Why did women fall for the career meme?

Why did women fall for the career meme?

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>le ''traditional'' wife
>its a 20th century meme

Money and autonomy, same reason men fell for it

Because women are people and can find fulfillment outside the home?

>can find fulfillment outside the home

Oops, forgot
>pick one

99% of history, most women had to work. though usually on the farm, the family shop, or minor stuff in the house. though many times spinsters, young unmarried women, widows, and the very poor worked "womens work" jobs in town.

industrial revolution happens and productivity increases. allowing more women to be idle house wives and mothers full time.

europe tries to kill them selves twice. during those periods all the working age men were off fighting the war. women were allowed to do factory, transpiration, logistical ,and medical jobs to replace the men. after the wars the working women were expected to go back to the house so the men could work. a lot of the women didn't want to give up their jobs and the money they earned.

so many men died in the two world wars that labor became scarce. so more women in the workforce. though still just doing "womens' work".

Pax Americana and the post war miracle economy leads to more middle class families being able to send daughters off to college. instead of just trying to marry their daughter off to someone right away after high school.

birth control becomes effective, available, and affordable. women can now avoid having children and can stay at a job longer.

vietnam war and more young men sent to die instead of the labor force. more women put into the labor force to compensate.

2nd wave feminism hits. women are now convinced that they are being oppressed because society wants them at home to raise families.

more women in the work force and doing more jobs. labor pool effectively doubled. wages stagnate while currency inflates and the costs of living go up.

now the "middle class" is forced to have 2 income families to avoid being working poor. effectively putting them back to where they were a century ago. though this is "progress" because women now have more jobs available to them.

Men didn't fall for shit; you either worked or died. Women made a choice.

>supported by your husband watching your kids grow up
>Worker Drone #8348543

really made me reconsider

And why should women financially depend on their husband? Why can't they too contribute to the material well-being of the family?

This is a good post.

>no parent at home to raise the children/
>children are being raised by government schools
>younger generations are going to shit now

or if you want the cliffnotes version. just see what happened to urban blacks since the 70s when all the fathers were killed or sent to prison forever.

children need a 2 parent family and have one parent that can always be there to raise them.

>And why should women financially depend on their husband?

because then who is going to raise the kids? Is living in a studio apartments alone with nothing but cats as surrogate children as an unwed 35 year old really a fulfilling life?

>>no parent at home to raise the children/
Literally what is extended family.
>>children are being raised by government schools
So we should abolish schools so parents could homeschool them? Is that what you're saying?
>younger generations are going to shit now
People have been saying this for thousands of years.
>children need a 2 parent family
Nuclear family is a retarded boomer concept and i'm glad it's going to shit. Extended family all the way, as it should be.

Better than being a basement-dwelling NEET living off tendie-welfare like OP.

Because let's face it, OP made this thread because he can't get any quim and thinks the problem is women and not himself.

>because then who is going to raise the kids
their parents?
Why do you think it's all about work work work if both parents are employed, and that there's absolutely no time for kids?

extended family houses is more regression. you're asking your parents to give up their retirement to raise another generation of children. so the working age people can spend their entire lives working to house their parents and their children.

>Is living in a studio apartments alone with nothing but cats as surrogate children as an unwed 35 year old really a fulfilling life?
Yes, it is, and I don't even have cats.

Because there isn't?

>40+hr work weeks
>kids doing homework
>kids doing after school shit
>you gotta cook clean etc
>plus a million other things

Basically only leaves the weekends to do anything. Plus when they're young you gotta drop them off at the state run education centers -oops, daycare, and let them get enriched.

Excellent post.

Now to wait for the politically aligned to shit up the thread.

t. future suicide

So tl;dr women are retarded? No wonder ancient societies didn't allow them to make their own decisions

It's not their job raising them, their job is keeping an eye of them while the parents are away.
>so the working age people can spend their entire lives working to house their parents and their children.
Nothing wrong with that, families should support each other in every way.
There is. I know tons of parents who work and whose grandparents watch the kids while they're away. Or the kids are in school and they just pick them up once they return from work. Or the grandparents pick them up. And all of them have enough time for their kids, to do homework with them, to cook, and million other things.

I'm sorry you grew up in disfunctional family but that's the way it is in normal cases.

