>bitcoin is """""crashing"""""
Bitcoin is """""crashing"""""
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There is 90k unconfirmed transactions on the bitcoin network. They are stacking up more fast than the miners can validates the blocks.
Bitcoin is dead. I will move or my assets to Bitbean
So why'd it hit 3.7k this morning?
it was a big japanese whale exiting
which led to a waterfall of selling across all exchanges
but it also rebounded pretty quickly back to $4k, where it has been hovering for weeks now, despite all the FUD..
Reminder that it was
SegWit activation. It does this everytime btc gets an upgrade.
How does that exactly work, an unconfirmed transactio?
Does it mean 90k bitcoins are being sold/bought but it hasnt been confirmed yet, i. E. it didnt have an impact on the price yet? If so, how come you can do very fast trades on exchanges with btc and immediately get it traded?
A whale fleeing to $BCC.
Won't be the last.
good. i sold a bunch and want to re-up
I have this question too.
how come you can do very fast trades on exchanges with btc and immediately get it traded?
The bitcoin don't actually move. You just have more bitcoin "credit" on the exchange.
who are these japs with huge amounts of BTC? yakuza?
transactions within an exchange are not real transactions on the network
you have one coinbase wallet moving bitcoins to another coinbase wallet
they can do all that on paper
they only have to interact with the actual blockchain when someone transfers coins out of the exchange
Why are you posting old information? Sour grapes because you didnt buy when it was cheap? Go cry to your mum faggot.
>That was meant to be a quote.
It's going to "crash" soon just like it has every time before
how is this old information
I literally just screenshotted the current chart
here I will give you an update
Noise. Zoom out.
yeah that's the strange thing, how can bitcoin be nearly unusable yet still maintain its price? this is worse than the neo chaincoin chink scam
hardly the first time this has happened. It wasn't the death knell of BTC before and it won't be this time either.
I did a transaction today and it confirmed within 5 minutes you fucking shill.
I'm a noob. If I was trying to get my money into cryptos with say 1k, how much would I lose to fees just buying in?
no. does not mean that 90k bitcoins are stuck....there are 90k transactions that are "pending" for confirmations.
Trades on an exchange are not transactions per se. There are only changes in the "Balance sheet" of the exchange. The bitcoin transaction only occurs when you deposit and withdrawal your money.
Did you pay 0.4 btc as fee??
~0,25% - so about $2.50 for 1k usually.
It means people have tried to transact without paying a proper transaction fee so there is less chance their transaction will go thru.
Example, some sites which hold your btc that never had a code update or third tier exchanges not adjusting fee upward
And users forgetting to apply correct fee
Or chinks spamming the network.
is there a comparable site that shows current ETH transactions pending?
haha holy shit "5 minutes" while most likely paying at least a couple dollars in fees
with the way bitcoin is going now, I rather use a credit card, at least I have instant transactions and I actually get a discount for using it lmao
looks like the fake tether shit that bitfinex has been doing is real, there is no other explanation for how bitcoin is still this high while being an unusable piece of shit caused by blockstream
>there is no other explanation for how bitcoin is still this high
normies dont want a knock off bitcoin
this is the new paradigm
this is the new world reserve currency
get with the program, buy and hold bitcoin for years
That is the trick, bitcoin cant be dumped, the network cant support dumping
>bitcoin cant be dumped
how did it fall from 460k yen to 390k yen last night then?
>this is the new world reserve currency
This is basically what I think ETH will be.
Not BTC, but ETH.
Lol its nowmies wat to be cypherpunks, smart traders say buy and hold, some drunk guy said i'm hodling. Now all drunks and normies are buying and hodling... miners get rich hodles want to dump miners, miners start new bitcoin.
> normies want to use bitcoin
lol no, if you haven't realized, no one is actually using bitcoin yet, ask any random shit stain on the street and they either have no clue how bitcoin actually works or what it even is
what's currently happening is just speculators looking for a quick buck
this is just a massive PND scheme waiting to unravel any time soon
sure sure
we've been hearing this for over a year now
bubbles can last for years. we are just at the beginning. hedge funds / wallstreet are just starting with crypto and most normies are still unaware of bitcoin
>small fucking dip
>bitcoin is crashing!
Fuck off faggot.
my excessive quotation marks is supposed to indicate sarcasm
god dammit Veeky Forums stop being so new
more like 9 years now.
settle down, rebecca, we know you love being sarcastic.
It's the "flippening" user. ""Bitcoin" Cash" is going to "overtake" bitcoin.
"""All"" the miners" are leaving to mine BCH don't you know?
i miss the old biz that wasn't full of dumb bitches saying things for attention.
>claire silver
If you had actually been here before 2017 you'd know that btc maximalism has always been a thing. Gook shills is a new thing, and so are you.
i can smell your cunt.
You gotta find a new english learning app Kumar.