this is honestly retarded, an hour to send money to someone else and you have to pay $3 to do it, in what world are normies going to adopt this? "hey guys try out my virtual e-shekels, it onyl takes 1 hour to give to each other and you only have to pay a small fee of $3 per transation!!! britlliant!!"
This is honestly retarded, an hour to send money to someone else and you have to pay $3 to do it...
faster than international bank transfers
less fees too
The jews charge $3 here in downunder land just to withdraw from an ATM not with your bank. Your point?
nigger i am talking about daily use, not between corporate entities. this shit is doomed and i honestly don't know what to say but anyone who is still buying into this shit is actually retarded. "That will be $6.97 including tax and transaction fees for this venti double-shot nigger-fuck cameltoe exprasso chai latti, and it will be ready in one hour when we have received 6 confirmations from the blockchain! Thanks and come again!"
sucks to live in nigger fuck land i guess, get a real bank or move to somewhere that wasn't literally made for criminals
altcoins with cheaper fees and faster transaction times exist btw, such as litecoin
not mad desu just think that anyone who believes this is an actually viable alternative to the systems we have in place and not just more typical tricks from good ol' shlomo is actually fucking daft and should check themselves into an institution.
You are clueless
You aren't thinking right. Bitcoin is the grandfather of all cryptocurrencies and for that reason will always hold its' value. It will be the digital gold. Something like IOTA that is quick and relatively stable will be the currency that's used day to day.
Nobody thinks this will replace fiat used in stores you FUCKING IDIOT.
Kill yourself.
I love how many responses this has gotten, I must have actually struck a nerve with you mongoloids to illicit such feedback, enjoy playing with ur good-goy e-shekels just like the shabbos goys you all are, dumb fuck niggers!!!
Then what's the fucking point you dumb fuck coon, to strictly fund illegal shit(lol), or to become an actually viable form of currency(which would require it to replace the other forms of viable currency, can you go into a fucking mcdonalds and pay in gold? no, and i'm not going to hear your dumb fuck nigger argument about how you can.) This shit is dumb as fuck and a huge ploy to keep all you mouth-breathing vitamin-d deficient autists pre-occupied while goldstein and jewsenberg flood our countries with sand niggers
Nobody fucking withdraws from an ATM that isn't their bank. Meanwhile with BTC there is no ATM that doesn't give you a shit rate and they vary wildly in what that shit rate is and don't tell you how shit it is.
hey niggers, you know what i've decided just now, i'm taking all my money out of this stupid fucking piece of shit dumb shit nigger fuck idea of a shit currency and putting it all in your moms pussy fuck you all and fuck satoshi whoever the fuck was on the clock at langley creating this garbage piece of shit
Lmao what is your problem?
my problem is that this shit has distracted all the people who should be on /pol/ right now worrying about what the fuck is going on with our fucking planet and our OBVIOUS ShILL of a president, but instead you guys are playing fucking good-goy penny slots it's incredulous really how fucking retarded it all is
He is 14 years old, let him calm down a bit.
yup, 14 with a more advanced lexicon than you, dumb-fuck nigger.
bitcoin wasn't originally designed to be this slow, and it could easily be fixed
the problem is a narcissistic reddit faggot who controls three main bitcoin discussion sites is being paid to stop this from being fixed so his (((blockstream))) handlers will be able to push their side chain payment system, essentially turning bitcon into a centralized system where they are the main authority and everyone pays them fees. not to mention the army of shills they bankrolled to FUD anyone in their way
you are right that bitcoin as it is not viable. you are wrong if you think it has to be this way
>Bitcoin is the grandfather of all cryptocurrencies and for that reason will always hold its' value.
That's not how technology and the economy work. New technology replaces old technology. Businesses that fail to compete against other businesses will be gone. Gold is real. It's not artificially limited like Bitcoin. There's no substitute for gold, but there are are many substitutes for Bitcoin. Bitcoins are just strings of ones and zeroes. There's nothing unique about Bitcoin. It's only good as a speculative commodity. As a digital currency, it falls far short of expectations.
so your'e telling me one reddit fag is keeping this whole thing from becoming a viable alternative? Okay, i'd like to tell you something, my dick is 2 feet long and made of solid gold
The only thing I like about bitcoin is that I can send 100k to my relatives in another country. And it cannot be "held for potential fraud" by banks. I've had checks be on hold for 1 week. If my family needs immediate medium to large sum of money then bitcoin is useful for that.
hold on dumbfuck, how about you define immediate for us, you send the 100k, it takes an hour to receive and then your relatives can in turn immediately cash out for all one hundred thousand dollars? Likely story retard, the reality is they're going to pay as much if not more in fees than they would if you just did it the fucking legal way
This, except I'd rather use Ethereum for faster confirmations and lower fees. Myetherwallet is more normal friendly than the various bitcoin options, too. Normies are highly susceptible to choice paralysis, so de facto centralisation on the user end is desirable.
yikes, so you're admitting that centralizing (and thus defeating the entire purpose of this project), is the only way to make this a viable alternative? Well fuck my ass, you are all a much more brainless group of cretins than i imagined
imagine if one person controlled the google, facebook and twitter of bitcoin.
