Give me your best maymays Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums YLYL
Democrats r da real racists
Cringing at your ironic post rn
>it's free real-estate
Well played OP
"free" real estate my ass bro. Most colonies were expensive as shit to keep up and barely paid for themselves. Only colonies that were really worth it were india and southeast asia.
>unprofitable colonies
top kek.
>US shielding Germany
If the French and English actually listened to the US we might've avoided a Second World War.
Just think... we could have been exploring the treasury of merit by now...
Damn right, the peace treaty after the first WW made WW2 hard to avoid.
Fuck the white male
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
Funniest post ITT
>that black dude with the shrimp
Every time, like shrimp isn't farmed in America.
Is it humorous or depressing?
Fuck off leftypol
this has gone too far
God exists and has a sense of humour
You gonna do this every thread baby?
really activates my almonds
He's right though. Africa should pay reparations to their former colonial masters.
>make bad investment that doesn't pan out and fail at parenting your children
>gibes me dat money kiddos I raised u now u gotta pay for me 2
Ok, boomer