Can we have an actual discussion about the U.S. and Russia. The more I learn about the two countries the more it seems that the two countries becoming rivals is just natural.
Russia and the United States
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fuck me
meant to add this in the OP
>Tsardom first established
>government form is autocracy
Autocracy, from at least what I read, seems to be almost a socialist monarchy? Which is practically the opposite of the values that the United States was founded on.
>Russian Empire is proclaimed
>also a autocracy
>Russia is asked to help the British in the Revolutionary War
>Catherine the Great declines
This is one of the few positive moments in the relationship, but it's also obvious that she only refused because she knew it'd make King George a laughing stock.
>America is in the Civil War
>Russia sends some troops to help the North so that the British and French would not get involved
Russians did not ever help the Union directly, but it did prevent the U.K. and France from helping the South.
>Alaska purchase
>the last "good" moment in American-Russian history
>allied intervention in the Russian Civil War
>American forces fight the bolsheviks which pisses them off
Many historians view this as the reason the Cold War would eventually occur.
>the end of WW2
>relations are now hostile between Russia and the U.S.
>both because of the clashing systems of government as well as the American help during the Russian Civil War
>Putin comes to power
>he is authoritarian by American standards
>low freedom of the press
>heavy corruption
All things that directly go against the United States and her interests
The more I look at it I just can't see any way that the United States and Russia would not have eventually become Rivals? Am I wrong in seeing it this way?
fun fact
russia has a smaller economy than italy
I'm not trying to talk about something like if they are powerful or not.
I'm implying that the way the two countries history is, and how the governments were founded that it is inevitable that they would eventually clash.
>just natural.
Hardly, they are on opposing ends of the world and have wholly different spheres of influence, except the US tends to involve herself everywhere. Take Afghanistan- Russia bordered it so natually it would consider influencing and expanding there. Why would the US then go and do the same seeing how it is on the other side of the world? Why is the US always balls deep everywhere?
>Russia of 1867 anything like modern Russia
Shit thread.
>Russia militaristic under Putin
Protecting their bases in Syria and in Ukraine is hardly militaristic.
Yea but because a certain country gives them way to much attention they're invited to the adult's table. Compare Russia to Brazil and for mundaneness sake how they're discussed on Veeky Forums. Brazil have a larger population and bigger economy than Russia. Yet you won't find a single Brazilboo.
I love brazil tbqh
>Protecting their bases in Syria and in Ukraine is hardly militaristic.
Being the 3rd biggest military spender in the world, only dwarfed by the US and China, sounds pretty militaristic to me. They spend a bigger percentage of their GDP on military expenses than the US.
Until China is considered a proper rival by the US population, we'll be stuck with US vs Russia.
Guess I'm wrong then.
>We have to have antagonism between Russia and the US!
Man who could be behind this post? Halliburton? AIPAC?
This. Holy shit.
Russia today (KEK) lacks the ideological and economic power the Soviets had. Russiaboos jerking off about Russian values and Russia conquering Europe are deluded.
Russia is a corrupt semi fascist shithole plagued by drugs,alcoholism and rampant corruption that is encouraged in the political System.
It is caught between two much stronger powers.
China has a stronger military and endless manpower and a much stronger industrial base.
The EU is even wealthier and has a superior Industry and is lightyears ahead in technology.
China would easily win now. The EU would have to get its shit together and raise a lackluster EU army to be vastly superior.
Also the EU and China are pulling away Russian Satellite states with greater economic and cultural pull. See Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
>China would easily win now. The EU would have to get its shit together and raise a lackluster EU army to be vastly superior.
Nah. Nukes mean that nobody's invading Russia any time soon.
The beauty is that they don't have too. Russia has to be expansionist reclaiming Russian lands. Russia is the one that would invade (wouldn't happen though).
>Not only purposely misinterpreting the statement but also attacking the person behind it instead of the
>Making a strawman and half-way trough it saying "nah fuck it let's just attack the writer"
How will I ever recover?
pizza > borscht
China's military is a joke compared to Russia's, manpower doesn't mean shit in the age of radars, unmanned missiles, nukes,aircraft carriers, and jets.
China also buys most of its weaponry from Russia, they might be an economic powerhouse, but in terms of power projection, and militarily they are ten times lower compared to Russia and US. Of course Russia is a shadow of its former self after the collapse of the USSR.
The difference that your analysis misses is that China is not yet powerful enough to be the superpower rival the Soviet Union was, as to oppose the US, they might become in the future, but if you look at the alliances Russia is building with Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey , and all of Turkic "stan's", you will realise why the US is so hell bent in fucking with Russia in the Ukraine and Syria.
Russia has the second most powerful military in the world, and is relatively stable with great social cohesion and little unrest.
Brazil has a very small military, and its social cohesion/political stability is shit. Its not all about the money my friend.
