What time period/ location was comfiest? My vote goes to 50s US suburbia

What time period/ location was comfiest? My vote goes to 50s US suburbia.

Other urls found in this thread:


50s america
>everyone has mild lead poisoning. lead in the paint, lead in the gasoline, lead in the light bulb glass, etc
>3 recessions
>pesticides sprayed everywhere.
>air conditioning isn't common yet.
>tv sucks
>radio is still AM and are huge if not in a car.
>cars are unreliable shit heaps that will kill you in a low speed crash.
>constant fear of nuclear annhilation
>fear of communist spies or being accused of being a communist
>economy is highly regulated. phone monopoly. government sets the prices on bus tickets to air travel. hard to own gold.
>air travel sucks. it is expensive, slow, and noisy.

From what I understand it was actually a very stifling place.

present day Australia

Pre-historic times.

>My vote goes to 50s US suburbia.
>Russia just got the bomb and everybody is scared to death thinking Armageddon could happen at any moment
>mass hysteria sweeps country, everyone and their mother suspected of being Communist spies
>worst part is that there ARE many communist spies so you do have to be careful but you still have no clue who to trust cause you could have your career ruined if you say the wrong thing and get suspected of being a commie
>meanwhile middle class life is bound by extremely strict social codes
>dad is king of his castle, wife and parents have to obey him and are utterly at his mercy
>dad is himself bound by rigid social expectations for his behavior and can't act out of turn or he is ostracized and potentially loses job since being seen as a "god fearing family man" is an important aspect of man's public character
Nah man. You take for granted how nobody gives a shit how you behave. There was so much pressure to conform back then.

Sengoku Jidai Yamato

On the plus side, train travel is still /comfy/ as fuck

my vote goes to today.
thank god.

42,000 BC Eastern Europe

Belle Epoque, anywhere in europe but france
pic nearly related

>ywn experience the hyperborean golden age before the activation of the autism array

today, first world country

1860, English countryside

>>air travel sucks. it is expensive, slow, and noisy.
From all I've read on early American air travel, the service and experience of flying was far more comfortable and personal compared to today.

Antediluvian Babylonia.

The 90's/early 2000's
All the comfort and convenience of today, with none of the gay social media shit permeating every facet of pop culture.

This is actually true objectively, except for maybe the 1st century bc in Rome

United States 1999-2001 (Pre-9/11)

Germany 1938

1920's (before the depression) America

1943 Germany if you're Hitler

>50s US suburbia

1980's, 90's, till 2001

50s or 20s America

Also the single worst diet in human history

>expected to act like a decent human being

>Decent human being

>Don't question anything, read the wrong books, or do anything slightly out of the "ordinary" because being an American is about being bullied and controlled by the government and people around you

>Also if you fuck a non white guys come after you like it's The Shadow over Innsmouth or some shit


I don't care. Niggers and women still knew their proper stations back then.

Early 90s, and that's not even nostalgia speaking, the worst was most safe in the early 90s and technology was progressing faster than ever before and the economy was booming. It might have been the golden age of humanity

Air travel was far superior to today.

Yeah no.

Ok if you lived there yeah. But even Russians then had alot more freedom than today, since rival businesses ran the government and not a sole dictator.



20s was some of the most shallow decadent trash, and the 50s was basically group think, stay in line or we will crush you hard and remake you like everyone else.

Degenerate spotted

1991-2006. Social media is one of the worst things ever.

US living standards peaked in the early 1970s. Neoliberalism ruined it.

70s were the worst decade since the great depression

>present day Australia
Not listening to you mr Box jellyfish

This bait thread.

Was it the most aesthetic age?

The scale of the industrial revolution approached the modern yet it was all low-tech, at a level that could be understood at a glance, and they took pride in it all sculpting ornate facades even for mere pump houses and mills. The influx of wealth brought nouveau riche putting on the pretenses of the aristocracy and masses of near-destitute dickensian poor stuffed between the city's infrastructure trying to build a life for themselves, railroads carving their way through rows of brick houses with slate rooves. In a generation they went from regency overcoats and laces to acres of belching chimneys and industrial marvels with meticulously tended to gardens, greenhouses and parks springing up t compensate. Somewhere in the midst of all this a couple made their fortune, saw everything their world had to offer and enjoyed comfy victorian christmases with their children.

