What's the worst money/investing/business advice a normie has ever given you?

What's the worst money/investing/business advice a normie has ever given you?

>"Dude, you should sell weed."

when I was a wagecuck there was this guy who talked way too much. He told me about one of his million dollar ideas which was basically a floor mat that had conclusions written on it. The idea was that it could be used in a game where people "jump to conclusions". I have no idea how that game would work or be entertaining

go to school and look for a job. wagecuck 80 hours a week, buy a house on pump.

One thing I see on normiebook quite a lot is people posting stuff where saving money or trying to get money is discouraged, and 'living in the moment' is supposed to be better.
This is usually posted by people who have done nothing in life and live with their parents or a council house.
For some reason, people who post inspirational quotes are usually people you should not take advice from. Same thing applies to people telling you to live in the moment and spend all your money.

You should take your age and use that to determine the % of bonds in your retirement portfolio.

I'm 24. I'm not putting 24% of my retirement savings into bonds. What kind of horseshit is that?

A friend talked me out of buying btc late 2016 when it was $400 because it "had its day". We're not friends anymore.

antshares is a chinese scam
good thing i didnt listen

it would work as a form of fortune telling

This, I learned more about the economy and finance that I ever did in High School classes. Also the rush of it was fun, its was worth it all. Only ever had 5lbs or less at a time and all my close friends were in on it selling pack to all the normies....good times

being told to go to university, and being told not to mine btc in 2012 because it would cost too much in electricity

I fell for the electricity meme too :(

I saw a cap of someone saying $15 a BTC was too high

Suck 10k dicks for 1 dollar each to get easy 10k dollars
I learned that frim biz

>tfw Veeky Forums doesnt get it

Don't jump to conclusions

Eating a spoonful of peanut butter before bed will help you burn calories.

Anything about investing in property or investing in your own IRA/Super

Why the fuck would i put my own money into superannuation

I've heard so many Veeky Forums related pieces of shit advice from normies
A classic was 'if you want to lose weight just drink water with every meal'. Don't bother changing your diet, just drink water as well. Or the other classic 'just eat salad'. Even though the dressing has more calories than a big Mac.

Heard this on a timeshare presentation (walked out when we realised it was a timeshare presentation)
'People who vacation twice a year are less likely to die of heart disease so what would you rather do? Eat rabbit food for the rest of your life or go on holidays?'


I spend $20k on a house deposit when BTC was $60. Was talked out of it by "wise investors".

I spent $15k on collectible currency on advice of same wise relative when BTC was $400 a pop. Shit has barely grown 10% a year.

Who told you to eat dressing with salad dumbass? No wonder you're still fat.

what the fuck man

What are you talking about? I'm a Veeky Forumsizen m8, I've heard all sorts of bullshit normies say in regards to fitness and diet

"The money is not real user, therefore it's not worth anything!"

how do you hedge against downturns?

Probably this obscure investment element known as time.

>Why do you want to start a business?Just get a normal job.

Get another credit card to pay of debt.

After saying I want to go all in on a biz

>"You should stay at that job it has a nice pay."

doesn't get that even if it's a catastrophic failure I still got more out of life than staying at a shitty desk

Who would ever recommend this lmao

buy bitcoin

bonds mattered more before we went into ultra fiat mode in 2009