What is the strongest animal a knight in full plate armor could take?
What is the strongest animal a knight in full plate armor could take?
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A muslim
Too bad crusaders didnt have full plate armors
Probably a polar or grizzly bear.
polar bears are unbelievably massive, he'd probably die to impact trauma
you could take on virtually anything if youre lucky, probably a bear. Bears rely on their claws to tear you open, you can get a dagger into his brain while he claws at your armor. Wouldnt fuck with things that would attempt to crush you like large herbivores, the armor will actually make that situation worse by crushing you within your own armor and making you too slow to dodge or avoid those types of attacks.
was medieval plate armour this shiny?
Anything with strong enough jaws to pick up a human and toss it around is going to win. I suppose a man in full plate could easily take a boar or a wolf.
>Anything with strong enough jaws to pick up a human and toss it around is going to win.
you mean like a t-rex?
a giraffe
he would slice its legs and then decapitate it
fucking animals
sorry for the gay ass photo
Maybe, but I think all that padding would shelter from the worst of the hits; plus, fully armored knights were much more agile than people give them credit for and could probably dodge a full-on charge. I think the biggest danger would be a concussion from a strike to the helmet.
Lions, tigers, bears.
Giraffes are vicious. Those hooves are razor sharp, probably not enough to pierce plate mail but they fuck up hunters all the time. That's why the bushmen throw poison spears at them and just follow it until it dies rather than try and fight them straight up.
they would crush their teeth by biting into metal
A tiger is strong enough to snap your neck with a paw swipe.
You do know there's a reason you shouldn't hide food in your car or cabin, right?
Bears can tear off metal pretty easily. They fuck ip cars well enough. Plus they're heavy. A knight wouldn't stand a chance
a wild boar
i dont think tigers attack with necksnapping swipes
Not these guys.
>ITT: Anons who dont understand how vicious animals can be
Have you guys heard that tape of that lady getting fucked up by a monkey?
Did you know that hippos just fuck people up for no reason?
Crocs can climb trees too!
Humans only got this far because we are the smartest animal.
All they have to do is get a grip. When a dog kills a cat, for example, it doesn't bite holes into the cat's neck, it just holds on.
if it wants to hold human strong enough to lift him up the animal is definitly gonna damage its teeth
It depends on his weaponry, if something like a halberd, large two-handers or pollaxe, probably up to big bear. If only a sword, probably some big felidae.
were Knights not required to keep their armor clean? Soldiers are expected to keep their uniform and weapons cleans.
Yes, but only among the most wealthiest of the aristocracy.
We take polishing for granted in the modern age, but back then it was INCREDIBLY labor intensive and therefore the highest standard of decorative accent available potentially costing as much as the armor itself.
I feel like rhinos, elephants, hippos and maybe polar bears are the only land animals that a Knight in plate armor couldn't take
Forget the armor. Give me a spear and a dagger and I will kill any land based animals that isn't a elephant/hippo.
Zangief wrestled bears bare-chested, so I'm p. sure a knight could take them out no problem.
Yeah but they would never go back "factory new" status by cleaning it with cloth after a battle
Bengal Tigers average ~500lb. They can easily carry another prey that weigh more than them for miles at a time.
Tiger swipe is actually pretty strong and they use that often when fighting against themselves. The raw muscle from their body gives them tremendous strength. Tigers can swim or climb up trees.
i guess we need a colosseum to find out
>Polar Bear
Heck, maybe even leopard can rape you shitless.
Ever had a common housecat scratch you with its paws? You can bleed quite hard with just a small scratch. Now imagine those nails/paws except 10x more muscle behind and 10x larger nails.
They can absolutely destroy you if they land a scratch on you.
>tfw it's somehow unethical to give death row inmates the opportunity to fight each other to the death in an arena tournament for an instant release w/parole
Shit like this would get you branded a routier.
fighting humans against one another is inhumane, I'm for them fighting great ravenous beasts instead
IMO, death row inmates lost their chance. Being inhumane to them shouldnt be a big deal, they did something awful to be put on death row after all.
Seeing a bunch of inmates planning out an attack on a rabid rhino or something would be sick though
>what if they're innocent?
this fake arena is optional
problem with that is that most large animals capable of putting up an entertaining fight are endangered
even if you survived a polar bears paw strikes its unlikely you'd be in any position to do anything with it weight and size bearing down on you.You would essentially be immobile tin can.
Polar bears are incredibly fast you couldn't outrun one or "dodge" one it would just grab you with its sheer reach and size.
pic related to scale...