>tips top hat

The correct answer is late 80's and entirety of 90s Australia.
Or modern day Canberra.

>00s: Victorian
>10s: pretty victorian, big progressive movement, war for much of the old world
>20s: decadence and lavish lifestyles
>30s: depression in most senses of the word
>40s: war
>50s: stable but stagnant with conformity and paranoia
>60s: mass social upheaval and the height of the cold war
>70s: probably the most nondescript of all the decades past the 1910s, lots of tech changes
>80s: another decade of excess, cold war grows again
>90s: cold war ends, technology is growing faster than ever
>2000s: rise of world terrorism, birth of social media, economic downturn
>2010s: social media becomes dominant and technology takes over our lives, return of nationalism

Honestly out of all of those I would pick the 90s, it was stable but not in the conformist way of the 50s and had an insane amount of technological advancements.

It was the 50s where many fields were starting to get desegregated

Didn't Truman desegregate the armed forces in the 40s? And Brown v. Board was 53 right?

1900, Late Victorian/Early Edwardian England.
>upper middle class
>have private education
>old boys network
>comfy civil service job
>chances for foreign postings
>spacious town house
>working class people still knew their place
>weekend trips to Skegness
>child prostitution
>arsenic poisoning from the wallpaper

So basically shit?

wtf, this thread is the same as read the catalog

The 1990's. The future looked bright. There was optimism. Despite all the wars during the 90's there was a sense of being just a few years away from a technological marvel that would save everyone from everything.

>social outcast detected

Well done on picking out the hidden subtext.

>modern day Canberra.
lol good one mate


Holy shit. We are posting on Veeky Forums. Everyone here would have suffered immensly in the 50s.

People sperging here would have been the people ostracized in the 50s. The "normies" would have been Happy in the 50s. Posting on Veeky Forums indicates a strong contrarianism. That was the shit that made your live hell.

And good luck with a time were the negroes and women knew their place. White males also were subjected to hierachies treating them like shit. You basically came home beating your wife because the governenment and your boss treated you like a subhuman before.

Some people who wrote during that time seemed to have an exactly opposite view that the 1990s were a time of optimism and bright future.

One thing for sure is the 2010s are not a time of optimism and bright looking future.

The 20s are going to be bad. 2020-2030 will be a Time of National Populism with high international tensions.

>Posting on Veeky Forums indicates a strong contrarianism.
No, it indicates that you like japanese cartoons.

Literally none of my normie friends would Post here.

The Vocabulary and the oppinions held are way outside the normie Comfort zone.

I dunno, the true dehumanization of the masses began with the Industrial age.

People in power treated the population like numbers on a chart beforehand, yeah, but in the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution everything was fucked up. Pollution stained London's trees black, and hundreds of thousands of workers died of black lung and other terrible afflictions brought on by the poisonous fumes of industry.

Luxury while flying still exists, it's called first class

Stop being poor

And banning smoking on a plane is a good thing

Modern first class is basically just economy with a little more room and better food, overall it's pretty trash. Nothing luxurious about it, some of the Arab airlines are the only ones that offer real luxury and it costs you dozens to hundreds of thousands, it's not worth the price.
>banning smoking is good
Spoken like a true cuckold.

Rural Hungary, 1700-1945.

>mfw conservatives unironically think the 50s was traditional



My nigga

I don't understand this logic, 50s was precisely when desegregation started.

You mean Laotian cave paintings

>faggot who thinks black twitter is the height of comedy detected

Reign of Louis VX

Someone who wasn't around for the 90s detected. The 90s was the peak of PC and the gayest decade in history.

I thought the 70's was full of gangs in the big cities murdering everybody and there was also lot more drugs and liberalism.

>>air travel sucks

air travel used to be fucking awesome user. now its little more than a public bus in the sky with screaming kids, smelly and loud brown people, and other assorted plebs. And even hot stewardess are done away with

recreations like this, even when using authetnic itmes just lok so painfuly unreal. So cold. I never like seeing it, it's nice to see the objectcs but it just so...clean.