>state run education centers -oops, daycare, and let them get enriched.
This so scarily true, my mother works as an early childhood teacher and she says that the system is so fucked in the head, they dont treat children like...well children, they try to impose adult values on them and then make the teachers right insanely complex theories about the actions of the child, there is no point of reference or background of parent allowed, only the child. For example one kid has a habit of wetting the bed while in the afternoon nap, the parents were drunk druggies who leave their kids in daycare so low income families have free 18 hours of daycare everyweek, so they drop the kid off to go get high using the govt benefit.

So in his report the blame needs to be put on someone other than parents on why this poor 2 yo kid who gets yelled at by his drunk parents wets the bed and how the school can stop him from wetting the bed.


It's not the job of schools and daycares to fix child's issues that come from bad homes and bad parents. They can pinpoint the source of the problems and propose a viable solution but cannot do much else.

But of course it's easier to just scream at muh ebil daycare, muh evil state-run edumacation than fix your own shit at home.

>>no parent at home to raise the children/
Leave it for the /pol/ and /v/

It's not fucking rocket science OP, a lot of them still have the choice to marry a working man and be a traditional wife, they just value the sense of honor that hard work grants them. Why the fuck else? I'm going to you almost exactly what my single mother with a career in nursing tells me whenever she goes on one of her rants about the value of hard work.

>Why should I have had to depend on anyone else to feed me? They won't be around forever. If I expect a man to support me for the rest of my life what am I supposed to do if he beats me, or if he leaves? Sell myself on the street? Have ten other kids and collect money from the government? I went to school and I work for a living. Nobody can hold anything over me because I pay for everything I have. So what are you going to do when I die, user? You have to think about your future.

Your mom is right. Get a job

>all men are rapists and abusers

Best goy

Lel kill self, roastie

Why do so many people not understand the importance of financial freedom?

Besides, being a housewife shouldn't be held up as an excuse to be uneducated or not do anything with your life. Housewives can start businesses, or devote their time to creative efforts or other such financially lucrative hobbies. But anytime traditionalists bring up housewives, they act like these women should be mindless drones, which is the exact reason women abandoned the traditional home.


It's extremely easy to sell.

>hey ladies! Tired of having to ask your man for money?
>YOU can have money of your own! All you have to do is work like a man, and EVERYONE knows that's easy peasy!
>LOL men are such babbies, working 9 to 5 is WAY easier than housework, plus MONEY!
>Just think of all the stuff you'll be able to buy!

When did women not work?

There was a brief period in America in the Fifties where middle-class families could afford to allow the wife to not work. That ten year window of time is what you call 'traditional'.

>Housewives can start businesses
From what? Thin air?

It is unfortunate but that is how they roll, they have theories on the childs character and how they will turn out in the future, just nonsense bullshit like who will be a doctor and shit. Its pretty fucked up.

>they just value the sense of honor that hard work grants them

>you're wrong
>I have anecdotal evidence so that's why you're wrong
>I'm not going to post any sources to back up my claim to the contrary of your claim
>I'm going to round it all off with a sick ad hominem

jesus fucking christ

>mindless drones

What? I'm a traditionalist and I want a woman like a proper middle class girl from the 1800s- domestic but educated. I don't want a "drone". I want some girl who knows there's more to life than working, and can connect with me on things like the arts, traveling and history, who can play an instrument and speak a foreign language. I want her to get that me supporting her frees her to enjoy life and expand her mind; thus making her even more companionable. I do not want just a "drone", but don't let that stop your preconceived notions about anyone outside the liberal groupthink.

What you describe existed only in aristocratic upper classes where women lived like parasites in their ivory towers, completely unaware of anything that wasn't shoved into their head from an early age.

The rest, 99% of so-called "traditional" wives? Miserable, tired, abused, impoverished, uneducated, with no perspective and no future.

What do you mean by "career"? Working your way up the society and achieving something or just working?

Vast majority of women do not fall for the first one and throughout the history most of them weren't stay-at-home either.

Why would you prefer her to stay at home? The normal way you get a wive that manages to take care of domestic work, kids and on top of that makes money and you get a peace from her sometimes.

>I want some girl who...
Sounds like women from academia, not housewives. Housewives are shit tier from my experience,

Because they "marred" the state and corporations so they don't need no man no more. The state get to double its taxes, more than double even because lol progressive taxation. As for the companies, thy double the wagecucks, the consumer base, and halve the wages due to supply and demand. Having mommy out of home creates a bunch of new industries and makes older ones such as childcare, food service, and home making screw them in cost of living.
Tldr feminist are bourgeoisie little helper.

