you know, all this polo fud and moving to btrx makes me think this is a campaign by btrx before THEY exit scam with all their new customer funds
I mean, btrx has WAY too many fucking ICO's that will definitely be listed as securities by the SEC in the coming months, there's no way they don't realize it too.
I have not had 1 issue with polo, ever, aside from verification times. I think all these withdrawl issues are by fucking brainlets/ btrx paid fud.
Calling it now, btrx exit scams. Screencap this.
I just got in
cap it yourself fag
I actually just moved all my money from kraken to polo because kraken has become so unreliable.
Nice just bought 100k
>Poloniex reserves the right to change or modify the terms and conditions contained in these Terms, including but not limited to any policy or guideline of the Site, at any time and at its sole discretion.
>Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the revisions to the Site or at the instant that Poloniex transmits the information to the Users (e.g. via email). These changes will apply at that instant to all then current and subsequent uses of the Site.
> Your continued use of this Site acts as acceptance of such changes or modifications.
I'm happy i abandoned this shit site 2 months ago
what would you suggest we do?
this is probably exactly what is happening my man
just move to cryptopia all they are located in new zealand instead of the cuckold states of america
Don't use polo
yeah the great place that the fbi acts with impunity, like with Kim Dotcom. NZ are a bunch of cucks
If it's fud it's the most organized fud I've ever seen. People are saying the same complaints all over the internet.
how tf is a US based exchange going to exit scam, exactly? The feds hunt people to the ends of the Earth if required. That would be so dumb. The exit scams happen in 2nd and 3rd world countries with high corruption and low policing.
Polonieux required me to enter my SSN in order to register my account, fuck that.
oh you're gonna be in for a surprise, buddy
Polo has held almost 100K Siacoins from me since June. From when they were still worth something. Coming up on 3 months now.
You are naive as fuck
Way back then I had a stuck transaction. Then I got more sia into polo, then another transaction to move them out and it literally pushed my "stuck" sia with it. Long story short, a new withdrawal might push your old one.
OL is the most decent exchange. Never used it though. I may have an account. Also watch out for wcex. Holding their tokens will give you dividends from the trading fees
make another ticket with the "time-sensitive" option ticked, tell them to rebroadcast the transaction or return funds immediately, and dont expect a reply but they will give your coins back
Will they sell our user info??
I genuinely feel sorry for you
>how tf is a US based exchange going to exit scam, exactly?
How? Wow, you are a clueless cuck. They are registered in Delaware which is an offshore territory basically. The owner is probably some Chinese mongrel who paid offshore incorporations to register in Delaware so cucks like you think they are legit. They probably have a post box there in some warehouse and can exit scam all they want. If they are so legit, why the hell don't they accept bank deposits eh?
brah I'm pretty sure most people with a lot of money on Poloniex know that they have a physical office outside Boston that's easily verifiable with a little research, and that the founder is based in NYC/Boston and known publically although not an outspoken guy for understandable reasons. You sound like you are just fudding based on your knowledge level.
and obviously they don't accept bank deposits becuase it's part of their strategy. they make a fuck ton of BTC running their exchange as-is. not involving fiat currency removes a ton of risk and cost from a compliance standpoint and makes them much less of a target for punitive regulations. I would be surprised if tether lasts there though much longer.
bittrex is the real fucking scammer
I've done there verificationi 4 fucking different times.
I'm pretty fucking sure it's not because I'm black
Its cuz ur black senpai
Conspiracy theories are fun and all, but even as a /pol/ack blaming the jews for everything i'm inclined to believe what we see is incompetence