Sure they committed some war crimes but who didn't in ww2, they were hardly worse then the other parties in the war.
Unit 731 was horrible but the numbers aren't really that high.
People make it sound like it was million of chinese that died but it was just a few thousands.
The most brutal of crimes according to most would be the nanking massacre, the Most credible sourches place the number of deaths betwen 100 000-200 000, not amazingly high compared to war crimes committed by allies or other axis powers.
Other accusations are "Muh comfort girls", various mass killings and their treatment of POWs,
Prostitution catering to ocupational forces is nothing new or unique to japan.
It just feel like korea needs something to bitch about.
Most mass killings just seems like a convenient way to pinn natural casualities of the war.
The Chinese probably killed more chinese civilians then Japan did.
POWs where treated badly but Japan was stretched and it could barely provide for its own people, offcourse they couldn't be excpected to treat enemy troops well.
Imperial Japan wasn't that bad
Other urls found in this thread:
t.Hiruoki Nippogato
two nukes weren't enough
>they were hardly worse than other parties in the war
The japs killed more civillians in east asia than the germans killed jews
>unit 731 was horrible but the numbers really aren't that high
You're neglecting the tens of thousands of chinese people who lost their lives due to chemical and biological weapons produced by unit 731
>millions of chinese dead
between 17 and 22 million chinese civillians died in the second sino-japanese war alone (Clodfelter, Michael "Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference", Vol. 2, pp. 956. I)
>not amazingly high compared to war crimes committed by the allies
Considering any war crimes were committed on an incredibly small scale, no
>most mass killings seem like a convenient way....
You're retarded, we have numerous sources that confirm that the japanese were absolutely horrible to chinese civillians. Watch "japanese devils"
>most chinese casualties were caused by the chinese government
Nice source there, bud
>pow's were treated badly, but....
"not being able to provide for your own people" does not excuse the execution of prisoners or the mutilation of their bodies
>they committed some war crimes
So you admit it?
Round 2 already tojo?
>citing sources
hello Veeky Forums, I missed you!
My grandpa rest his soul never got to fight the red gooks, but seeing Tojo posting this garbage again makes me wish that he was fighting japs instead.
Ok this thread is over it seems
>not that bad
Address like 8 grievances, each containing thousands of crimes.
this user speaks truth.
nippon fight to free asia.
nanking massacre is china lie.
batan march is us propaganda brainwash.
we free asia. remember.
You'd create more chaos in /b/ or /jp/ TBQH
>get waterboarded by the Kempetai while my sister and female friends get raped by the occupying forces
Really makes you think
They were much much worse than Italian Fascists, in fact each and every warring nation was worse.
In fact Nipps were the worst, full blown genocidal action long before the war. Sure, Yellow's do not have soul, so big deal-o, but still.
No sorry, I went full retard here and forgot the Eternal Ivan completely. Don Cossacks, 'bourgoise' as a class, Ukrainian peasants, Finns, Volga Germans, Poles after the WW2, who did they not genocide, some to the last man?
And the Chinks did each and every crime the Nipps committed first on them, even the KMT (in much more limited time span and numbers though). First on Chinese, then the defeated Nipps and then the Chinese proper.
Live and learn seemed to be the Chinese motto of 20th century.
> then the defeated Nipps
Eh, they actually recruited Japanese soldiers among their rank. . .
>Live and learn seemed to be the Chinese motto of 20th century.
Correct, China didn't even demand reparations from Japan.
From a politcal view on can see why, Chiang absolute hated the Communists.
>Prostitution catering to ocupational forces is nothing new or unique to japan
Forced prostitution is another matter, although for south Korea to continue to use it to pressure Japan is less credible as time goes on
Konichiwa, Revisionist-san
>it could barely provide for its own people
so it was shitty. they couldn't even get gas or enough food, imperial Japan fucking sucked.
>war crimes committed by allies
>Prostitution catering to ocupational forces is nothing new or unique to japan.
They weren't regular prostitutes though. They were abducted from their homes and forced into sex slavery by the Japanese Army.