Yes, women hate homemaking, their one yearning desire is to make partner at Rosenstein and Shmielburg.

Also your adjevtive string described 99% of men in human history too.

Not a commie, but it was simply good for buisiness. Doubling the working power helped the capitalists tremendously. Of course, most workers in modern America help create unnecessary products and services.

>extended family
Most middle-class families live far alway from their extended families.

God i sure don't hope I end up more retarded than you

Single moms are cancer.

Yeah but they are grifted on the essentials (schools and daycare instead of maternal pair-bonding, frozen and fast food instead of home-cooked, etc) when the division of labor of the biological family where men did fiscal offense and women handled fiscal defense was undermined by the corporate-statists. Women don't even earn money for the hone after you consider the extra services, taxes and the overhead costs ( clothes,gas, commuting, depreciation, etc) of being a wage-slave.

They had no other choice back then. Now they have, and it's not being a homemaker.
>Also your adjevtive string described 99% of men in human history too.
And they were just the perfect match for the women, no?

Too bad for them then.

This photograph is now being its negative- women are priced out of staying at home because working women have been left to fester. Only the poors who save more than they can earn and the rich who earn more than they can save have a live-in mom for the home.

God damned those statists, forcing me to eat frozen pizza!

My bad, did you have an argument somewhere?

Good article for this thread


Did you?


I see no argument, only "the state wants to send me to school and make me eat frozen pizza".

have any better advice? She's right and you sound extremely butthurt about it

That's what they call a straw man. Please get your reading comprehension checked.


I am talking about the spelling you pretentious dick. Also there are no girls on the internet, so that guy needs to spell better.

Both of my parents had to work for my family to survive. It's completely necessary when you're poor as fuck.

>Tfw you actually learn something on Veeky Forums

I recently paid ten dollars for two years of this publication, It used to be so much better, I can remember well over a decade ago it was quite solid in quality, now I start to wonder if they get new authors straight from tumblr and the like.

Because being a housewife must be boring as fuck.

>Why should I have had to depend on anyone else to feed me? They won't be around forever. If I expect a man to support me for the rest of my life what am I supposed to do if he beats me, or if he leaves? Sell myself on the street? Have ten other kids and collect money from the government? I went to school and I work for a living. Nobody can hold anything over me because I pay for everything I have. So what are you going to do when I die, user? You have to think about your future.
>life is full of harsh and savage choices
>woe is me
Go fuck yourself, life is supposed to be complex and hard, survival of the fittest.

all these divorce kids ITT.

[citation needed]

Yeah so what's wrong with playing it safe and being self-reliant?

>I dont want a mindless drone, I just want someone who finantially depends entirely on me.

Yfw those are two distinct things

>Its their fault that the government and private businesses take advantage of there being more labour force
>Fucking women, for not considering in between them the economic consequences of their calculated plan to work

ITT "traditional families are shit because my parents worked and got divorced"

You just make tradcucks arguments even stronger FYI

They nakedly hustled these women into sacrificing the one paycheck home for shoes and makeup.

It's the kids from divorced parents pushing this tradition meme shit. I mean, no one else would be obsessed with it. They simply desire something they never had.

Didn't we have this thread before? There is an answer with multiple points that everyone pretty much agreed on. Literally just look in the Archive. It basically describes elimination of gender roles as a time dependent a process.

For one thing, the average women working is not nothing new. It's only well of women working that is new.
I don't feel like looking for it. DO it yourself.

You cant be self reliant past 40, trust me, I have seen my share of 'independent strong women' who have totally ruined their potential by being 'strong minded and self-sufficient' only to find themselves alone and drowning sorrows in wine or taking out their frustrations on family members who have decided to make the tough choices and prepared to sacrifice for others. As a woman they have the natural need to sacrifice to feel secure and that is always the way, go to work and work hard, but without a family women will wither and die, by the age of 60 you will be looking around for someone to care for you even if you are too headstrong to be bothered that will eventually erode with time and time is something most women dont have.

They thought they'd have a choice in which to pick. However, that turned out to be a delusion.

>"hey that a pretty good non biased summery of women's empowerment in America-

>jams in poltical opinions by the end

Every time

Working class women worked since the fucking dawn of time.

at family farms and mom and pop businesses, not in the grand atomized workspace of the current era.

Women can have a career and a family, the problem is most women are decadent and demoralized.

also this Poor women would be working in the mills or gutting fish in the past, they would leave infants with the elderly too old to work.