>implying anyone will care when society gets to the point where gladiator battles are allowed
>implying we wint figure out cloning eventually
I'd like to take this moment to complain about something that grinds my gears
>cheetahs are critically endangered
>it's illegal to own them as pets
>because shelter space is limited, it's common for cheetah cubs to have to be euthanized because there simply isn't enough room for them
>because people want pet cheetahs, cubs are stolen from the wild, contributing to the destruction of the few remaining native populations
>all of these problems could be solved by legalizing the sale of cheetahs as domestic animals and permitting people to breed them for sale
>nobody does it because fuck you, that's why
if you get lucky with a knife while theyre mauling you, you could win with some broken bones and no lethal punctures. A guy with no armor killed a bear with his arm, a guy in plate with a knife vould make something happen in the grapple. He could just as easily get fucked up before getting that killing blow, or miss and get the knife stuck inside a nonlethal area, or the knife gets dropped, its possible to kill all three if youre fast and decisive.
a man with a plan can make anything happen. idk, maybe if you curl up and pretend to be a faggot, and then he comes up to you all curious and you quickly grab a hold of his head and stab him in the brain, hope to god you dont miss or he does to you what small children do to silverware.
>i dont think tigers attack with necksnapping swipes
That's actually their default X attack.
Because that would be literally the opposite of justice.
You just KNOW
No. It's because it's fucking dangerous to have cheetahs as pets. Considering a grown cheetah can kill people, and close to none of the people who want a pet cheetah know how to raise one.
>All those retards who think animals have human intelligence and will bash repeatably knight in full armour hoping that blunt trauma will do a job
Knight would be pretty safe from all predators.
>needing armour
Predators are natural cowards because if they get injured they can't hunt and will die. A predator picks his prey wisely and an armoured knight with a spear will be immediately recognised as not a good prey.
I don't even know if the animal would recognize him as a food item, it would smell him, but the animal would sooner think he's water or something on account off the gleaming metal
There's also the simple fact that nobles hunted bears, boars, and everything else they could find constantly.
Fuck, the Romans drove an entire species of lion to extinction. Animals below the size of a grizzly bear have serious trouble dealing with an aware man armed with a fucking spear. Add in armor and it's just not a contest.
...I seriously doubt any mammal would somehow think he is water.
In particular because they didn't hunt alone. They had horsemen, dogs, etc. with them.
Generally yes, but not always.
We have a woodcut of a man in armor with a dagger wrestling a bear alone.
Greeks in the medieval period were fond of hurling maces at various animals from horseback.
And then there are gladiators, who killed everything under the sun on a fairly regular basis.
These threads are typically full of people who've never been outside or dealt much with animals. Same shit you get with "how do you defend against a dog" on /k/.
Then you just end up with vicious trained killers going free
Anything. Literal fucking cavemen took out prehistoric megafauna with sticks and fire. Drove them into extinction. Humans are really good at killing things.
They're smarter than you give them credit for.
They'd probably be wary of the weird metal animal in front of them but they'd be able to smell you.
More than likely a hungry bear would just crush the knights helmet and skull with one swipe and tear you apart limb from limb.
Wild dog or wolf is probably the largest predator an armoured knight could reasonable take down in one on one combat and even then they travel in packs to make up for the lack of individual strength.
>graph is time since aboriginal arrival
Lrn 2 firestick farming
Megalania weren't anything to fuck with though
It would incentivize harsher sentences so more people get railroaded into fighting in the arena. It would be like the NFL or NBA on steroids. So much money at stake would corrupt the wheels of justice.
Any experienced hunters here? What makes you think the knight wouldn´t pick the predator apart? With each advance the predator would be poked in the face, eyes, body with a spear. After some time it would get frustrated or injured and turn his back, leaving him open to lethal blows.
A wild boar that weighs 300 lbs regularly killed trained men with spears all the time. Even when you strike a mortal blow, some animals go into crazed bloodlust mode that will let them ignore it and tear your ass apart before dying of their wounds. Even with armor, they can roflstomp you and break your back or your neck with just kinetic energy.
>Wild dog or wolf is probably the largest predator an armoured knight could reasonable take down in one on one combat and even then they travel in packs to make up for the lack of individual strength.
I hope you are not serious...
This is true. However, that didn't keep people from doing it - so although it was dangerous the chances were in favour of the man. I remember having read that one of the late medieval Kings of Portugal said that the board hunt was the best practice for serious combat (rather than the tournament).
Ah fuck it, I will explain either way.
>Cochrane was employed in trapping animals when a large pack of timber wolves attacked him. When searchers arrived at the horrific scene they found the bones of Cochrane's remains, a rifle with a broken buttstock, and the bones of eleven huge timber wolves. Seven of the wolves had been shot and four had been clubbed to death by Cochrane's rifle buttstock.
You don't need fucking armour and 1vs1 situation to kill a God damn wolf.
Also, check Hugh Glass.
Hellenes felt the same way. See Xenophon's Kynegetikos. He says hunting will prepare you for war, and describes boar hunting as a dangerous battle.
