You have 10 seconds to name a more retarded and worst leader. Pro tip: you cant
You have 10 seconds to name a more retarded and worst leader. Pro tip: you cant
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Pol pot
Out of those listed I can only confess that might have been worse
>I have to kill the intellectuals to stay in power
>everybody who's smart wears glasses!
Mugabe is probably the dumbest one currently alive
And yet, somehow, he increased life expectancy by 40 years and doubled the gdp.
He is not the worst but yes very retarded
Mobutu Sese Seko and Jean-Claude Duvalier are both up there, though the countries they led were already dumpsters so the damage they were able to do was mitigated a bit.
Chinks breds like a rabbits, they restore their population very fast. Based Deng Xiaoping do the rest.
Why do commies always ignore the path to 'progress?'
>unironically ignoring the Great Leap Forward
>He led 30 million people to death in ignorance thinking that you could get the same steel you make girders and tanks out of in fucking mud stoves in people's backyards
>They were so determined to tow the line/so scared of not meeting quotas that they didn't go into the fields to harvest whatever grains were present
>Also instead of going into the field, he pushed a notion to eliminate sparrows because they would eat all the grain
>People literally walking around banging pots and pans and yelling because that was the spirit of the revolution
>Autistically championing the notion that revolutionary spirit and peasants can do anything, he hosts a summit for the agricultural communes in the countryside
>each commune, determined not to fuck up or be called counter-revolutionaries, lie about their rice production quotas, in more successive and extreme increments
>Mao swoops in, takes the food for sale/the cities
>realises he's fucked up when millions start dying
>Launches the 100 Flowers campaign to draw in criticism, then gets scared and denounces the critics as counter-revolutionaries and has most of them shot
>Then admitted to making a mistake with the GLF and basically saying 'Hey, what, I can't make mistakes too? What's the big deal, it's the reactionaries that should be scolded and everyone who didn't tell me I was wrong'
Mao was a fucking idiot and a butcherer, and didn't give two shits about his 'people' other than as a force for communism.
But don't worry, he doubled the gdp. (I won't question that; I'm not interested).
I would LOVE, however to see your source on the life expectancy increase of fourty years under Chairman Mao's rule (that ended 1976 with the fall of the gang of four)
>turns ag backwater into world superpower faster than capitalists
>because it happens in one generation, all the growing pains of industrialization happen in one lifetime
>get blamed for being the worst even though you equipped your country to become the hegemon from nothing faster than any other nation in history
given that this 'world superpower' didn't exist until about 15 years ago, I'd say you are probably looking at the wrong thing desu
Mao didn't help the cause along, he hindered it.
You seem to think I ignore all those mistakes. I don't, 50's and 60's China was a shitshow, but the majority of these disasters came from his wife, not him. His wife was the major agrarian autist.
Before Mao
>Century of Humiliation, the worlds fuckboi
>decades of civil conflict, strike, war and instability
>medieval peasant tier economy
>completely backwards social values, multiple wives, no rights for women, piss poor education, no medical care
Just after Mao
>World Superpower flexing its muscles
>stability and unity with effective administration over a vast land
>groundwork laid for an economic boom
>socially modernised, closer to equal rights, ridiculous chinese traditions gone
>educational reform, huge literacy boom, massive medical improvements
Mao was a bull in a China shop, but all the China was shit anyway.
And yet without him China would be worse than India or Africa now.
You can't coddle the Chinese in modernity. The nation had to do what took other nations 300 years in 50
>turns ag backwater into world superpower faster than capitalists
Except he didn't at all. China was still a shithole under his rule, except even more people died
>nationalist china wasn't a super power
Not him
Mao’s campaign was beneficial to the Chinese people, average life expectancy rose from 35 in 1949 to 65 in 1980 (Kimberly Singer Babiarz, 2017), while infant mortality shrunk from 175/1000 in 1953 to 45/1000 by 1975 (Walder, 2015).
Nationalist China couldn't even defeat an army 1/4th as small with outdated weaponry despite themselves being supplied by the USA.
So when mao did something good he is a genius but if he did wrong is the others guilty, seems legit comrade. I almost judge bad that tragic hero.
Now you're starting to realize how the commie brain works. Anytime one of their retarded ideas doesn't pan out, it's actually all the fault of conspiring reactionary racist capitalist fascists and we need to murder 1000 people because it's never communism fault
>his wife
That still makes him a stupid faggot user
Because basically everything you listed wasn't Mao's idea??
What? When did I call his wife a reactionary?
I'm not even a 'commie' as you cringey aut-righters say. I'm just a boring keynesian centrist. But Mao drastically accelerated China's development.
Forced industrialization works but what about the costs?, you can't hide their mistakes and the stupid things they did in the name of the progress.
You say they, but we are discussing Mao. I am not denying their mistakes or flaws or saying Mao was perfect. Don't put words in my mouth, but he wasn't a shitty leader by any means.
Then what was his direct responsability? he was the leader after all.
I'm pretty supportive of Mao as a guerrilla leader, but as a peace time administrator he was retarded
Why didn't someone just arrange for Mao to have an unfortunate accident when he started getting crazy? He would have gone down as one of the best leaders in history.
