What was the greatest invention/scientific achievement in human history that had the biggest effect on us as a whole?
Does anything beat agriculture?
What was the greatest invention/scientific achievement in human history that had the biggest effect on us as a whole?
Does anything beat agriculture?
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The ability to learn a lesson and never forget it is just about as powerful a tool as you could ever ask for.
Writing does not give you food
You can just ask the guy who knows
Bronze tools.
Agriculture is all nice, but when you need 500 farmers to work to produce enough food for 501, it's not a good basis for a society.
We could communicate and oral repetition meant that knowledge of something did not end with the death of one person.
Because without getting horny, population wouldn't increase.
The use of tools, the wheel, control of fire, domestication of animals, argiculture. Not in that order.
Other than that, probaly guns.
Spoken languaje
yeah man, fuck writing, writing's for faggots
my erection
i unironically think that organized religion was one of the most important inventions of mankind
Printing press
Nope. Agriculture pretty much defined what a human is and what he's capable of, we went from being 100% dependent on the environment to shaping the environment ourselves.
Not an invention really.
>nearby body of fresh water
>everyone is covered in dirt
>writing's for faggots
I'm fully convinced that marriage is a technology.
Internet has changed almost everything
The Internet
If not agriculture, then writing. Nothing else has come close to transforming us in such fundamental ways, agriculture freed us from the lifecycle of animals, writing freed us from the tyranny of time.
anime boards
The Five Great Innovations:
Abstract Language
All humans use these things, and have for hundreds of thousands of years. You can't single any of them out. And it should be easy to see how a few of them add up to agriculture.
The Internet.
Give food for a day, he's fed for a day.
Teach him how to make food, he and his entire family is fed for all lifetime.
Hater Bosch process without a shadow of a doubt,
>With average crop yields remaining at the 1900 level the crop harvest in the year 2000 would have required nearly four times more land and the cultivated area would have claimed nearly half of all ice-free continents, rather than under 15% of the total land area that is required today.
>Due to its dramatic impact on the human ability to grow food, the Haber process served as the "detonator of the population explosion", enabling the global population to increase from 1.6 billion in 1900 to today's 7 billion. Nearly 80% of the nitrogen found in human tissues originated from the Haber-Bosch process. Since nitrogen use efficiency is typically less than 50%, farm runoff from heavy use of fixed industrial nitrogen disrupts biological habitats.
>the porn machine
pick one
it comes back to agriculture.
Imagine if humans hadn't mastered the fire. We wouldn't have agriculture because we would not have survived against night creatures long enough to become sedentary.
Porn is just one of the many uses the internet has. The internet has literally revolutionized almost everything we do
the computer is fucking amazing. It gives you access to study anything at anytime from anywhere on the planet.
Internet is barely more revolutionary than the telephone. Putting it in the same sentence as agriculture or the printing press is a fucking joke.
>the Internet is just a porn machine bro
Reddit-tier meme. The fact you can think that the internet is just something to jerk off with while millions of dollars worth of finances, hundreds of thousands of messages and the entire global media travel from continent to continent at the speed of light is so retarded I can't even begin to fathom it. Are you american by any chance?
>Not an invention really.
How come?
So every person on a given place and community just happened to call the moon "moon" and the rain "rain" just because some random accident?
If it has a set of rules that most people observe it fits the definition of invention. It's just not random grunting.
Calling language an invention is like calling chimp screams an invention. It's just a natural way of communication.
Nuclear weapons since we may one day use them to break the cycle and go into a deep cosmic annihilation-sleep for the rest of time. Anything less than the whole planet being wrecked and there's the risk we might come back through reincarnation.
>implying you truly know something just by reading about it
Pornography has actually led to a decrease in population growth because people won't seek potential mates for sexual satisfaction because they now have pornography for that.
Nuclear weapons. Unironically the only reason World War 3 hasn't happened yet.
The printing press allowed knowledge and literacy to be readily available cheaply.
The internet does this but you can collaborate with someone from the other side of the world in a matter of seconds rather than months. Let's not forget how dependent we are on it economically and how much it's used for social purposes.
It's the printing press, telephone, mail, and likely more.
No it's chemistry.
>What was the greatest invention/scientific achievement in human history that had the biggest effect on us as a whole?
1) The invention of symbolic algebra
2) The invention of the calculus
3) The printing press
4) The internet
5) H
Its not natural at all.
>The ability to learn a lesson and never forget it is just about as powerful a tool as you could ever ask for.
That is such shallow understanding of history that you should just kys.
The internet
Domestication of horse.