>there's an idiot here unironically comparing Russia and EU
Jesus Christ.
In any case EU won't survive next decade.
I forget who it was way back in the early 1800's (Toqueville?) who said that Russia and the US had parallel history because they both slowly spread over a continent against native tribes
“There are at the present time two great nations in the world, which started from different points, but seem to tend towards the same end. I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed elsewhere, they have suddenly placed themselves in the front rank among the nations, and the world learned their existence and their greatness at almost the same time.
All other nations seem to have nearly reached their natural limits, and they have only to maintain their power; but these are still in the act of growth. All the others have stopped, or continue to advance with extreme difficulty; these alone are proceeding with ease and celerity along a path to which no limit can be perceived. The American struggles against the obstacles which nature opposes to him; the adversaries of the Russian are men. The former combats the wilderness and savage life; the latter, civilization with all its arms. The conquests of the American are therefore gained with the ploughshare; those of the Russian by the sword. The Anglo-American relies upon personal interest to accomplish his ends, and gives free scope to the unguided strength and common sense of the people; the Russian centres all the authority of society in a single arm. The principal instrument of the former is freedom; of the latter, servitude. Their starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked out by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
>China's military is a joke compared to Russia's, manpower doesn't mean shit in the age of radars, unmanned missiles, nukes,aircraft carriers, and jets.
w e w. China actually has the Industry and economy to support a strong army. Russia basically has a Saudi tier economy fully dependent on oil.
>The difference that your analysis misses is that China is not yet powerful enough to be the superpower rival the Soviet Union was, as to oppose the US, they might become in the future, but if you look at the alliances Russia is building with Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey , and all of Turkic "stan's
Russia meddles in the Middle East, without being able to afford that. Iran is commited too being the regional power in the Middle East. Russia will have a bad awakening when Russia and Irans interest don't align anymore.
Turkey is basically the same. And way to dependent on Europe too seriously commit too Russia.
Iraq, Niqqa please. Iran is running that show.
>In any case EU won't survive next decade.
>muh unstable union, muh brexit meme
Even if the EU shrunks to a hard core(in some weird absolutely unrealistic Nigel Farage dream): Benelux,France, Sweden, Denmark and Germany and Austria it is still leagues more powerful than Russia.
Niqqa Russia has a GDP smaller than Italy. Dependent on Oil. In a global market with a low oil price at least for the foreseeable future. Thats no condition to play a great power meddling in world politics.
I don't understand why the promoting of our values are in America's interest.
Nah OP you're right
>"With the defeat of the Reich and pending the emergence of the Asiatic, the African and, perhaps, the South American nationalisms, there will remain in the world only two Great Powers capable of confronting each other—the United States and Soviet Russia. The laws of both history and geography will compel these two Powers to a trial of strength, either military or in the fields of economics and ideology." - Hitler, 2 April 1945
>"There are now two great nations in the world, which starting from different points, seem to be advancing toward the same goal: the Russians and the Anglo-Americans....[E]ach seems called by some secret design of Providence one day to hold in its hands the destinies of half the world." - Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835
china and the EU have nukes too
Russia's not invading them either cause if they're crazy enough to try, russia only has a handful of cities that contain most of the population, infrastructure, ports, and economy.
For now. However it's still multitude of states, not a real state, and Europe is declining as whole.
Meanwhile Russia has great potential.
And don't forget demographics...France will be at least 20% Muslim in two decades, maybe even more.
yeah, and modern air transport of troops makes their mud season and winter worth jack shit.
The United States and Russian Empire were good buddies until the Soviet Union happened and since then Russia has been the aggressor for no reason.
>Europe is declining as whole.
It really isn't. And even if it would decline, then russia would decline way faster by every measurable indicator.
>it's still multitude of states
Yeah and Italy, France and espeically Germany have way more potential as a single state even. Also the EU is in a state of not yet state hood but being more than a alliance.
>And don't forget demographics...France will be at least 20% Muslim in two decades, maybe even more.
Another survey by the Pew Research Center, in May 2017, found that 10% of Russia's population is Muslim.[6] According to a news article of Russia Today, Muslim minorities make up approximately 15% of the total population of Russia.[7]
You're joking right? U.S. dindu nuffin? Its all Russia's fault?
Russia was agree to become high tier vassal of USA like West Europe or Japan in 90ths and about till 2007.
But USA had different plans.
Since then Russia became stronger, but of course not strong enough to be rival for USA.
Real rival is China.
China's GDP (PPP) already exceeds the one of USA.
But most of US politics are too afraid to confront China directly, so they decided to take Russia under control first.
This strategy would allow to encircle China completely and strangle it slowly.
Looks like it didn't work, so Trump was elected.
He will start conflict with China, but will be made into scapegoat if the situation goes into unfavorable direction.