Why did people obey? Not common folk, but the chain of command.
Not that I don't believe you, but sources?
If he had died a few years after winning the Chinese civil war he would have ascended to legendary status across the world
the struggle brought out his best the control and absolute power that came after brought out his worst
>but he wasn't a shitty leader by any means.
This might be true for Mao circa WW2, but I'm pretty sre ordering all sparrows to be killed and ordering farmers to melt down their farming tools to make shitty potmetal doesn't really count as "good leadership".
Don't forget how his attentionwhoring lead to the Red Guard disaster.
>but the majority of these disasters came from his wife, not him.
seriously, i'm not even /pol/ but you must be a total fucking idiot if you believe the "it was his wife all along" meme. She wasn't even relevant till the Cultural Revolution, and even then she only participated in some parts of it, no one person controlled that massive shitstorm
Not a communist but do you actually believe that a billion people ended up homeless and with no food? Think about that for a second.
>decades of civil conflict, strike, war and instability
b-b-ut muh warlords!
>Western industrialization works but what about the cost?
>you can't hide Western capitalist economies' mistakes and the stupid things they did in the name of the progress.
my almonds...activated
I know both did the same thing (e.g. USA, England, Germany etc.), but seem like communist like see themselves with a high moral ground, shiting on capitalist countries while they follow the same autoritarian strategy to progress.
But of course they can use the old "don't true communism" argument when this is exposed.
I hope you like wikipedia:
Hell, if he had died just before the cultural revolution he'd still be legendary
Yes, before Mao, warlords, after Mao, no warlords.
Whats your point?
Read about the Lushan Conferrence, when it was clear after a few months that the great leap forward was not achieving its goals Mao called a conference to discuss how to fix it. He went into the conference with some plans of his own on how to step things back.
Peng Duhai, who had been commander in chief of the PLA during the Korean War, and was a longtime friend of Mao openly criticized the great leap forward and called for it to be ended. In response Mao purged him, tore up his own plans for scaling back the great leap forward and pushed ahead. The worst famine in human history could perhaps have been largely avoided if not for that.
Wasn't Pol Pot like god-tier when it came to being a shitty ruler?
It's china, a person sneezes and ten million people die.
Mao fucked up on a personal and moral level, too. What good reason did he have for driving Peng De Huai to his grave?
Why have one massive smelting facility when we could have 1,000 backyard smelting facilities?!
Pfft.... easy.
You're thinking of the americas and Indians
Given the context of previous Chinese history -
the Civil war, continual and intermittent war with the Japanese and the slavery/mass murder they endured there, the Warlord-esque period that ran through 'legitimate' states like Manchukuo and other Japanese Satellites throughout, and then bullshit like Long March, that statement doesn't seem like it's saying much.
Not to move the goalposts on you desu (the above still remains my contentious and concerned argument) but I wonder what the life expectancy in the middle of the Great Leap Forward was. Ditto on infant mortality.
The post is exaggerated, the events did happen but they happened with about several million people instead, still retarded as fuck tho
The The Great Sparrow campaign and the Backyard Steel Furnaces During China's 'Great Leap Forward
Brainwashed wage cucks ITT.
I always kek at the cognitive dissonance people face when they realize Mao and Stalin modernized their nations faster than any Western nation despite Western meddling and boycotts.
Truly the men of steel.
Actually, I admire Stalin, he killed more lefties, faggots and slavs than Hitler and bourgeois could ever dream. DO IT AGAIN STEEL MAN.
>los presidentes
Juanito esta enojado
That has more to do with them industrializing later with better technology. And the mass majority of Chinese industrialization was under Deng
Millions dead. You forget that part
>I always kek at the cognitive dissonance people face when they realize Mao and Stalin modernized their nations faster than any Western nation despite Western meddling and boycotts.
which resulted in millions upon millions of deaths and going back on industrialization.
>beat the japs
>beat the nationalists
>beat the sparrows
>is the george washington of china
>brought healthcare and educations to millions
>liberated women from domestic slavery and backward traditions like foot binding
>opened up relations with america, thereby sealing the fate of the soviets
>cultural revolution: the greatest experiment in direct democracy in all of history
>a few minor setbacks caused by overzealous implementation
>Mao beat the japs
stop reading there
>a few minor setbacks caused by overzealous implementation.
I agree with that, fuck those millions of death reactionary chinks, why they even needed food when they could praise wax replica mangoes.
America beat the japs, this is a fact the Chinese do not deny and are actually quite grateful about.
>won the bird war
Aussies btfo
Well no shit, when you hit rock button after decades of warlords, civil war and a Japanese Invasion it can only go up.
It is like people are retarded on purpose
That was more
> everybody who wears glasses is smart!
But yeah, you're right.
>beat the japs
Allied forces and the Nationalists did that
>beat the nationalists
Hiding until the nationalists have chased the japs away and then strike the nationalists when they were at the weakest at the end of a catastrophic war.
How brave. Fucking bullshit.