Does Veeky Forums watch porn?
Does it interfere with your trading? Aren't you afraid you'll get viruses by watching it?
Does Veeky Forums watch porn?
Does it interfere with your trading? Aren't you afraid you'll get viruses by watching it?
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I strongly cut down on porn when I discovered nofap. I can clearly feel myself become more beta after I fap.
This 100%
Porn is bad in general.
If you want to be successful in pursuing long term goals, quitting porn could be beneficial.
If you watch to much porn it messes with your dopamine levels and can reduce you motivation to be productive.
I try to limit masturbation to once a week, without porn.
This was probably not the answer you were looking for but you got it anyway.
I do porn.
You have to remember that that isn't actually real.
It's a film adapted from a con-mans personal story. Probably added by jews so that anyone who tries trading ends up a soiled mess because they think that guy is cool and follow his 'pretend advice'.
i don't think watching porn and jerking off is bad, and while it doesn't make you an alpha like everyone says ( i was on a 4 month nofap, felt a bit more confident but not superhuman alpha like everyone exaggerates it to be)...
not fapping actually helps you focus better and doesn't tire you out so you can stay up trading and watching charts.
Does actually fucking girls affect this nofap policy?
>Aren't you afraid you'll get viruses by watching it?
>what's a vm
>what's an ad/contentblocker
>what's a seperate machine
No, that is the aim of whole thing. To have 'natural' sexual desire instead of fetishising and seeing girls and comparing them to computer screen whores.
Porn kills off your motivation over time and gives you Erectile Dysfunction because your dopamine receptors gets over-used and down-regulates so that normal girls don't do it for you anymore and then you don't find any motivation to go outside your house because you got all the whores you ever wanted right there in front of you..
and before you realize it.. it's too late.
It affects everyone differently. I think it's not a coincidence that there are mythical creatures like Sirens and Succubuses.
>a separate machine for porn
being this autistic
How is having a gf who you fuck nearly every day any different than fapping every day?
Legit question, not even trolling.
I get a lot more pleasure if the one single thing I change about orgasm is moving my hips, so you can translate this knowledge to how fucking a woman is better than masturbating.
>what's a vm
before I had a gf, I used to get really sensitive (on my dick) during and after cumming. after fucking her though, now I don't get sensitive at all and can shove my cock all the way down her throat will cumming.
Dunno why.
My theory: jizz contains a ton of nutrients. So your body expends a lot of energy to keep making more of it. If you stop fapping for a while your body will re-adjust and start wasting less energy on it. As a result you'll probably start having wet dreams occasionally when your body wants to cycle its jizz collection, but they're way better than fapping anyway.
>you'll probably start having wet dreams occasionally when your body wants to cycle its jizz collection, but they're way better than fapping anyway.
I had maybe 2 wet dreams my whole life. It's not a reliable way of getting rid of your cancer ridden, rotten ball cum.
it probably got to do with pherhormones and oxitocin as sex is the ultimate bonding experience
>mfw i stop fapping everyday due to cryptocurrency
feels good to be actually busy and earning money at the same time instead of fapping to chinese cartoon and comics and tranny porn
nofap is pretty fast and loose with physiology, the research has something to do with androgen receptors increasing the efficiency of testosterone or some shit, not a lot of research but some findings may bear fruit
my guess honestly is that a lot of beta boys with low impulse control just found something to fixate on and are training willpower but resisting in a way they couldn't previously, something about being less pathetic idk
just do whatever the fuck you want
i started losing hair because i have been fapping daily for about2 years. Do you like your hair?? Dnt do it then
Yes, but trying to cut down
No, I do it in bed
No, I always wash my hands before and after
This guy gets it
Sounds like you're either low test or fapping 9 times a day, probably both. Unless you're legitimately addicted then nofap is a placebo that will not directly assist in solving your underlying issues.
Nofap is over rated
I have been a lvl29 wizzard, fapping every other day since I could.
Granted, when I had my first gf, it was something.
The first time, she came twice. I faked orgasm cause I couldn't come.
And it takes two month to speed up things my side to come with her if I wanted. Most of the time, I didn't bother and just let her come and come after.
It drives her crazy to be pou ded like this (in a good way).
Now, I'm single again, and fappong is not a huge turn on as before.
Never lost my hair.
Almost never failed to send her to the sky.
No fap is bullshit for me. But maybe it works for some user, idk.
>using Veeky Forums as my blog
The good old days of the faptop, now my phone just occasionally hits me in the face. #2017problems