>"So this is it then, Gentlemen. The beginning of the First World War."
What the fuck were they thinking?
>"So this is it then, Gentlemen. The beginning of the First World War."
What the fuck were they thinking?
They were gonnah beat up their rivals and establish dominance in Europa.
>Well, well, well... looks like we are going to have a little World War... too.
christ, what were they thinking with that line?
>be surrounded by multiple nation states on all sides
>form alliances with just about none of them
>allow them to form military alliances with each other
>be American soldiers in a base overseas during winter in the 1950's
>"well shit, this sure is a Cold War"
Threw the book in the trash and threw the trash can out the window.
>"We have truly become The Renaissance"
Bravo Da Vinci
>In the end, I guess we truly were the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics.
Who wrote this stupid speech?
Name a single thing he did wrong
Start a world war
>Germany has lost World War One. I'll make sure Getmany wins World War Two!
why doesn't anyone talk about this?
>The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America
Fucking hell Jefferson, you had one job
>Well Luigi I guess we really are in a Fascist Italy
The alliance with Russia/Austria wasn't doable in the long term.
Maybe if they had two more Bismarcks.
>Well, that sure was a great depression, wasn't it?
The fuck, Roosevelt?
Invade Russia in the winter.
I can't tell if people still believe this meme or are just spouting it ironically at this point
>So that's it, huh? We the patsies. Some kinda French Revolutionary Army
Walked out of the lecture at that point desu
>Lincoln it's too late. All that's left for us now is... Civil War
>"I guess the Revolutionaries don't like their eggs Benedict'd."
-Benedict Arnold upon his betrayal.
>"Woah...so this is the power...of The Blitzkrieg."
who the fuck wrote this script
>Fascinating... I suppose one might be able to say with some certainty that this is, in fact, undeniably, the War of Jenkins' Ear
I had steam coming out of my ears at this point desu.
Top lel
Not delegating enough to his more competent generals
Not invading the UK because of sympathy for Anglos
>"The horrors I saw in Vietnam, War, Terror and many other hazards"
Are you fucking kidding me?
>He chose not to invade
Is this what krauts actually believe?
>so, monsieur, was it worth it all? what did your dear king gain in this Thirty Years' War?
thats when i realized the movie was better than the book
team up with soviets
start an unwinnable war
not even having the sense to surrender
>What is everything that happened between 1871-1913 in terms of international relations?
They tried so hard from Morocco to Moscow, its just Anglos and Frenchmen are better at diplomacy and grand strategy.
Germans are just good at tactics and it gets them nowhere.
>this place has a really good air
>Buenos Aires is funded
seriously, what was happening in Garay's head when he spout this shit?
it was Pedro de Mendoza
Wrong, the eastern front was prolonged, and it didn't start during the winter, retard Hitler chose to divert the German forces slowing down the invasion
Bismarck was the only competent man among the lot
a "visionary" stateman, which the cult of Bismark purports Bismark to be, would have created an enduring system that kept peace in Europe and a set of traditions and policy objectives that could be passed on to Bismark's successors in the german diplomatic establishment. This didn't happen. Bismark's diplomacy was already unraveling by the late 1880s and even earlier, depending on who you ask. He also created a diplomatic system that only he and he alone knew how to operate, because the guy was extremely arrogant and domineering which people obsessed with the of "romantic genius" or "charismatic statesmanship" confuse for competency. No: Bismark was a hack who destroyed the possibility of Germany becoming an accepted great power in Europe for nearly a century. His uniting Germany was a small victory for the slaughter and destruction he brought upon Europe. Not everyone who wears aesthetic uniforms actually lives up to their image. In this regard Willy truly was Bismark's successor despite his deposing the guy.
I think I had a brain aneurysm
Because it's obvious there is tremendous bias behinf thy words. While it is true Bismarck's successors could not inherit the realpolitik he practiced so effectively, Otto himself laid the foundations of a system which, if governed correctly would prevent a large scale conflict such as WWI (In our timeline however he got roudy emperors who would not listen to him and fucked it all up)
How about every fucking thing?
Hitler literally killed more Aryans then any other person in the world, his actions killed the young of Germany and made the fucking population be raped to their soul and only made it worse the feelings of inferiority Germans have
He lost
"Invade Russia in the winter" does not require that the invasion start in the winter.
Seriously Michael Bay?
he made a lot of executive orders that fucked up germanys war effort in russia.
No way, this can't be true. Hitler's general staff even called him the Greatest Field General of All Time. He was a military genius. Just look at this foolproof plan he came up with all on his own.
>"I swear Octavian, this FIRST TRIUMVIRATE is going to be indomitable"
Firebombed the publisher immediately
They didn't call it the FIRST Triumvirate until the SECOND one came along, genius.
>"Maybe the real Seven Years War was the friends we made along the way"
>"Truly, this empire is both Holy, Roman, and an Empire"
>I tell you what, François, this is the same war that my great-grandfather fought in. It's like this war has lasted for... a hundred years.
Not forming a military junta with his top generals as the leaders of the supreme
>So that's it? What? We some kinda... Suicide Squad?
>implying the generals were competent and didnt just take the opporturnity after the war to blame all their mistakes on hitlers meddling