Using the same dates as anno domini doesn't make it secular.
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Think of it of a rebranding if it bothers you this much.
But it's such pointless rebranding. If someone was bothered enough to change AD to CE simply for the sake of secularism, then why not pick a new date for the start of history.
0AD isn't considered by anyone to be the start of history and there's no reason to cause confusion by using a different dating system to the traditional one.
Because he current epoch is fine. It would be difficult to have everyone suddenly adjust to a new one, and Jesus is a significant enough figure, even from a secular standpoint.
But yes, I agree that it is pointless.
Southern europe, it's the same here. We use aC and dC (before Christ/after Christ). "Common era" stuff and derivates are only used by the most contrarian faggots bent to adopt anything that comes from the anglo-world without questioning as long as it's vaguely against their political enemies.
I personally think that we should use a system based on the birth year of Alexander the Great.
That calendar is used by almost every country in the world, including those with virtually no Christians. Calling it the "common era" is simply an accurate description, no matter who is saying it (including for Christians).
On the other hand, Jesus was not born on January 1, 1. So even for Christians, calling it "the year of our lord" is technically inaccurate.
So while it doesn't really matter since it's just a name, CE definitely makes more sense. And if it did matter (which people who object to it claim it does), then I would insist on it. But I don't insist. I'll use CE and you use whatever you want and we'll still understand each other just fine.
The Jews hate Christ.
I was full blown fedora athiest until this shit made me realise how sad those people are
Just fucking live with bc
But everyone was happy with that system
Why just change it for no reason, other than to be a contrarian faggot
> for no reason
I just told you the reasons...
> Calling it the "common era" is simply an accurate description
How? What makes this era "common" compared to the era that came before?
>aC and dC
I didn't know Aka Daka was popular in Italy.
Also you of all people should know that we should be using the Years from the Foundation of the Eternal City.
>What makes this era "common" compared to the era that came before?
Everyone uses the same calendar. Are you asking how it became that way? Mostly European colonialism, I think.
That doesn't answer the question, i'm not wondering why the calendar is commonly used, I'm wondering why some people thought that CE, as in "Common Era"/"Current Era" was more appropriate than AD. If the logic was a simple as "Well we live in that era now, so guess it's the common/current era!" Then that's fucking stupid, in a thousand years the time we live in now will not be seen as "common" or "current" for them. And what if humanity lasts for a million years? Will everything after year 0 still be seen as "common"/Current?
Yeah, it's indefensibly stupid.
I don't understand what you're trying to say. It doesn't mean "right now," it means the calendar we all use. "Common" is not a synonym for "current." There's no reason we can't use the same calendar indefinitely into the future, just like we retroactively use it indefinitely into the past.
You're indefensibly stupid.
I wonder if the Portuguese got this autistic when they started using Anno Domini instead of Anno Mundi
I use it now and again. The AD title is inherently unacceptable, because it assumes Jesus is the Lord. Which he isn't; without starting a religious debate, I'll just say that most people on this planet reject Abrahamic mythology.
Further, other countries use CE as the standard. For example, China.
Ultimately, the BCE/CE divide is the same as BC/AD. Nobody is denying that Jesus is relevant to the convention, but crying about BCE/CE is just evidence that you're butt-hurt
about our rejection of Christ.
Eventually a whole new dating system will be used, and this semantic disagreement will end. Perhaps when we found the first outer-space colony we can make a new dating system; the current era will become "BE" for Beyond Earth. Or you can just come up with something else, I don't care. Point is that it is inevitable that the BC/AD system will end, just as it is inevitable that Christianity will end, and ultimately there are bigger fish to fry.
Right? And why do we use AM and PM, what about those countries that don't speak Latin?
*does calculations*
a post that has reddit concentration of 100%!!!
Let it be known that this miracle was created in the year 2017 CE
His post is the reddit post, what with your *actions* and autistic ellipses?
>Posts like a redditor
>Calls someone else reddit
What did you mean by this?
Yeah but what makes 1 AD common and 1 BC before common?
It's the common system, presumably. Everyone is using this dating system, so it's common to us all. Further, we are all in this this era.
That's my assumption, anyway.
>Yeah but what makes 1 AD common and 1 BC before common?
The fact that the calendar we all use starts there. That's it.
I should have read the thread again before responding; what this guy said is clearer.
>It would be difficult to have everyone suddenly adjust to a new one
desu the French revolution should have succeeded if only to rationalize the "seven day week" meme. It's awful that we have to order our entire lives around a system made by christians and pagans for religious purposes. The asymmetry of the 7 day week makes it hard to set abstract goals, because its hard to measure progress of "28 days" whereas measuring it by decades gives you a easy figure to measure with.
revolutionary caledar when?
also the idea of decimal time is awesome as well. FUCK the 24 hour day desu
I'm from spen. Antes de Cristo and Después de Cristo. But I'm sure italians do something similar.
Then they should stop using it if they don't want it to be christian? Why don't they use their traditional eras?
