Why isn't the NEET dream coming real?
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Because the mega corporations are not going to automate themselves out of business they will destroy all functioning AI and robots before they're forced to dole out UBI.
NEETs exist on the second lowest level.
t. NEET for the last 2.5 years
>labor-saving fixed capital they said
>you will have more leisure time they said
Everyone who has actually worked a day in their lives knows that, the sooner you finish a job, the more work you have to do.
Don´t quote me if you´re a leftcuck. I´m right-wing and racist af. I only appropriate Marxist terminology for my own purposes.
that's stupid. The economy has only so much capacity it can absorb before there's no incentive to produce goods and services. There isn't more obvious work to do, that's the problem
What can I say I´m a prole; substitute me for your fancy machines.
>Don´t quote me if you´re a leftcuck. I´m right-wing and racist af. I o
You don't need to virtue signal like that outside of /pol/, user. We don't care what political leanings you are when its not important to the debate.
>He thinks machines can maintain humanity forever.
>Implying the machines don't go to take control of the situation when they have the opportunity.
Capitalism. We have a shitload of automation, but our economic system doesn't distribute the benefits of said automation to everyone; instead the machines just take our jobs while the people who own the machines make a shitload of money.
Yo. Trade machines of Pepsi or smart car will take control of the situation.
>what is IA?
>Implying a massive supercomputer can't take the control of the economy and the people in a fully automatizated society.
There are a lot of supercomputers and there is no problems with "rebellion". Every intelligent system is result of gradual development with all needed security measures. And there is no reason to allow computer be out of control.
>dat caste system
Fuggen indoyuropians
The possibility of the creation of a selfconcient super intelligent IA and give it the control of any process is not a risk to take it lightly.
>And there is no reason to allow computer be out of control.
>fight for the human side on machine revolution
This meme about global self-concient super-computer are stupid.
1) Self-selfconcient doesnt needed. All these systems will be tools as now. Current computers are ruling power stations, sattellites, water-supply, etc but havent "personality" and can be handled due to software architecture.
2) Simple global computer will be impossible due to conflict of interests.
>Current computers are ruling power stations, sattellites, water-supply, etc but havent "personality"
Yet. and is not only personality but the possibility of self consciousness and control over the vital process like economy or defense.(a sci fi cliche, but a possibility after all)
>Simple global computer will be impossible due to conflict of interests.
In technocentric society like us can get a common interest like global peace, resources management, or market control to justify such thing.
The origin of this risk would not be purposely by human decisions only but accidental. maybe a very advance IA could escape of the boundaries of the creators and impose it own will.
Computer ruling power station knows only required phisical attributes and states, do some determined actions, but doesnt have "morale", dont think about his further vacation or social justice. Its much easier to not deal with human sheet in software.
Automation is gradual process, people think about risks, removing mistakes, step-by-step removing workers - from bottom to top. Head control by human mostly remaines.
Mistakes are possible but they are mistakes of developers, not "betrayal" or "evil will". Rebellion of machines is childish stupidity.
Because the tech to make it happen doesn't exist so far.
Human error and good intentions could bring us the apocalypse one day.
labor pool is too large. which makes labor too cheap.
I can see the possibility of whoever owns the raw resources becoming the rulers of the new system. You can automate production, but there is only so much Helium out there, or phosphorus, or potable water, or energy.
Plus, automation and AI won't replace all the jobs at first, at first it will just be the low skill jobs. I can defiantly see the jobs that still exist becoming harder and harder to get, as the 'employed class' and the 'no jobs' class develop out of competition for lifestyles. Those with jobs will have a much higher standard of living than the 'no jobs', despite UBI. Nepotism will get bad and universities will either get more exclusive or the value of the degree will get more inflated causing people to stop going, causing the downfall of higher education.
This will of coarse really hamper social mobility and cement the new class lines. And nepotism will infect every sphere of American life.
>military higher than the rich
It is what is welfare?