Britain and France?
France and Germany?
Germany and Britain?
From World Wars to World Cups, of these three great nations which two have been the greatest foes and subsequently the duet of the greatest rivalry in history out ranking Rome vs Carthage, USA vs USSR, and good vs evil?
Which two have been the greatest nemeses of History?
Britain vs France vs Germany?
Other urls found in this thread:
Britain vs France
France vs Britain I guess
They've been waring since 1066
France vs Germany is more recent and Britain vs Germany even moreso
>inb4 reddit
stay mad krautlets
French vs Anglos + Germans ?
French win
death to the eu
Germany and Britain were only rivals from the late 19th century-1945, before that they were allies against the Frenchies (7 year war, Napoleonic wars), so there isn't really all that much of a rivalry.
I'd say the British-French rivalry is the longest and maybe strongest (look how butthurt Veeky Forums and even mainstream media gets when the topic is mentioned)
The German-French rivalry is the bloodiest but I don't think it's the strongest, and I love our French brothers.
Except when Anglo-Germans do
So would we all agree that in history no rivalry is more epic than England and France?
Are they the two nations that have fought the most wars against eachother?
*blocks your path*
Byzantine-arab wars is the most tragic imo desu
>Losing against the entire Europe after
>conquering Europe
>decades of wars
>countless victories
>a lack of manpower
>enemies five time more numerous but still manage to do make even the kill ratio
An honourable defeat.
>tfw your paternal forefather was a Flemish-Artesian knight around 1214
>literally Wehraboo arguments
>withdraw literally every man who can work a gun into your army
>take on European nations one by one
>get utterly BTFO in every naval battle
>Lose Spain to the British land army
>Try to use HoI4 strategies in real life and get your entire army destoyred
>But early victories
Stay mad Frenchie
>Nine Years' War
>English victory
That's not how you spell 'the whole world'
>lose Spain to the British land army
>'huuur duuuur we single handedly saved the world xDDD'
So british.
>Frog still mad about losing the war
>losing Spain
who cares
>withdraw literally every man who can work a gun into your army
muh conscription meymey
How do you think we produced our foods, clothes, weapons, and ammos ?
Not all men were a part of the army, just 20%
>take on European nations one by one
Typical perfidious and cowardly Anglo, fair war must be 1 vs 1 or else it is bullying
1 vs 1 is fair, bonest, and brave
Europe vs 1 is cowarly and perfidious, or should i say quintessentially British
>get utterly BTFO in every naval battle
There is nothing wrong with losing at sea against a maritime power
>>Lose Spain to the British land army
>Try to use HoI4 strategies in real life and get your entire army destoyred
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815
HoI4 2016
HoI4 players are using our strategies*
>But early victories
We won every battle except a fews, and the ones that we lost were always due to the Europeans being x time more numerous than us
If France had as much men as Europe, we would have easily conquered Europe.
The absolute lack of Belligerents in the majority of these.
I thought the American Revolution would have included Americans and I'm sure other nations got involved.
Also, fucking stop this coalition meme, just call it the revolutionary war and Napoleonic war and say France lost, bigly
Why do frenchposters here have such thin skin?
But France chose the EU?
Britain and France were German colonies that eventually surpassed their motherland in power. It's a brutal, highly competetive culture.
Germanic =|= German ffs
>if i call it a meme the argument is now invalid
Well in this case it was technically Germanics from Germany, so nothing wrong with saying German.
Franks werent from Germany
They originated in Belgium, then they conquered France and only after that they took over Germany
Nope, they formed east of the Rhine and only then part of them migrated to Gallia Belgica and other provinces west of the Rhine.
German started to exist around 1800, retard
No Germany at the time.
The tribes that formed the Franks were from today's Germany.
Wrong, the German nation emerged around 800-900, the first German state was East Francia/Kingdom of Germany, formed in 843 after the treaty of Verdun.
Ayyy, LARPer, how are you doing?
t. butthurt frog
You're the guy on the right btw
You're the guy on the left
It's fun how we always meet again, were you also that guy who said he was now actually Alan instead of Pannonian or was that an impersonater?
The Alan guy is me actually
Charlemagne was Alan/Aryan to be more accurate
Haha nice, nice... So the whole racial purity thing is actually wrong or what?
Are you now Pannonian or Alan?
Also, are you that guy who said Germans only exist since 1800?
>So the whole racial purity thing is actually wrong or what?
