Pick one.
Pick one.
Other urls found in this thread:
a measured amount of both to provide security and opportunity while encouraging personal growth
>freedom or equality
>implying that provides either
Mad Max-style libertarianism
Freedom. Equality isn't fair.
What of the freedom of cheap, affordable welfare that allows for a higher average standard of living.
Chaotic bliss.
The deep sleeper will rise and all will know pain and sorrow and joy and freedom.
That's not a freedom.
the USA's value of liberty over all is admirable
the nations of Europe are all statist loving sheeple
God Bless the USA
please give citizenship
Freedom. Equality is a meme and only losers will pick it.
You can't. At least not without creating a monopoly on liberty for a minority, obviously.
Define both.
Freedom but we also guarantee basic survival to everyone, which implies some compromise but nothing that will collapse society. The rich people who won't comply will be eaten my the mobs.
>the USA's value of liberty over all
Americans are almost all talk in this. In practice they're just as statist as Europeans, and in some cases even more so.
I challenge a Brit or German to go in public and deny the holocaust, say the word nigger, and say we should deport Muslims.
If by equality, you mean equality of opportunities and not outcome then it isn't exclusive with freedom
Why not both?
Since we're equal you're also a fag
Wanna fug
In that order.
Fuck off quasi-tripfag
Lain, why haven't you given me my monster waifu yet?
I'm sorry I though that the second image enhanced the message of the post
Up for some steamed hams?
the correct term is avatarfag you fucking redditor
freedom obivsouly.
You can put the idea of equality into practice by giving everyone a fair treatment regardless of their abilities. Only a genuine moron would immediatly think of non sequitors like centralised authoritarian states, death camps or outlawing competition and excellence.
As the question clearly is clearly intended in a hypothetical binary sense where everything is either left up to individual choice and responsibility or where exactly everything is equal always but no one is free, the answer can only be freedom.
In a perfectly equal society where someone breaks an arm, it's only right that everyone else then makes sure to break one of their arms as well. You know, for the sake of equality.
>Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
Im dah enliteman nao
Freedom from inequality.
Yes it is. True equality of opportunity would require abolishing inheritance and providing free education.
Equality can't exist if there is no freedom. Dumb thread OP
Equality can be guaranteed under a state that ensures no individual becomes more successful than another- by force if need be.
Rather be free to do what I want then forced to be equal
>State composed of individuals that have more power than others, since they can restrict freedoms
By what other means could equality be imposed?
Freedom without equality means that some people are more "free" than others.
Freedom without equality is only freedom to those with higher positions.
>inb4 they deserve it
we all know they don't
American here and there's a lot of truth to this. Our free speech rights, fortunately, are more robust than in most Euro countries, but when it comes to property rights we get fucked all the time by shit like eminent domain and civil asset forfeiture
Freedom is a meme and quite honestly the people that rant most about it care the least about it in the first place.
>freedom from inequality
>freedom without equality means some people are more "free" than others
These only hold water if you have a childish and weirdly totalitarian view of freedom
And of course you have the highest percentage of your population imprisoned than in the entire history of mankind other than in Stalinist Russia.
Thank you.
Huh, really snaps those synapses
>implying either is even possible
I don't give a shit about either, I just want security and prosperity, I don't care how free or equal society is, if society is healthy and happy I am satisfied.
>childish and weirdly totalitarian view of freedom
But those are ancaps.
However freedom both needs equality to work, and also generates inequality, creating something of a dilemma.
Well actually it's not really a dilemma. If you limit freedom in the sense of preventing harsh inequality, you preserve most freedom and keep some equality, if you don't, you eventually lose both.
Also complete freedom isn't really something that exists in human social/political life. This can't be said to be something that "taints" this freedom because every freedom granted in human social life is already partial.
Rule of Law > Freedom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>equality>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.democracy
Freedom itself is a meaningless term. It means nothing without right conditions.
A prisoner in his cell is free to walk around the cell. A starving bum on the street is free to starve. A soldier in war is free to die.
Everyone is free.
Neither actually exist
In this example, you're using freedom as in "free will".
While an interesting concept to explore, this is different from what people usually mean by the political concept of freedom in western liberal tradition.
>Freedom itself is a meaningless term. It means nothing without right conditions.
spoken like a true firstworld cuck. yes the structure matters but so do the values imbued in it.
quality post
LITERALLY confirmed for europeans will never understand mode
Political freedom is meaningless. Most people don't understand it. Most people don't understand nor respect the rights they have. Most people's political rights don't matter anyway.
Freedom for the sake of freedom is meaningless.
Values are little more than thin air.
>Everything abstract is worthless
Barman, this man has had enough Stirner for today.
did hitler do anything wrong?
It's not worthless, it's just not an accurate representation of reality. When challenged by reality it becomes a parody.
Naturally. I think humanity is on a constant progression to the end of history, which is when all hierarchy is obsolete
How about neither as both are nihilistic extremes which lead to decadence and decay.
Freedom isn't the ONLY thing that matters. You can't eat freedom, it won't keep you warm in the winter, it won't prevent your wounds from getting infected, etc.