Women and even children worked in mines and manufacturies long before 20th century.

Idiot, you forgot the crucial step of decrease in infant mortality. Women don't need to have 5-10 children anymore just to insure at least 2 survive to help out on the farm or trade now. birth control is actually a God send given that. Or did you purposely leave that part out to fit your agenda?

It is not optimal to still force completely half the population to stay at home. Technology has advanced too much for one person to have to be delegated to taking care of the home and children. It's also not fair to the father to have to relinquish their direct input in child rearing and spending time with their kids most of the time because if roles. pic related.

The problem is corporations have turned everyone to wage cucks in the first place and people work 40 hours a week to just to live. IN reality, both parents should be given enough time to invest in raising the children at home. Oh well, such is life I guess.

40 hours per week isn't that much.

That's not the question she was asking you numb nuts. She was asking about women who are married an have a career. Why shouldn't they when tragedy like what she mentioned can strike? You have to admit even though there is nothing wrong with stay at home moms, it does put her more at risk for domestic abuse. The determining factor on happiness then rests on the man you marry not being a psycho/ control freak. Kind of shit desu.
I think it's best for women to have a back up.

The problem is our society has become lazy and demoralized and people are quick to seek divorced without remember that marriage takes work, understanding, and continued building of trust to work out.
Perhaps arranged marriage isn't so wrong all the time afterall... At least they understand that.

and the roasties and runts got ROASTED.
I'd like to see women's advocates man up to workplaces with actual fatalities.

40 hours a week or more depending on your job but you know what I mean.
It doesn't allow one or both parents that much time to be present actively in the raising of the children from infancy.
also forgot pic

I know.

She didn't just pull that out of her ass. My father physically abused her, that's why they're not together.

>life is supposed to be complex and hard, survival of the fittest.
I can tell you've never worked a day in your life if you consider that easy compared to prostitution or being on welfare. You have to be over 18 to browse this site.

You have to be 18 to post here

t. corporate quisling
you can't have mommy work and have the one paycheck family. You aren't thinking of the children.

If you can't even work 8 hours for 5 days a week then you deserve to go hungry.

i didn't say they couldn't work it user. They clearly can. I'm talking about working AND having ample time to invest in the children's development and upbringing themselves. Though I am not against the extended family. I don't see why many people are. It's a mostly American problem imo.
Are you disagreeing with the fact that we have all become wage cucks in modern society to Corporate billionaires?
I'm just saying that men in the past distant to recent never had the chance to invest directly in all their children's upbringing from infancy to adulthood because of having to do all the work all the time. It is unfair to them. Also the mom is the only one given that responsibility and time.

All in the pursuit of what? Some made up gender roles of how men should interact with their children vs. women?

>gender roles are made up

t. progressive millennial

Also, why the rush to get women into the (((workforce)))

Why do you want to androgynize gender roles instead, this has been a lousy pilot and is not being picked up for a seaons.

21st century abandonment of tradition; women have been over-fed the feminist pill and are in denial to the reality that they are biologically hard-wired to have and care for children, and to derive satisfaction and happiness from said act. That being said obviously our society has much changed from the setting we evolved in; people need money to live so of course women should work. That being said, I think there will a very large number of women in the coming years who commit suicide/ go crazy, when they wake up at 45 for their shitty 9 to 5 job they dont actually care for, and realize they have no children, no husband, that age is against them, that they have nothing and the desirable men have all either married off and had kids, or are busy fucking 20 year olds. Such a revelation must be truly disturbing.

They weren't considering they vary throughout many cultures. They were useful or more efficient but not for life now that technology has set in. Women's "work" and Man's "work" is becoming more and more blurred and no longer has to matter. Both can do either quite easily now. There are exceptions but even most of those are still due to out societies views on gender that still permeate(trash collection, welding, mechanic, mining). This was all explained in the past thread that was archived. Go look it up.

This thread is dumb and I'm starting to think it's more /pol/ bait.

Do you even lift?

>not becoming a communist to try and reduce work hours as much as possible

>how could anyone prefer differently or question modern society

Most women do jobs they care for even if it makes them less money though. The ones that don't are the ones likely to commit suicide.
Male suicide rate and happiness scale has been constant, women's is approaching the level of men's but that's about it.
I don't see a problem here. Who cares? You hold women to some kind of dainty pedestal or something? Don't be a fag.
People need to learn to take their heads out of their ass and lower their standards anyway, on both sides of gender.