if you control them of course you can fuck up shit. but it's not working very well. BTC is dropping and he hasn't been able to stop BCC yet despite censoring it everywhere. don't forget how many of the original bitcoin developers are (((blockstream))) turncoats now
don't put your money in bitcoin. but don't discard crypto as a whole for a flaw that was intentionally added after the fact as an early security measure to an issue that no longer exists. bitcoin could transfer just as fast as anything
shit argument, normies barely even check reddit anymore
Fourteen year olds shouldn't use so many bad words
omg top kek kappa xd what a siq burn omg gooooot eeeeeem send em to the burrrrn ward cuz his asss just got LIT UP :100: it's littttt!!!!! XD XD xd
normies aren't fully in bitcoin yet and he controls two sites that aren't reddit. disinfo is a powerful tool and plenty of people have become unwitting drones just by swallowing the blockstream bluepill
but you keep moving the goalposts. the issue you raised in your OP is not a real issue, it is one that already has quick and easy solutions just like the change that created it in thw first place. crypto can be used for day to day purchases. even bitcoin could be, just not until the civil war ends
if you think you can save the west and fix society from your somalian curling imageboard you are the most delusionnal nigger on this website, if you aren't rich you don't count for shit.
Plus /pol/ is a trash board, T_D shitstains destroyed it, today it's just an embarassing /b/ 2.0 talking about e-celebs and obvious baits where the average IQ is even worse than here.
Now go back at your angry roleplaying on internet while the left and the jews are tearing a second asshole to your tiki torch LARPers and let us make money in peace.
yeah ok bud, i'll check back on you NEETs in a couple years when you're all in lambo land
you dumb fuck nigger, no one uses this shit somalian curling imageboard for actual political discourse, we all use the mongolian basket weaving board. And that's besides the point, anyone who has been on these shit sites for long enough knows that once you scratch the surface of the community you end up finding a million other mediums to communicate with the like-minded people of the boards you visit, or has that not happened for you yet? No one's invited you to a discord/irc/slack/skype yet?
>and it will be ready in one hour when we have received 6 confirmations
Obv. you dont have any clue how blockchain works you stupid nigger
Okay whatever nigger, 3 or 6 confirmations it matters not, don't argue semantics with me you fucking kyke. It takes longer than anyone has time for
Later autist fags hope you enjoyed this verbal lambasting thru the internet and you take vitaliks cock out of your mouth to go get a fucking job or ffs at least produce some tangible business
back to work wagie, dont forget my fries
LMAO at you using the word "autists".
Just the way you type, with your juvenile idiotic edgy style clearly betrays that you are quite high on the Asperger's spectrum.
I feel bad for you. Do you even have any friends?
>No one's invited you to a discord/irc/slack/skype yet?
>implying I want to waste my time in some sterile circlejerks about niggers and kikes with other angry /pol/tards to hear and repeat the same shit over and over on internet while doing nothing constructive IRL (when they are just not "hiding their powerlevel" because they are too much coward to defend their beliefs)
Call me back when you stop being a bunch of slacktivists and are actually doing something serious in the real world (LARPing as the KKK or the SA does not count), in the meantime I prefer making money, working out, studying and gaining new skills, in short making something with my life.
No just mummy and daddy, I'm out cucks. Got work in the AM, shit sucks but at least I'm making $75/hr and not pissing around virtual rupees
But this is what segwit is supposed to solve... instant cheap transactions.
Face it, no ones ever invited you.... and if someone did you wouldn't make it halfway thru the vetting process, I'm not saying the groups you have to associate with have to be /pol/ minded but if you honestly think spending your time on this dumpster is time well spent, heh
Plenty of coins solve this goy
>New skills
Oh lord that's a mighty fine sense of humor you have there, you been applying all that sick TA ALPHA INVESTOR knowledge for ur MAD GAINZ???! Too bad you can't and there's literally nothing more to making money of this shit than gambling and following the shill bread crumb trail you useless faggot
What do you expect? That someone could revoke the payment @ 1 confirmation. You truely dont know how it works nigger cock lover
It's so fucking cringey that you would actually type out your little "perfect day in the life of a Veeky Forumstard" gestalt and follow it up with a Chris Evans gif that I just wanna cry myself to sleep and pray the planet implodes overnight, you probably buy your clothes at Walmart
I don't even? What? I'm not sure where I was ever implying that just get out of this thread I don't care for your opinion
>Face it, no ones ever invited you.... and if someone did you wouldn't make it halfway thru the vetting process
Yeah, I'm so sad to not be in your sekret club, I have struggle falling asleep at night after fucking my gf, I am thinking "damn, I feel so bad to not be part of a random internet chat group composed of austistic /pol/tards asking for personal informations to talk with them".
>if you honestly think spending your time on this dumpster is time well spent, heh
I do, I made already multiplied my initial investment by 10 in part thanks to Veeky Forums, this place is rich in infos if you complete with your own research and don't have a herd mindest, it's a good thermometer for the cryptomarket too.
>he doesn't even know what "skills" means
>he thinks playing with crypto isn't just a hobby and an extra
Lmao you pathetic beta faggot
I'm already in clinical clerkships , what about you ?
Anyway, good luck with your tiki torches and your /nsg/ threads faggot, no more time to laugh at you.
Yes, cry, that is the only thing you can do anyway.