Why aren't you arbitrage trading? Do you hate money?
Wow what a dumb fuck. Wait, I bet you bought Digibyte at 2000 SATs. Didn't you? You fucking loser.
Why aren't you arbitrage trading? Do you hate money?
Wow what a dumb fuck. Wait, I bet you bought Digibyte at 2000 SATs. Didn't you? You fucking loser.
Only worthwhile with a bot and of you have funds in multiple exchanges. Too much hassle tho
probably because it takes forever to transfer to another exchange, and by the time your coins arrive someone has already taken advantage of the arbitrage opportunity
there is a project working on this, i think its XRL? cant remember
Bro I made 2 ETH in about 90 minutes, I jack off in between confirmations.
Loser mindset, loser.
Only if you use garbage exchanges and Bitcoin, pro tip use ETH pairings, transfers are quite fast
Yes sometimes, you would be surprised how high the price differences can be on there.
Op how would I do this? Some advice for a n00b pls
yeah its fuckin huge. they've fixed it over the last few days so its alot quicker now
best exchange for catching people out for fat fingering their order too
Buddy, if I tell you what I am doing right now you're gonna beat me to it. I rarely find price differences this tasty.
Basically you go on coinmarketcap and look at the prices on different exchanges, then check the volume and buy orders on them, if you can sell high on one exchange and buy lower on another, it's all good.
Obviously the bigger the profit the less of a hassle it will feel like.
What two different exchanges do you use?
Do you use bots?
How much do you get scalped from fees?
I'd imagine you primarily use ED.
Tell me how ARBITRAGE trading isnt a SCAM
Plot twist you can't
Any exchanges that aren't scams/have no volume
It just depends on the price difference
And nah I am doing this manually, not like I have anything better to do rn (not depressed, just bored, and recovering from my alts dropping hard)
Fees are nothing unless you are constantly withdrawing from Liqui with some of their fucked up withdrawal costs
I mean have volume*
What exchanges OP? And right now I'm doing nothing because bagholding
Tnx for response. Also I doubt I will be a competition to you with my 1.5eth portfolio xD
what % profit are you making?
>Any exchanges that aren't scams/have no volume
I looked into it before and never saw a big enough difference to make a profit, can you be more specific please?
But what then? Are you supposed to hold onto the bags forever?
What do you consider "fast"?
I haven't tried ETH pairings but it would have to be WAYYY fucking quicker for you to be able to reliably make money arbitrage trading.
>it's an episode of "I did something once and I'm now an expert on it"
20-30 mins for deposits/withdrawals
I was buying DNT at 0.0005 ETH but selling it at another exchange for around 0.00059, I did this quite a few times before the buy orders dried up
Made some gains with OAX too
HitBTC and Binance
I would use Liqui but their deposits and withdrawals are fucking terrible
Stop fucking telling people moron.