There's no reason to cause confusion by denying the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Era Vulgaris was used in occultism since the 17th century to refer to the earthly reign of Satan. It's pure coincidence that the elite are shoving the English translation down everyone's throats now.
>Not using objective time units based off physics
10^43 Planck lengths (distance and time are unified by the speed of light) roughly corresponds to half a second, 10^45 Planck lengths corresponds to 53 seconds, and 10^47 Planck lengths to about an hour and a half.
This is the only good argument I have heard for this. Many cultures actually had their own calandar and some continue to use it in some way and Jewish calendar. Example with Chinese New Year. The same old argument basically referring to a form of ethnocentricism never convinced me. places in different parts of the world started history way before without ever having the knowledge of Jesus Christ for the longest time. See Indigenous Americans and East Asians.
I guess I can see how it's silly to refer to Christ's birth when talking about Ancient Chinese history as a starting point. Still, it's not very convincing to me.
That using BC still is retarded since we have already realize their was a minor miscalculation of the time Jesus was actually born by 3 years! So by all accounts BCE is at least less retarded if not more accurate to say, but then again, who really cares?
For starters, the era before the common era had the years going backwards so that's one difference.
After Christ seems stupid though. It's almost sounds like your saying after his death. Yes it can mean after his birth but still.
Underrated post.
Seriously, people also forget that BC/AD isn't even that old with nthe Christian centered world either.
There are many good reasons for BCE vs. BC but lack of religious tolerance is not one of them. Anno domini can simply be read as "the year of the lord." Not necessarily"our" Lord. There is no propensity to have to admit to Jesus as your lord in saying it. It's just some lord who was born at a certain time if you want.
The better reason is the fact the terms themselves describe an event inaccurately. Also the system is still not used in some places so it's not so universal
He's not a lord, though, spiritual or temporal. The only reason you use that term is because you think he's the son of god. So it's wrong.
Anyway, I am happy to justify it as being inaccurate. That's fine.
They aren't erroneous like BC is though it's off by 3 years of his actual birthday. Also it doesn't reference any figure in history as an assumed important figure for We can baseit off the first epoch, a more significant time in all of human history. When the agricultural evolution first started. That was about 10000 years ago so BE and AE . 12017 AE would be now.
>people don't even realize that the real way to measure time is in BP
Back to redd*t, fatty
He could be seen as "Aa lord" though is my point. Domini was used as a term for noblity in Rome remember? Whether you worship him, recognize his significance, or don't care, he could just be seen as some lord who was pretty famous in alot of areas.
But yeah, the reason I brought up is the best reason for me as I am a fan of historical accuracy.
What the fuck are you on about you nigger? 28 days is 4 weeks.
News flash: Not everything in nature works in a decimal system and making it into a decimal system does not make it any easier for us as in areas where hyper precision is not necessary systems based off of proportions and ratios in relation to the human body work just fine.
But he wasn't a lord. He literally died a commoner, and should be referred to as a commoner.
Again, as already indicated, the only reason you or anyone else refer to him as a lord is because you believe him to be the son of god. Something which most of the world totally rejects.
I always thought that, it's so meaningless.
>changing dates is how we will beat the reactionary meanies XDDD
the soviet calendar failed hard too, you know.
Christian population: 31% of world pop.
Muslim population: 23% of world pop.
Together: 54%, a clear majority.
Redd*t pig status: Butchered and salted
Muslim revere Jesus as a prophet but don't consider him to be the son of god.
Do Muslims refer to him as the Lord? No. The end.
Still, let's say they do. I'm not a Muslim and don't know what they commonly say. Point remains that he was a commoner in the temporal sense, and apparently billions of people reject the spiritual sense.
>2017 CE
>not 平成 29
Doesn't matter.
Ever heard of Emperor Norton? Only a soon-to-be-bacon swine would hate on him
It doesn't matter
An important prophet is good enough to earn the title of noblity imo. If he at least was popular enough to have such an impact whether you worship him, agree with his says, or not.
Why keep bringing worship into it was my original point.
Tbh, we can use Alexander the great as an arbitrary date like user said can since he was pretty well know by many civilizations.
It doesn't mean it implies worship or divinity. Just that the person had a pretty wide spread impact and was known as an important figure by many. The people who made the term obvious thought he was a god but you don't have to acknowledge it.
>christians are bother by this
There is no year 0
FUCK religion.
what does Veeky Forums think of this? They propose adding 10k years to our calendar (eg. 12017 would be the current year) using the approximate time humans started to advance into civilization as the reference.
it's just a symbolic matter of divorcing universal dating systems from particular religious myths
an easy way to think about it, what if western cultures were forced to use the
even though it is arbitrary and hold little relevance for us? Now you can relate.
But for our purposes, it's always better to talk about Chinese history on terms of the worldwide standard of the AD calender. It would be like using measurements from whatever age, i.e. leagues, stones, etc, rather than kilometers and kilograms. I won't get into the fact that American still use the English system, because I'm pretty sure everyone accepts that it's pretty dumb.