(Northern) French are mixed indeed
But not the Orleanais, we expelled the Gallo-Romans there, our blood countain the purest Aryan genes of Europe
>Are you now Pannonian or Alan?
Obviously an Alan
My city was the capital of the Alan/Aryan kingdom after all
I do recognize the Germanicness of the Franks now, Charlemagne was purely Alan/Aryan tho
>Also, are you that guy who said Germans only exist since 1800?
Before the "Germans" there were Bavarians, Alamanianss, Prussians, Saxons, Frisians, Swabian, and so on
>I do recognize the Germanicness of the Franks
Hahahahaha so why did you respond with wewuz to my post?
>There were Bavarians, Alamanians...
So are you French or Orleanais?
Same thing with these different groups of Germans
>Hahahahaha so why did you respond with wewuz to my post?
Because you implied that East Francia was German or ruled by German while it was ruled by Carolingian Alans
>So are you French or Orleanais?
I'm ethnically Alan, but geographically and culturally Orléanais
I now see French/France as some kind of confederacy
>stop this coalition meme
The wars weren't continuous however, France crushed an alliance and forced peace only for war to break out again.
France are the only country I like out of the three
British vs German rivalry considering its still ongoing (see Brexit) and that they have been rivals pretty much since Germany's formation upset the balance of power.
>and that they have been rivals pretty much since Germany's formation upset the balance of power.
Aka 1900
Meanwhile, Britain vs France went on from 1066 to 1815 and Germans vs France went on from 843 to 1945...
Brits have more in common with Germans than with the French.
French people are more passionate than either - but passionate in anger as well as love, which really makes them difficult people to chill with.
French people are always upset or enamoured with something. Too much fucking drama.
Meanwhile Germans and Brits are busy with technology, philosophy and medicine.
I haven't looked at this battle in a long time. Was defeat inevitable? Was there any way for the French Empire to win that battle?
It was a war.
>If France had as much men as Europe, we would have easily conquered Europe.
>250,000 British regulars and militia at peak strength[5]
320,000 Prussian regulars and militia at peak strength[6]
900,000 Russian regulars, cossacks and militia at peak strength [7]
>Total 1,470,000 Coalition troops at peak strength
>1,500,000 French regulars and militia at peak strength
>French delusions
>1,500,000 French regulars and militia at peak strength
What are you smoking?
France had 600,000 men at peak
Nigel pls
Our peak was during the campaign of Russia and we had 685,000 soldiers, and it included people from all the Empire, not just French
>regulars AND MILITIA
>Frogs in charge of reading
Well, even if your doubtdul figures were true, the coalition wasnt only composed on the three countries you cited
Add Austrian, Spanish, Italian and Swedish numbers and you easily reach 2.5 millions for the coalution
>doubtful figures
>Add Austrian, Spanish, Italian and Swedish numbers and you easily reach 2.5 millions for the coalution
Do the same for the French client states too then
Christ why are frogs so defensive over muh Napoleon
from 1000-1800 Britain - France
from 1800-1945 Germany-France
Two different kinds of rivalries
Franco-British rivalry was longer, but it was a healthy rivalry with mutual respect and, dare I say, admiration. They fought for centuries over control of the world.
On the other hand, the Franco-German rivalry was much shorter ( 1871-1945 ) but way more bloody, it was just pure hatred and revenge and they just dreamed of totally annihilating each other.
It really depends what kind of rivalry you're looking for. Britain and France had a romantic rivalry that lasted for centuries with different ideals, plans, and almost constant direct conflict. In any given century from 1066-1900 you can find the bongs and the frogs at each others throats. The part that makes it truly an amazing rivalry was that they would occasionally put aside their differences to take on a bigger threat such as in the Crusades and then Crimean War. In the end the two nations went from bitter rivals to best friends and that's probably the biggest reason it's such a romantic rivalry.
However, the rivalry between France and Germany was short but bloody. It lasted from the Franco-Prussian War basically to the end of the Second World War. It was a rivalry with no respect, just bloody combat. It was short but very bright and flashy. It was a shallow rivalry that I think perfectly imbodies the phrase "cutting off your nose to spite your face"
do you know what a militiaman is
i dont think you do. I dont have a stake in this autism but I really don't understand frogbashers desu
Sure if they had all their armies in one place / had pursued the Prussians when they defeated them in their first battle. Their cavalry going ful retard against infantry without artillery support would have helped aswell.