Australian Tax

Finally get a decent job and look at this shit, 34k in taxes and half of that is going to welfare. Australia is the least business friendly nation on earth surely. How much are you paying?

I'm on centrelink, thanks for the money

Thank you for your contribution

>muh businesses
>muh GDP
>muh economy
Daily reminder that most CEOs are diabolically evil and should be lined up against the wall.

>tfw bought into crypto with centrelink
>tfw at 60k aud just 2 months in
>tfw still on centrelink
Thanks mate!

>earn 1500€ monthly
>500 go to state

This is a midclass salary where I live.

Taxes in France are definitely high.
You spend you time paying tax or filling paperwork.

The best country in the world for the ratio life quality/taxes paid is probably Switzerland.

>"level of Australian Government gross debt, This year: $501 billion"
Fuck lol

Enjoy Muhammad's cock.

Lol you paid $1400 for the privilege of your government spending more than it earns.

I can't say its any better in burgerville, but if we were sent these sorts of forms during tax season there'd be riots every April 16th. What in the everloving fuck are you Aussies doing?