Justify why you're still in BTC when all its timely transactions will soon be controlled by an insufferable reddit...

Justify why you're still in BTC when all its timely transactions will soon be controlled by an insufferable reddit faggot mod and his (((blockstream))) backers.

Just try. You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:


Reddit is the most cucked website on the internet

>he cares about reddit

When BCC inevitably overtakes BCC there's gonna be the most incredible FOMO up to unseen heights.
Just remember kids don't but ATH's might want to get in before then.

Wow cool story OP. I am having chicken for dinner tonight.


did you know there is a staking coin that spits out 808.8% annual interest? 2.22% a day

how about another one that's 1000% a year? that's 2.74% a day

.....this is the kind of stuff you're missing out on when you pay attention to what (((they))) want you to pay attention to

go on...

Because people actually use BTC. Unlike BCH which is a Korean P&D which only has a tiny amount of transactions going back and forth between an autistic screeching faggot and a handful of his rich buddies who are mining completely empty blocks. Obvious BCH shitcoin is obvious.

nah too soon, I'll "let it slip" in a year or so


you think people dont know how to use google or something?

>did you know there is a staking coin that spits out 808.8% annual interest?
and it has a market cap of 500k usd and will probably be dead next year

sometimes, yes, I do think that people don't know how to use google or something

Im not. Buttcoin is to mainstream for me.

Ok cool thank, just bought 100k.

Why caring about mainstrealness?

If it grows, buy, if it lowers, sell.
Whatever the name / logo / color.

Anything something goes mainsteam normalfags ruin it. I rather bet on the runner up. Someone that can grow in bitcons shadow and take over when noone is looking. Like investing in Apple in the 90s when Microsoft has all the headlines.

>yfw litecoin
>yfw coblee had a plan all along

Sorry I thought it was a Chinese shitcoin created by Jihan. How do Koreans factor into this?

Because trading is like playing poker, except the house edge may be negative if the coin is not shit.

it's the same shit with r/btc, Jihan and Roger
it's just a bunch of autistic retards bitching about who gets bigger fees
I only want BTC to win because it's the path of least resistance, the minimal chance to rock the boat and damage investment opportunities

I surely do understand, but then, why not just sell?

I do understand too.
But aren't all the coins like this?

Whos good enough to know when the time to sell is? Unless you are the pumper your only option is luck. Rather just get in on the ground floor. Im looking at long term.

Dumped ALL bch and now sitting and HODLing BTC. Might have a quick buy of some more BTC while it's on sale over the next few days. Then not even going to check the markets for the next week or so as that'll just be a rollercoaster of bullshit. Enjoy, and see you on the other side.



What kind of chicken, baked or what?

Is staking really worth the bother?

as long as first world people are using bitcoin to buy drugs, it's not going anywhere

Pink wojak when this man wakes up in 1 week and figures he can't move his BTC anymore, nor change them on platforms because they don't change it anymore

>wakes up in 1 week and figures he can't move his BTC anymore
never ever

arent you a delusional shill..