What did ancient xenophobic cultures/civilisations like the Han Chinese or the Arabs think of the appearance of Europeans with blonde/red
hair and coloured eyes upon first contact? Were they seen as freaks or non human given how alien they looked compared to themselves?
What did ancient xenophobic cultures/civilisations like the Han Chinese or the Arabs think of the appearance of...
Not all euros are pasty albino monsters, japs mocked the size of their noses rather than their complexion.
Also their eye shape an extent.
But no, Japs liked white skin as with many Asian cultures due to the illusions of wealth proclaimed by the leisure class(noblity). Also gender norms.
I believe there are many accounts and stories written by Japanese authors and historians that described their feeling about strictly European features like hair and eyes lightness.
Same with Chinese. Literally just look up a book written by an Asian artist in the past about their encounter with Europeans.
Btw, why an albino for pic related?
do you have any recomendations on jap accounts on europeans? having difficulties finding any.
arab here.
you retard they were seen as beautifull.
plus arabs did have whites aming them. and they gave birth to albinos. and deying hair orange was super common. i thought my grndma was a redheadcuntill she told me its hanna dye.
my aunt is albino.
cross out arabs of the list.
they were racists yet they accepted all colors and features. racism was not meaning to ban people but it meant shitting on people of thier society.
an arab will find any reason to shit on you. if its not race then it would be your family tree. if not then money or looks or anything. when arabs want to shit on somebody they did it.
arabs were tribes in the arabian pininsula. they had many races and ethnicities in thier society but they shat on each other when they got salty. not meaning banishing.
most whites are black dark brown haired brown eyed humans. with white skin.
based on what i met.
because i thought they were blondes blue eyed based on tv.
no i know better.
and when i think white i think of a black haired brown eyed pasty boy and a light brown haired briwn eyed thot.
If you don't look like this, you're not white.
A lot of Arab lineages come from the north, the highest concentrations of the J haplogroup for instance lies in Chechnya. Many Arab people turn very pale after living in norther climates for a couple of generations.
Many fair haired peoples in the Middle East, remember Egyptians had fair hair.
Do you even know how the Chariot became a dominant weapon in China? Do you know how the forest dwelling peoples of the East obtained the knowledge of Horse Domestication?
> you deserve a bullet
We wasn't talking about albinos(though his pic related has one for some reason). Just strictly normal European characteristics like lightness in hair and eye color.
Any race can be albino or suffer from albinism. Hell, the word albino was first derived by a researcher looking at people who suffered from albinism in sub Saharan Africa.
there was this one story I read part of my this Japanese Author, i forgot the name. It was about his friendship with this white guy he met in post WWII Japan.
Perhaps any book where Japanese wrote about their encounters with the Dutch or Mathew Perry would have some descriptions about how they felt about their features. Ones on Mathew Perry should be easier to find.
All Arabs are literally poo in loo tier. And by that I mean you are the ugliest people on the planet. Injuns, asians, Mediterraneans, latinos, nordics, slavics, islanders, all of them are better looking than you.
Wait I forgot about abos. you are at least better looking than abos. But my point is your people shouldn't be hating on anyone for looks, because you are all ubermensch that look like complete fooking shit and are revolting.
What has this to do with the middle east?
Here's an 18th century Chinese portrait of an English sailor
op asked about China or Arabs.
looks about right
He* wasn't.by* a Japanese authorSorry about that.
>upon first contact
whew lad
You're implying the Han weren't aware? They had extended contact with the Tocharians since WAY before even the establishment of the Han dynasty. Strictly Indo-European people are a real thing since the Early Bronze Age. Beyond that, associated lineages date back to the goddamn Neolithic and further.
You really buy the NOI bullshit, don't you?
You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?
op is a black tranny, or just tranny.
Uncanny. It even looks like the Happy Merchant.
Tocharians lived on the absolute fringes of China and got Turk'd and Arab'd 1000 years before Western Europeans reached China.
It's safe to say most Chinese would seen nothing like Europeans before during the age of sail.
>Tocharians lived on the absolute fringes of China
google silk road
>japs mocked the size of their noses
>mexicans mock the size of argies' noses
>japs are mongoloids
>mexicans are at least part mongoloid if not fully
Argies finally proven white
I love my blonde hair and my blue eyes
i'm glad you're happy with yourself, user
Looks like your average brit.
>tfw the only race with majority having a unique eye and hair colour from the rest of the world
>tfw the one race that dominated the planet of brown-eyed black-haired people
why are we so special Veeky Forums?
>What did ancient xenophobic cultures
all of them
>think of the appearance of [people who are not them]
if they were near enough to have dealings with they thought them inferior weird and wrong
if not then a curiosity
Arabs are not xenophobic though? The Prophet was literally "Meet my black friend"-tier
>dark brown haired
>brown eyed
not even a racist but what's the fucking deal with abbos? they look neanderthal as fuck and sleep on roads, what gives?
Weren't the brown-eyed black-haired Iberians the first Europeans to rule over entire continents of brown-eyed black-haired people? Or does that not count?
Blacks are the only race with dark colored skin and hair texture though so that's pretty unique as well.
>inb4 black features are gross to me
Literally, just your opinion and irrelevant anyway. I'm talking about objectively unique features.
Aren't blacks also the only race that have lips like pic related? They're the only group that I've seen where it's so extremely common.
Most of Europe was and still is brown haired and brown eyed.
idk, I think some groups of Asians and Abbos may also have that feature. Are we assuming Abbos are their own race based on that picture you or that user posted, btw? I thought they were a mix of mongoloid and negroid or a transition of some kind.
I wasn't that user. I've heard abbos categorized as australoid, which is inclusive of some other groups like dravidians and some SEA groups I think? Looking at Abbos they're lips can range from thick to on the more thin side. The thing with blacks is that they almost always have big lips, whether male or female. Makes their women look a bit more feminine imo.
The nose length thing was big, but the Japs also mocked whites for being hairy af compared to them.
I haven't been able to find it again for a while, but I remember a Japanese anti-miscegenation poster that showed an Asian lady having a bearded baby
.t butthurt G*rmans
Weren't Jomon people and Ainu hairy though? If I recall correctly, there was always people with Jomon ancestry in the northeastern region of the mainland. Regardless, I would like to see that picture with the hairy baby for lols.
Mad shit skin lol
Love how this dude probably read
"Oh fugg dude was a monkey
>Big nose
"Oh fugg dude was also a bird"
>Smelly breath
"Oh fugg dude breathed fire"
>Long nails
"Oh fugg fugging claws"
>Large open eyes
"Oh shit a literal hawk"
Looks Jewish, probably is if Dutch, Portugese or English
and now they spend every minute of their identical existences drawing naked girls who look European
i love these old japanese depictions of europeans.
>hurrr poo skin durr
>Do you even know how the Chariot became a dominant weapon in China? Do you know how the forest dwelling peoples of the East obtained the knowledge of Horse Domestication?
Not by you and your WU WUZ racial horseshit of courses.
Horse domestication in East Asia probably first developed in the area equal to modern day Mongolia and inner Mongolia, and people here are nomads regardless their races, they're never your so-called "forest dwelling people" since these places basically have little to none forest.
As for Chariot in China, it probably was introduced from west, but the "west" here means Tarim Basin or Central Asia or Persia, not your imaginary snownigga land, and the popular of it has nothing to with your racial fantasy.