>Prostitution catering to ocupational forces is nothing new or unique to japan
If they were prostitutes... did they get paid?
>[In other experiments]...subjects were placed into centrifuges and spun until death
What did they mean by this?
t. Hiroyuki
Why are Japanese so goddamn revisionist? Nigger just admit you did it and would probably do it again if you could. It's no secret asians hate each other anyway
>would probably do it again if you could
I know this is bait but does Japan have a stormfag community of their own?
Yeah and they are as bat shit insane as stormfags and worse.
the netouyo?
Yeah, and they function exactly like the stormfag community does: Deny japanese war crimes while attempting to pass allied bombing efforts as war crimes. They're a lot more present in Japan than stormfags are in germany, too. At least the germans fucking learned their lessons.
what are you trying to say i legit dont understand
>they committed some war crimes
they didn't actually consider anything they themself did a warcrime in that sense. For the Japanese, an enemy that surrendered was no longer a combatant, and didn't deserve any of the rights of the geneva convention, they considered them traitors and cowards to their own nation, and probably thought they were doing the westerners a favor by giving them a reason not to surrender in the future. Japs didn't show any mercy, but didn't expect any in return either. Fighting to death was the name of the game for Japanese Soldiers, and that's why so many chinese soldiers were killed at Nanking, they didn't even put up much of a fight and the japs considered them less than human for just surrendering. Not to mention the chinks had disposed of their own emperor some years earlier and that was seen as another big No-No by Japanese people.
Basically the americans got involved in Far Eastern politics, and waltzed into a whole different world, judging it by western standards that didn't mean shit in the east. They would experience this again in Korea and Vietnam. Those people being every bit as cruel and determined as the Japs, but it's only a big deal from a western point of view, and when worlds collide, things become pretty nasty.
>punishing G*rmans
>Those people being every bit as cruel and determined as the Japs
the Norks or Vietnamese didn't do holocaust-tier shit though
>tfw no comfort woman sex slave
>didn't do holocaust-tier shit though
neither did the japs?
Imperial Japan had concentration camps which were even worse than those of the Nazi's. At least the Nazi's didn't blow up people's eyes for fun.
(And I had a family member who was a political prisoner in those Nazi concentration camps)
>torture and massacre in every place they went
>mengele-style horrors in china
>seemingly go out of their way to be inhuman for the entire war
you probably think the a-bombs were atrocities too
The chinks never did anything as bad to US pows desu
>bataan death march
Like 1/3rd of American prisoners died in Chinese and North Korean POW camps user, not exactly exemplary conduct considering they only had 7000 to look after
my understanding is that PVA was also starving at the time? which sounds about right given this is during the GLF
Fucking sparrows, ruining everything
No, it was forced prostitution. Women and girls from Korea and parts of occupied China were essentially kidnapped at gunpoint to work and travel within IJA brothels. They were fed but that was about it.
A lot of them were actually Japanese prostitutes they said they would pay and then didn't too, a lot of people forget they were duplicitous to their own people
Before WWI maybe
Yukio Mishima did nothing wrong.
The empire will rise again.
The rape of nanking is holohoax tier btw, nonsense
>Second can't even pull off the beheading properly
Did he train the others wrong as a joke?
>you probably think the a-bombs were atrocities too
weren't they now?
Stop trying to spread your shit through out Veeky Forums, you dirty greasy insecure shut-in netouyo.
go back to (((2chan))) and stay there you degenerate.
I didn't link directly to the video because I want to make sure that you know what you're getting into beforehand
This has to be ironic
They also continued the process in the post war period because of Allied troops chimping out and mass raping japanese women.
Look up paipan girls after ww2
Most of the genuine /pol/fags are just LARPers. East or West. I like /pol/posting as much as any other user, but I don't believe anything I've typed.
nippon is greatest country.
daitoa sensou truth will be revealed.
nippon will woke from brainwash propaganda.
white people only want to destroy.
Fuck Japanese lol
White power
Fuck off weeb