Bitcoin will never recover once the normies realize it's been taken over by a corporation.
Blockstream has Segwit patent
Don't let this shit slide.
That's a defensive patent you fucking moron. If it is patented how come lots of coins have already activated Segwit without having to pay shit to anyone?
Holy shit are BCC cucks literal basement dwellers who know nothing about how to run a business? Nevermind, I already know the answer
name one segwit coin with a side chain that you can actually use at this moment.
>Holy shit are BCC cucks literal basement dwellers who know nothing about how to run a business
bitcoin isn't a business. once people find out a corporation has taken it over, it will be worthless.
go away blockstream shill
I looked into this. They've already threatened BTC1 (SegWit2x) with these patents.
Blockstream is threatening to sue if they don't add replay protection. Regardless of outcome, this looks very bad for core, and we shouldn't allow them to strongarm people via legal means. That destroys the (no pun intended) core foundation of what Bitcoin should be, no matter what side you support. I don't understand why S2X wouldn't have replay protection, but it still shouldn't change the fact that Blockstream are now stepping up to kikery levels unseen before in crypto.
>muh relay protection.
SegWit2x should only need relay protection if Core doesn't plan to support it which is a violation of the NYA agreement. I'm pro lightning network, but I absolutely don't want anything to do with Core & Blockstream. I'll take a loss on BCC if it means not supporting this crap.
The patent will be used to attack segwit2x. They've even publicly stated it.
one word: jews
they got hold of bitcoin
if bcc fails they will control crypto
I just made this, if anyone has gimp skills mabe they could make it nicer.
Segwit2x is not an argument, they are trying to takeover bitcoin
>name one segwit coin with a side chain that you can actually use at this moment.
are you literally retarded? If Segwit is patented, then it is patented with or without sidechains. There is literally no single coin with sidechains at the moment because the technology hasn't been finished and released yet. And btw, Blockstream is not making sidechains, Rootstock is (and is financed by Jihan). So your whole conspiracy theory is even more retarded.
>bitcoin isn't a business. once people find out a corporation has taken it over, it will be worthless.
Bitcoin is a protocol and a network. Blockstream hasn't taken over anything, it's literally retarded astroturfin by the shills like you who never finished middle school. There is only one person trying to take over the network, and that is fucking Jihan. He is literally doing it in the light while all you niggers look for jewish surnames trying to uncover the "SECRET ILLUMINATI JEWISH PLOT OF BLOCKSTREAM HURR DURR".
But you should know that because, as it has been proven, you are literally a pajeet getting paid by Roger and Jihan themselves.
No, if its corporate the will buy it, they have been trained to believe bankers.
>Segwit2x is not an argument, they are trying to takeover bitcoin
i rather have jew than chinks.
the jews know how to make money
>Blockstream is not making sidechains
>Liquid is the world’s first federated sidechain that enables rapid, confidential, and secure bitcoin transfers. Liquid uses a federated peg to allow Bitcoin to be deposited into a sidechain,
>Transferring ledger assets between blockchains via pegged sidechains
>Liquid sidechain uses a federated peg
>ledger assets between blockchains via pegged sidechains
they don't know how to make money. they know how to take your money. fucking dumbass.
I missed the dip :(
don't worry it's still way undervalued.
Legal status Pending
Not convinced by the idiocy of this post.
This retard. Look at the sheep attacking the goy and protecting master.
>mfw other projects have segwit and you're just a liar
you fags have your Bcrash leave bitcoin alone
This defeats the entire point of bitcoin.