Why did humans evolve to cook meat? Isn't that a huge disadvantage?
Why did humans evolve to cook meat? Isn't that a huge disadvantage?
Is it?
>Kills germs
>Makes meat go a lot longer without getting bad
>Softens it
etc etc
Being omnivorous lets you kill and eat animals who graze off shit you can't eat, like cows and sheep, cooking meat gets rid of germs inside it.
Did we ever really evolve on a biological level to cook meat? I mean, humans can still eat raw meat, it's just somewhat more dangerous to do than eating cooked meat.
>Isn't that a huge disadvantage?
Yes user, because breaking shit down, so that your body doesn't have to use up nearly as much energy digesting it as it would have with raw meat is a such a terrible fucking thing, I wish we just ate berries and raw carcasses, so that we could stay dumb motherfuckers for the rest of eternity
what's with all the threads questioning the importance of agriculture, domestication of animals and cooking lately?
This is literally Veeky Forums.
Why do people have such a hard time grasping that history & humanities are about history and the humanities?
this is anthropology consider human breeds which do persist on raw flesh, namely mongols and inuits and weighing their pros/cons.
Having to do things to survive is indeed a disadvantage compared to surviving without doing those things.
Human A tolerates raw food.
Human B doesn't and therefore has to cook.
Both of them get lost in a forest. Which one is on an advantageous position?
>Humans tolerated rancid meat and parasites more than modern humans do
Also, human life isn't meant to be lived in a forest anymore, if we couldn't eat raw meat, which we can (retard), we wouldn't be much worse off as a species, retard.
Because you get mor nutrients from cooking
>cave man spend all day looking for food
>cave man find food and eat
>not very satisfying, hungry in two hours
>cave man gets food again
>cave man put meat on burny thing
>cave man like and is now full
>cave man all of a sudden don't need to hunt all day
>cave man now has extra time on his hands
>"hmm I wonder what happen if me attach stick to rock and bash tree
>"wow me cut tree down now I wonder what me should do with tree"
Calm your tits.
We don't tolerate raw meat as easily as you imply. In the same way as a clean kid will have less resistance as an adult when compared to a dirty kid, you won't tolerate raw meat as much as you could.
Of course being more tolerant to raw food is an advantage from an evolutive point of view.
Only good post
>being more tolerant to raw food is an advantage from an evolutive point of view.
Humans now have no need to eat raw food.
Humans were group animals long long before we started cooking shit. IIRC we even started cooking before we became Sapiens.
A human that got lost in the wood would be fucked since he couldn't pass on his gene. Serves being right for being an aspie loner.
>it's another "why didn't natural selection work the way my headcanon says it should have" thread by a genius le science Bachelors Degree
Proteins are very important for brain development. Note how dumber, poorer countries lack protein in their foods and make it up with carbs instead.
Why is every amateur evolutionist so bad at understanding that the point of evolution is that it doesn't always follow an optimal unidirectional path? Are you guys this Spencer-cucked that you can't understand the foundational text of biological evolution even though it's almost 200 years old?
something like this, yeah
Origin of species is a tough read desu
nice drawings tho fugggg xd
Darwinists are worse than Marxists with the whole dogmatically following an ideology that was built by other people misreading a 19th century book
The one who eats cooked food since he can process more calories thus has more energy to unfuck himself.
No, this really does belong on Veeky Forums. For example, no one has mentioned that we likely evolved less sharp teeth later where are teeth aren't as sharp as other carnivores and our immune system not as robust as a later consequence. Thus we had to cook mean to make it softer and safer.
Of course, why we evolved less sharp teeth is deeper scientific question
but perhaps related to why we evolved many of the inside we have. Being slower, weaker, having larger brains, opposable dumbs, etc.
>Tldr this thread belong on Veeky Forums especially if you want better answers.
I think our brains had something to do with it. I think as a consequence, we started losing more and more robust immunity unlike many animals who don't seem to get sick easily eating raw meet or food off the floor too.
As further consequence, we began to see raw meet as less palatable and spurn it in favor of cooked.
Is cooked meet more satiating than non cooked meet? I didn't realize that. Sauce?
