Any more fucked up historical figures like this guy?
Any more fucked up historical figures like this guy?
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Why in this boards are so many retards that think that he was the worst monarch ever?
Don't diss my fren Jimmy.
Vlad the Inpaler is quite famous.
Sado of Joseon and Yeongjo of Joseon are extremely underrated. power hungry, paranoid, superstitious.
Ivan the terrible is just pathetic. Kinda like Yeongjo in a way.
He's fuck-ugly. Who is he?
I just think he's funny as hell
a gay retard
deLET thith
fuck you, you memed the spaniard accent into heck, now the colonies are closer to actual spanish than fucking spain you FUUCK
umm i duuno what u r taking abot o_0
im very god boy kingg
Lol who the fuck is he? Im gonna lose my temper soon buddy-boy
His the prime example of what a monarch should be.
plese bee nyce ;_;
Gilles de Rais is pretty fucked up
a stupid faggot
Lurk more
im kin g of spsainss
Perhaps a Mr. Merrick?
i lyk ur paint : )
Charles II of Spain, the last Hapsburg king of that country. Due to extensive inbreeding he was born with a number of severe birth defects including developmental delay and impotency. Today he would be considered borderline mentally retarded, yet despite this he was made king and given (at least on paper) absolute power, and a beautiful wife. Presumably because of his birth defects he was never able to father any children and he died at 35 without any children.
Without any family the question of who would succeed him had long been troubling to the nations of europe, and on his deathbed Charles declared his grandnephew Philip V Duke of Anjou, should inherit the throne. The problem was that the duke was the grandson of Louis XIV and this meant that Spain and France would from then on be natural allies, and worse he could potentially become king of both Spain (which held a great deal of european territory outside of iberia) AND France. The prospect of this superstate was a truly terrifying one to the English, Austrians, Dutch, and most of the HRE. So on Charles' death they refused to recognize Phillip and shortly afterwards declared war in the hopes of partitioning Spain's empire and removing him from the throne.
This was the war of spanish succession, which raged for 12 years and claimed over half a million lives.
Lol what a tard thanks im calm.
What the fuck is wrong with you
excuse me?
don't spoonfeed the newfags dumbass
there is a reason the concept of lurk moar exists
>no Habsburg jaw
Unsexy, -1/10
Would not bang
you can fuck right off with that attitude
This is an image board for discussing history, I come here because I like discussing and learning about history. Now you can either discuss history or leave, but don't get mad when others discuss it
This is a place for /pol/tards to share youtube videos and memes. If you want a high level of discourse, go do a history degree.
I'm still waiting for an epic greentext explaining why this guy is secretly a genius
read the sticky
But i thought this was the one meme that is genuinely native to this board
He is, objectively, the 3rd best spanish Habsburg.
>Spain and France could have formed a superpower to rival Britain
>instead they decided to squabble for 12 years
>both eventually got BTFO
The eternal Anglo wins again
they lost but I wouldn't really call it a BTFO
King Charles the Mad is pretty hilarious to read about
>being this retarded
guiris are stupid please jump from the balcony and die
He actually died at 38.
His body "did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water." lmaooo
apparetly both john lennon and albert einstien's heads were found to be full of water as well.
Too bad his successors destroyed his good work
>you will never be an inbred retard with enough of self awareness to know that you are an inbred retard so you leave running the empire to your magistrates
His existence was truly shitty. I can't fathom the pain of knowing that you are an impotent, inbred retard.
good on you man, fuck these pretentious pseudo his buffs. A bunch of "muh secret club" fags;
>not even the guys who asked, but I'm glad to see not everyone is a fucking man-child
>His will triggered the War of Sucession
What was he thinking?
Lmao even if they were together Britain would be fine. France has twice landmass and 3 times the population of Britain (prior to the 1800s) and yet always prospered. It does not matter how big your empire is, the anglo will sink your ships and steal your colonies anyway.
>Appointed his horse to Senate
>Boned his sister and tried to marry her
>Biggest sexual pervert probably ever
Caligula takes the cake in my book
>biggest sexual pervert ever
Not even the most perverted Roman emperor, see
>This was the war of spanish succession, which raged for 12 years and claimed over half a million lives.
And people think """Monarchies""" are good in any way.
Define "fucked up"
wtf i love monarchy now
this. the person you're arguing with is an idiot
I just find it wildly fascinating that this dude was so clearly FUCKED UP yet the people around him were so dedicated to their traditions that they kept him in power for as long as they did.
And the irony in "keeping the blood line pure by inbreeding" thing is at least somewhat funny
People realized that he was severely ill.
That´s why they called him the "bewitched".
Caligula was trolling when he appointed his horse to the senate. It was his way of demonstrating to them just how little power they actually still held.
And while he was a deviant, he was really mostly like King Joffrey from Game of Thrones (who the character is based off of): just a spoiled, petulant little shit given unlimited authority and it turned him into an out of control beast with a sadistic streak.
Nero was a self-serving type who forced senators to come to his concerts and listen to him play shitty music for hours on end while profiting off of the great fire (and according to numismatic research, an economic depression as well)
Commodus was probably the worst in terms of doing the most long term damage.
Elagabalus was obsessed with sexuality and outsourced all his duties as emperor so that he could spend his nights letting big strong Romans pound his boipucci
Honorius was born in the lap of luxury, had everything in life handed to him, spend a generous portion of his day playing with his pet birds, and sperged out for the worst possible reasons, mostly related to him being a jealous little shit with an avaricious streak.
Holy shit imagine giving birth to THIS
This gal was pretty fucking ugly too.
What's with this spanish monarchs being so hideous?
Most monarchs were inbred and crazy but not to his extent.
Joseph Merrick
Felipe is a cutie with his beard tho
Kind of looks like mark Zuckerberg...
That's just Goya's painting. All his characters look like they jumped straight out of some hellish nightmare.
>anglo will sink your ships and steal your colonies anyway
England didn't quite had spain's level of naval supremacy, and wouldn't until several decades later
lol I still remember when this was about boxxy, /b/ memes and triforce
Veeky Forums surely evolved
ive been posting here since newfags cant trifoce was a hot fresh new meme and i still cant triforce...i mean i guess all i had to do was google how but i dont fucking care. sorry for the blogpost
>not cracking the head open to get the bad humours out
Modern """medicine"""
post moar rare Habsburgs pl0x
>panchitos actually believe this
Exactly. Thanks for replying to him, user. I'm glad to see decent posts at last
>half a million in 12 years
>thinking that's significant
You're Chinese, aren't you?