinian III
>Alexios III
t. trajan aemulor
Elagabalus because he was everything wrong with Rome as well as being a faggot tranny to boot.
it's got some nice passages, but overall very whiny tone. it's not so much the work of an actual philosopher as it is the diary of a student of philosophy
>Valentinian I
>great emperor
>Valentinian II
>mediocre emperor
>Valentinian III
>terrible emperor
What did history mean by this?
Depends if you're a pleb or not.
Nah I jest. If a worldview that stresses being humble in the face of adversity and controlling your negative emotions through reason sounds interesting then you should read it. But if that's not edgy enough for you like you'll probably get nothing out of it.
sequels are usualy worse then the original.
Never heard of him, but if that statue is actually a likeness of him he looks like a right fruitcake.
I don't think that Commodus deserves the flak he usually gets. He was literally a tween put in a place of power. Surely, no one can blame him for being interested mostly in sex and sports, that's what tweens today are usually intetested in as long as they are not basement dwellers.
Commodus had some antics, killed some people, but those were just court scandals that barely affected average Romans, even average aristocrats. I guess that a typical Roman welcomed the news of Commodus' each new idea with a bemused "the fuck is this kid doing again?" and went back to his daily business.
If we are looking for some really shitty emperors whose personal deficiencies made life harder for everyone in the long run, then we should look for people like Antoninus Pius (whose inaction paved the way for wars during Aurelius' times), Alexander Severus (who fucked up relations with the army), Maximinus Trax (who basically showed that everyone can reach the crown and inspired dozens to do so).
this. Rome was a mistake.
>t. corrupt senate
>Valentinian III
>Alexios III
I'm a Roman history pleb, what did all these guys do that made them so awful
They got replaced by guys who had vested interest in creating black propaganda against their predecessors.
Go to bed Commodus.
Commodus was definitely the worst emperor from an internal standpoint, he just happened to live during a relatively stable period for Rome.
Honorius was bad, but he was bad because the empire, in the west, was in freefall at that point. He wasn't a crazy person.
Commodus' reign was the beginning of the end for the west, too.
Phocas is responsible for Islam and the loss of Egypt, Syria, and the Levant. He also fucked over the Persians in the same fell swoop.
That's Heraclid propaganda. Phocas held the Persians at bay. The Byzantine front collapsed only when the two Heracliuses launched their rebellion. Later, it was Heraclius' mismanagement of the war that led to the loss of Egypt and Syria and consequently to the rise of Islam.
in that case why do you hate him but like Hadrian?
they only needed one
Veeky Forums always goes on about emperors, but who was the best/worst senator?
Best: Marius Furius Camillus
Worst: both the Catos (everything wrong with the senate).
In spite of having immense political and military aptitude and maybe being the most capable person to hold the office of Emperor since Constantine, I hate Majorian the most because literally all he needed to do was not fucking die and everything would've been fine. Then he goes and dies.
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa for best
m8 honorius cared more about his pet chickens than he did his empire
that's commodus levels of emperor apathy
> He was literally a tween put in a place of power. Surely, no one can blame him for being interested mostly in sex and sports
t. Fatih Sultan Mehmet
>T. Commodus
What the fuck are you talking about
>bad emperor
Wanna know how I know you only watched Gladiator?
Try picking up a book sometime, OP