my ass
Lol superior to eurangutans my ass
Nice cathedral, which one is it?
Cathedral of Chartres, and there are dozens of other similarly magnificent French Gothic cathedrals, such as that of Rouen, pic related.
There are so many of them, I'm having a fucking orgasm oh my god!
My gooood so many and so fucking beautiful it's incredibleeee!
Mein gott!!!
"European" cathedral lmfao it's a FRENCH cathedral, the rest of Europe was a backwater shithole on par with the jungle men. Please do not claim French achievements as some general "European" achievement, its like Alabama claiming the achievements of NY
What the heeeeell
French are European
>Comparing a late calcolitic/early bronze age civilization to Renaissance europe
I like them desu
>Jew York
Are you sure?
The rest of Europe was backwater?
This is an English Gothic Cathedral
>12th and 13th century AD
Another English Gothic cathedral
Yeah man, its not like almost every single European nation built them or anything
>buildings maintained against buildings not maintained
Makes you think
Now some Italian medieval cathedral.
Yeah i know not as good as France or England (but you have to consider the nigger admixture)
Yeah I'm sure your stone circles looked as good as this when in full shape
>the nigger admixture
You lost all credibility right there
I think he was being sarcastic but like you I am autistic so who knows
That looks beautiful. By the way, why do you want the Incaboo to come here?
I didn't think it was possible to be implying so hard
Stupid Incucks didn't even use mortar, they literally just stacked stones on one another in a drywall. Even ancient Pakis 6000 years ago had mortar.
Some Spanish Gothic cathedrals
Prettyimpressive, and you have to consider that they managed this with heavy nigger admixture!
16th-17th century AD, does not count buddy
But you have medieval cathedrals such as this one that are pretty impressive
Another gothic cathedral from Siena
When were they built the cathedrals you posted? Hehehe
It's written in the image cuckoo
all the cathedrals I'm posting they were built or almost completed before the fall of the Incas, most were built centuries before their fall
Even this little guy was finished before the Inca started their "empire", and we're talking about Italians, the lesser breed of Europeans
That was built in the 16th century, and looks like garbage.
San Marco is much better than any of the spikeshit cathedrals made in france
I actually want you to confirm the dates though. Infographics sometimes don't tell the truth you know?
Also why do you shit on italians?
It was originally a Gothic cathedral that was altered, and then redone in its original Gothic style in the 17th. The irony is you didn't have the mental aptitude to check and see that it was originally designed by french architects in the 14th.
OP is posting buildings from the European "Dark Ages".
My ass, any French cathedral looks much better than your Arab mosque looking "cathedral"
Brunelleschi completed that enormous dome around 1436 or something, it's all documented, go and check yourself
This. France a shit.
>Implying I'm a sphaghettinigger
France a shit my ass
Care to describe the others cathedrals? The architects must have been pretty knowledgable.
Not that I disagree, but making something hyper-ornate doesn't necessarily make it look good. That's literally the nigger mentality.
Ugly just like French people
What am I?
Your mother?
Lick my ass beaner
It's actually called the eurangutan-nigger mentality.
I'm greek
Not OP but going to post some French Gothic I got saved.
This is all 12th-13th century.
Not all cathedrals in France are French. Those in Metz, Toul and Strassbourg have architecture which was native to the Holy Roman Empire.
It applies to all niggers everywhere
Gothic architecture isn't native to the Holy Roman Empire.
Yes I didn't post the mother of cathedrals because it would have been to easy, I posted less well known cathedrals just to show Beaners and Beanerboos just how many architectual marvels lie in Europe
Sad that all those shit will be destroyed by muslim scum
Too bad France is tearing down churches and cathedrals at an alarming rate
You'd be surprised. The vast majority of non-French people (including Europeans) never heard of the Sainte-Chapelle for example, or Mont Saint-Michel. For the Sainte-Chapelle that probably even applies to most French people nowadays.
It's not shit.
Good point.
One church a year when you have tens of thousands of them isn't an alarming rate.
Why did you create this Thread?
No one gives a shit.
go to /pol/ if you want to prove that muh white people are better than everyone else.
Will be shit soon
Some English Gothic
No it isn't. They're still Gothic, just in a Rhine variant of it (which is why they look kind of bad).
>it's another """"white"""" american posts examples of what people with a similar skin tone to him built hundreds of years ago and denounces things made by those darker than him thread
Apparently many give more than one shit seeing all the replies
Also it's something new, dedicated to posting beautiful medieval and early renaissance EVROPEAN architecture, something that you don't see everyday here on Veeky Forums, considering there's like 1 or 2 anti negro thread on Veeky Forums with nothing interesting going on except for the same arguments and pictures, I've decided to use a bait, a useful "bait" to lure in more viewers and posters, now shoo shoo to your "humanity" thread about depression or your "were romans white" thread
Incas were superior to europeans though.
Superior my ass
On what way? making sacrifices?
Can eurangutans write what they actually try to explain?
Try again, monkey.
>only use an altar
>don't even have wicker men
>12th century
>14th century
>16th century
gg no re
Inkas were BTFO before they were a thing
There's a debate whether Romans were Europeans
American wewuzian circles don't count.
Among who?
Every country had its own Gothic styles.
For example, a comparison between the cathedral of Brussels and Tours.
First picture is the cathedral of Tours, which has a prominent main entrance and a smaller tower added to the towers on the both sides.
There's a debate whether Egyptians were Martians
just how fucking insecure you have to be to make this kind of thread
The cathedral of Brussels has the same characteristics.
The average French cathedral has three entrances which are similar in side and doesn't have those additional towers.
Because Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Get over it monkey.
superior in being inferior?
what do you mean?
Inferior in being inferior.
Fine, as long as you understand you just said "every country had its own French styles".
>comparing a building that was expanded and kept in shape over time with a building that got abandoned
>it originated in france so it's inherently french forever
sorry, but no
Köln's cathedral, building started in 1248 and was finished in 1880 (although there was a long pause inbetween)
>Kill all Incans, destroy all their temples only leaving some groundstructures in ruins
Fucking whiteys.
Also pic related, how Mesoamerica looked like before it got "culturally enriched" by whiteys and their middle eastern penis-cult religion.
I'll give you an example the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp started construction 1352 and was considered finished at 1521, but was already functional during the 1400, the reason for the slow construction was a sudden lack of budget in wich the construction of the towers was halted. The city of Antwerp later funded the construction of the one tower as a bellfort.
>Kill all the incas
That's why over 90% of the population of Peru and Cile is native?
"Gothic" is just a Renaissance slur for it.
In the Middle Ages it was literally known as "the French style".
And thats what it looked like around 1300.
The impressive large towers were added around 1880.
you do know brick gothic exists?