He gives a lot of advice about how to fight the boar with a spear, and how to avoid being gored.
animals are stupid. you can do lots of things if you just confuse them a little.
>mfw this post
Oh my
A crocodrile.
A thread on /pol/ mentions some guy fighting a grizzly barehanded and coming out alive.
A thread on /pol/ mentions a guy fighting a grizzly.
>More than likely a hungry bear would just crush the knights helmet and skull with one swipe
This. They're also a lot stronger than they look. There's a video of I think a lion trying to pounce onto a charging giraffe, and the giraffe just knees it in the throat and stomps all over it without breaking stride.
I think he's water.
Skinwalkers get out.
By whom? They weren't soldiers. At best, they would just need to keep their colours/arms clean and visible.
I believe in you user.
World star
they also got killed by animals and hunted in groups.
seriously, your chances of beating a bear or an elephant are really fucking low.
Polar bears specifically kill their prey by pommeling them with their front legs with the whole weight of their body, mate.
The knight doesn't stand a chance.
khabib nurmagomedov, too
Knights can kill dragons you fucking retards.
It was usually blackish/blue, armour polished to a mirrors sheen wasn't most likely worn in combat.
Roman soldiers could take on Lions and Bears. Several in a row sometimes.
makes sense, a short sword is the perfect weapon for killing a large carnivore, like a dagger but with deeper penetration, plus the shield. I bet the animal would jump on the shield and allow for a counterattack, theyre not exactly super intelligent and they dont think like humans do as far as going for instant kills like brain stabs or a gladius right into the chest or stomach. Humans have vision, they can create a plan and overcome insane obstacles. As long as your plan is better than the animal's plan, and you take into account the animal's instinctual behavior, you can set up the circumstances where your disadvantages are mitigated and your strengths are amplified.
Humans could scare away predators with a few spears, then theyd follow the wounded animal until it collapsed from exhaustion and blood loss, using their psychology and instincts against them almost makes it unfair. If you understand what makes an animal tick, you know how to exploit it.
So while an untrained knight with no plan would get fucked up, a trained knight or legionary with a plan has the potential to accomplish virtually anything with some luck and good tactics.
Second half of the video. Somehow it tries to kill the walrus in typical predator way. Somehow it doesn't surprise me.
I'm not the most informed on medieval hunting but i doubt they wore full plate on hunts.
they didnt. People hunted with a bow or spear, and they used dogs or other people to help them if they were about to start losing. So basically the people and dogs would circle around the pig, it would be scared shitless and at this point the king or whoever would step forward with a spear and attempt to defeat it. If the boar got the advantage and the king or noble needed help, theyd release the dogs or the other ken would rush in. They would preoccupy the boar while the hunter either got away or finished the boar. Sometimes the boar killed the guy before the help could save him, sometimes the guy wouldnt need help at all, but nobody hunted alone, not as a norm anyway. Humans need numbers to hunt, its how we have hunted for our entire existence. We're extremely vulnerable alone, even the presence of other people on a hunt gives a psychological advantage since the boar is way more scared of a group of humans with dogs than he would be of a single man, even if only one man comes forth from that group to actually fight . Humans hunted by dominating psychologically, we get them to run when they should fight, we know their minds and plan with their instinctual actions already accounted for. Even housecats can make a grizzly bear run away by mindfucking its risk-reward instinct.
This they can kill fucking dragons, anyone limiting them to lions is a fucking mong.
>A Muslim
History showed the opposite of this though.
10/10 would pet dog
the armors would just scare the fucker, people here are forgetting that a blade well placed can easily kill any beast, almost every animal was hunted and can be hunted by a single man with an spear or a long sword...
Most Apex´s would be scared as fuck to approach a fucking knight, and would only attack if provoked.
One good stab in the jaw the animal cannot bite any longer, one good pierce in the back the animal cannot move any longer...
An one on one, would be risky, animals are unpredictable, but with a small group we can kill or capture almost any animal.
it does not matter how strong the animal is, muscles are nothing against Iron.
Bears are unbelievably big and strong, and their hide is very tough. A man in full plate would be hard-pressed to survive a fight with one.
>logistics are the same as combat prowess and armament
yeah, hardpressed, so like a bear is where he'd have difficulty and he couldn't take on anything stronger.
barring aquatic creatures (the knight would just fight them on land)
the elephant, rhino, hippo, are the only mammals strong enough to break plate armor
The silverback Gorilla, Lion, Tiger, Grizzly bear, and the horse are enough to cause significant damage via concussive blows.
Beneath them I don't think the knight in plate could be stopped.
If he had some really high quality plate and was good at fighting animals (presuming he'd have a slew of weapons on hand) he could take them all theoretically. I don't think there is an animal that is an absolute impossibility.