It's far worse than a public bus, because usually you're not forced to sit in a public bus for 10 hours which is what trans Atlantic flights often take.

>no legroom whatsoever unless you're a manlet or a kid
>some is fatass spilling his lard from his seat onto you and you feel like you're gonna suffocate every time he reaches for something
>the aisle is so narrow the stewardess has trouble pushing a full cart through it
>stewardesses used to be model-tier women back then, now it's fugly fat middle aged shitskins for 90% of western airlines
>kids playing and yelling nonstop, retards filming each other and taking selfies with phones everywhere
>toilet is as tiny as possible so they could cram more seats into a plane, might as well start handing people diapers at checkin
>meal quality is something between humanitarian aid for Somalia and dog food
All because airlines figured out packing as many people as possible into a single plane is the most profitable, so it's just a step above cattle wagons for kikes being shipped to Auschwitz. There's million things people can criticize about the 50s but air travel is not one of them.

Despite your American memes, European peasants didn't walk around with faces smeared with horse shit and their houses didn't look like pigstys. They were some of the most tidy people around, especially compared to the slobs who live today.


this brethern knows what is up.
t. knower

well said, sirrah.

I don't know what you're talking about. But that home there looks like no one lives in it.

I'm sorry if this offends you

t. fuck you

>giving birth to the boomers which are the generation that destroyed everything good about the west

>things weren't as great as they told us but at least the state and society sanctioned a racial underclass that i could treat like shit so I can feel better about myself!
holy shit, you /pol/cucks are the ultimate betas if not awful human beings in general.

Lol dumb americucks

Tee hee the 50s sucked, we still have milkshakes and racism today XD

>he fell for the '50s advertisements' memes

you would all make great housewives

now the REAL answer is late 19th/early 20th (but pre-WWI) Europe

> White males also were subjected to hierachies treating them like shit. You basically came home beating your wife because the governenment and your boss treated you like a subhuman before.

The resentment and mental derangement of posterior generations isn't only due to media brainwashing and consumerism. A lot of people grew up in fucked up houses during "le greatest times" which added to them later supporting contrarian movements. Add to that that if somebody raped a kid, or if a woman got beaten by his husband, etc all they could do is to shut up due to social stigma and disbelief, only fueling up resent and mental illness

Imagine the following:
>a male is born in USA 1950
>get penis mutilated because lol Kellogs
>bond with mother ruined
>dad beats the shit of mother in front of him
>sister raped
>get touched by your local priest
>be treatened to go to hell if you got an erection because lol Jesus
>must adhere to social norms whether you like or not
>no labor rights like today
>be exploited and treated like shit by your boss
>go into alcohol/depression
>can't talk because taboo
>raise a family in those conditions

That's what the dumb /pol/turds don't understand

if you assume you would have a shitload of money, today's the comfiest time in history

>>dad beats the shit of mother in front of him
>>sister raped
>>get touched by your local priest
>>be treatened to go to hell if you got an erection because lol Jesus
why do you believe every single person who grew up in the 50's experienced domestic violence?
the 50's wasn't exactly the best, but its retarded to go the other extreme and think all of it was some kinda medieval dark ages.
>must adhere to social norms whether you like or not
so like the same thing in all of human history, and even today? i dare you to find a decent job by going to interviews dressed like a freak

1904 Paris is the shit

Classic leftist tactic of rewriting the past.

In reality, people were much closer to each other, real wages were higher, and times were better.


Yeah because nothing is more Nazi than the people who smashed the Nazis less than a decade earlier. Idiot.

That image represents a /pol/turd

By the way,

Nordic bronze age, 1700–500 BC

wasn't there a market crash in late 80s australia?

>00s: Victorian
Victoria died in 1901. You mean "Edwardian"
>70s: probably the most nondescript of all the decades past the 1910s, lots of tech changes
wat. 1910s was WWI. I'm assuming you're american. Also, the 1970s was one of economic and social malaise and the oil shocks

that was the cultural meme at the time and perpetuated since, but most people saw none of that.

Because nobody is in the picture, retard. Imagine a family eating at that table if it bothers you too much.