>using kilograms/pounds
Why don't they use more accurate kilograils (1 grail corresponding to approximate weight of the holy grail that our lord jesus drank with)
Does it matter? You claimed the majority of the world doesnt believe it when they clearly do. Jesus is called Isa and is the second most important prophet in Islam behind mohammad (PBUH).
were you expecting us to say 'because atheists are butthurt lmao!'
literally no one is bothered by this other than hardcore christians who frequent /pol/
>it's pointless
Then why make such a fuss about it?
>Jesus is called Isa and is the second most important prophet in Islam behind mohammad (PBUH).
He's still a prophet, not a 'lord'. The first thing a muslim does before anything else is to testify that there is only 1 lord. So you're wrong.
>typing (pbuh) so that you don't sound biased
you also have to put it after 'Isa' btw
Atheists are butthurt tho
*tips mitre*
Cuz it triggers the Christfags.
Really, that's it. Just that.
But more importantly, if you want a serious dating system, where the hell do you put year 0? The beginning of time keeps shifting with scientific discoveries (by several trillion years in the 70's), the Holocene era keeps changing every time we find a slightly older building (just shifted two millennia within the last five years, thanks to Gobekli Tepe). There's the Yucatan Impact of the K–T extinction event, but you don't really have an exact year for that, let alone an exact day. At best you have a time of year based on the pollens found.
You could use a more modern date that you can get down to the second, like when the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, but counting backwards to work out the adjustments to the Gregorian calendar gets confusing as fuck then.
Granted, even the whole BC/AD thing is flat out wrong - everyone knows Christ was not born at that division (well, outside of America) - but at least we all agree on the date we're fucking using.
Seriously, give me a viable alternative, where the time is still fixed by solar radials and the seasons fit the year. Even the Mayans gave up on that after 2012.
>rename the current era to specifically not mention christ even though it literally changes nothing as the starting point remains the birth of christ
>not butthurt
pick one and only one
friendly reminder to ignore all posts with reddit spacing
I had a professor who shared this similar sentiment so he forced all of us to write and say br and pr (before rome and after rome) around the date 476. but wait it gets more autistic, since someone more sjw then him point out that this was eurocentric he made separate before after dates more each continent. before after yuan for asia, before after berlin conference for africa and before after columbus for the americas.
>"christ was born in 1 AD"
>makes a thread because he's bothered by other people using CE
/pol/ is that way
I pick the second option: not butthurt
I'm not the one changing calendars and calling it a win. Stay mad heathen.
>/pol/ is this way
Are you retarded? Why would a christian even visit a board dedicated to celebrating the killing of our God's chosen tribe? Grow a backbone retard, not everything is /pol/.
>Ides of march
Granted, I don't know if we know the exact hour Julius was murdered, but I suppose you wouldn't have to, just the day.
Metric time still ain't gonna work with your plan though, as the sun travels its width slightly over a dozen times during the equinox, nevermind how you work four seasons into a metric year.
>d-deus vult!
>fuck atheists they took our calendar man
and thus the christian OP reared his ugly head
>Still not following the Spanish Era.
/pol/ is the defacto christian board though, christian generals are a common site every week
>they took our calendar
You obviously didn't since it still very much points to christ's birth. I'm laughing at you for thinking changing a couple of words changes the meaning or reduces the importance of christ. Pls tell me more about how enlightened and euphoric you feel when writing C.E on your exam paper, you sure showed them lmao.
Welp, so much for salvaging this.
you realize those pictures are parodies right
/pol/ is a zionist board, newfags. No one does more than /pol/ to raise anti-semitism awareness.
Pretty sure it's the de-facto progressive liberal board, with post-modernist tendencies.
They talk about liberals and liberalism 24/7.
so it took this thread 86 posts for you to finally LARP in this board
congratulations you've finally 'memed' without being banned
but now you must go back to /pol/
>being this upset over a satirical image
I guess some just hit too close to home.
Stop abusing this acronym, it really doesn't fit the context of what you're saying 90% of the time. Also trying to convince anyone that meaninglessly changing terms without changing the actual dates is a win fir secularism is retarded. Kys atheism+, you make the rest of us look bad.
>I just made this thread to laugh at you gaytheists lmao!
Point proven
Now let's let this thread die
it's stupid, just ignore it, fail people that use it, and don't purchase books from authors that adopt it
What's the reason
for you to be
typing like this
if I may ask
it's post formatting you ignorant twat
>p-pic related!
>le witty response xD
says the same user/OP who's still LARPing outside of /pol/
LARPing is more of a Veeky Forums thing, maybe /cgl/.
What's this got to do with /pol/?
I'm not OP you paranoid faggot, and stop bringing /pol/ into this topic. Christianity is the world's largest religion so it's obviously not politically incorrect. Get your facts straight, monkeyfucker.
i don't care about whether its revolutionary or not. I have no qualms against them but I feel differently on this matter
i'm not bad at math, but it gives me anxiety whenever i encounter it, which im sure many other brainlets experience. making the week ten days would ease my OCD at the thought of my life being dictated by unaesthetic numbers
did I trigger you? sorry christboo