Humans/animals don't incorporate proteins as they are found. To digest proteins, it is necessary to denaturate them. This means disrupting the tertiary/secondary structure, in simpler terms, it means breaking the fairly weak, but abundant chemical bonds that hold the folding patern (the tertiary and secondary structures) of a long chain of single amino acids bound together fairly strongly in covalent bonds. If the organism dosen't need to create/only has to create on demand, extra enzymes to assist the denaturization it saves the energy/resources needed to produce them.
Ahh that's true! Didn't think of that.Thanks.
Sage this thread though. It should be on Veeky Forums
I honestly prefer the occasional Veeky Forums-crossposting, to the constant /pol/ and /int/ shitflinging.
Anyway I just remembered hearing of a hypothesis about increased brain development due to hominids having access to phosphate-rich bone marrow after cooking which delivered the energy resources needed for the development of such a high brain to body size ratio, as seen in modern homos (bone marrow contains a lot of calcium phosphate, phosphate is used in universal energy exchangers, like ATP, CTP or the regulatory cGDP molecule). I can't remember how accurate the hypothesis was, though.
Bone marrow seems like such a particular food to require to evolve though
Especially how now it's not as prevalent in modern cuisine
>wow me cut tree down now I wonder what me should do with tree
I was enjoying this, please go on
It's not that we have to it's that we can
why did we leave the water? there's more of it. I DON'T GET IT. DOES EVOLUTION MEAN ADVANTAGEOUS TO FUTURE US OR PAST US?! I'M GONNA DIIIIIE!!!
Retarded logic
Cooking vs not cooking is totally different than other forms of competitive advantage
>totally different than other forms
>totally different
>other forms
i bite the hook that holds the bait
Where you'll get "that's now how evolution works" etc. etc.
Turns out cooking meat is quite a bit more advantageous than eating it raw though. Jerky that shit and you got food for months.
...and then we found all these other useful things we can do with our sacred cows.
But I'm sure you're that vegan faggot who comes on here every day and decries the evils of meat, and aren't actually against cooking it, when, ultimately, you're basically just advocating for the death of all farm animals over their enslavement. That's a issue, not a historical one. Stop it.
>But I'm sure you're that vegan faggot who comes
Are you a massive retard? Nowhere in this thread is anyone saying don't eat meat
Cooking makes food easier to digest. You put the work in, and not only does it preserve it (in the case of salting/smoking meat) but with stuff like fermenting vegetables you can introduce good shit into your body.
Plus cooked food tastes better. Once you get to a point where you have the free time/resources to cook, it doesn't make sense not to.
as well as reducing the chances of disease and parasites, cooking meat also breaks it down and your digestive system uses less calories, in terms of opportunity cost you are gaining energy from the wood you use to cook it
you can also cook a variety of plants that would otherwise be inedible due to poisons and the breaking down of indigestible substances like starch or substances that do not yield a net return in energy
after cooking food for 10000s of years we lost adaptations that helped us to eat raw meat, but then we didn't need them
There was a NPR story ran on this not long ago. The scientist explained it as a better way to conserve energy for my mentally complex tasks. By conserving digestive energy, humans could use that energy elsewhere unlike their previous counterparts eating plants and bark needing high amounts of energy to digest
Evolving preparation techniques is not a disadvantage. Expending more energy for a safer and more secure product, while still being able to eat raw meat under stress is an obvious evolutionary vector isn't it?
>not buying food
Kitchencuck spotted
I apologize. This looked a lot like one of "that guy's" threads, I just figured he was just a bit drunk when he posted it.
As you were - suffice to say, cooking is indeed advantageous.
>I think our brains had something to do with it.
Well, one of the more prominent archaeological studies suggest that we really started out as scavengers (as most primates are - that takes brains to get gud at), and started using stones to break open bones to get at the relatively sterile marrow inside, that larger carnivores would leave behind after a big kill, as evidenced by the tool work on such broken bones in that prehistoric era.
We were probably more innovative food finders than mighty hunters until much later, and fire maybe a large part of what allowed that change (though don't get me started on the BS that is the persistence hunting meme.)
>drinks your blood
Nothing personnel, mister