>tfw it was all real
Tfw it was all real
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The nazis were basically cartoon villains
>>tfw it was all real
Pretty scary isn't it
Someone post the image mocking Nazis for LARPing as romans
The pillars are a bit too much desu, the pillar with the swastika right in front of the brandenburg gate kinda ruins the aesthetic since you already have so many flags with a swastika on them
Why are dictators so fucking A E S T H E T I C?
Random shitty pillars and awful flags everywhere
How odd. It's almost as if History was written by the Victors..
Ok, they were over doing it just a tad.
>literally a skull \on their uniform
because kitsch is appealing to proles
Oh for fucks sake, try not to be so apparent moishe.
The Deaths Head is way older than the Third Reich.
learn it please
>red flag (sybmol of socialism)
>white circle (symbol of monarchy)
>swastika (an ancient symbol appearing in many cultures)
Only the crazy 19th and early 20th century could produce this clusterfuck. A period where mass revolutions, technology and myth mixed together.
Kitsch's yiddish? Care to provide an alternative word I could use so I don't trigger you /pol/tards?
I never said it was yiddish. Jesus Christ you're 2 for 2 moishe.
communists > nazis
Also better songs.
>make caricatures of them as cartoon villains
>wow they were basically like cartoon villains huh?
I seriously hate Americans
Assumed it was given that you were triggered, turns out it's actually just a german loanword. What is the problem then?
Eventually one realizes engaging a jew is a waste of breath, and he goes about his life.
You sound steamed.
that image is cute :3
>so boys, you are not Nazis anymore, now you are Communists
>but big rallies, uniforms and pretty songs stay
Do you think it was hard for them to adapt to new environment?
You might say I am gassed.
cartoon villains do exist in real life
>muh ebin pictures
Why are all stormfags such emotionally driven simpletons? Do you faggots read nothing but picture books as well?
DEUS VULT fags are very similar
They were called moderate rebels a few years ago.
it's strange to think that almost everyone in that crowd would have been a born and bred German.
it's stranger still that that is a strange thought.
The Syrian civil war features multiple rebel groups that have tended to fight each other. As far as I know, ISIS was never called moderate rebels. Some of the other groups were.
On the contrary user, pictures can say very much without using any words.
I hope you're not trying to imply that it would be hard to find Trump photos with the same sort of pandering to Jews.
I wish you were smart enough to realize you thoughtlessly just hinted that both sides are owned by and pander to the same group.
All you morons do is give me more ammo.
You should watch some older German films from East Germany. 90% of kids in these films are blonde.
Dreams don't come tr...
Obviously Jews are very powerful. Nobody except retards denies that. However, that does not mean they have been secretly controlling world history for hundreds of years in some unified scheme designed to destroy white people. It also does not mean that Nazism is good or that Hitler was right.
It would have been a wonderful world...
Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these, 'It might have been'
That's just ugly. God, jerk yourself off even harder Germany
It's Prussian isn't it?
>Nobody except retards denies that. However, that does not mean they have been secretly controlling world history for hundreds of years in some unified scheme designed to destroy white people.
Of course the Jews have no axes to grind against Europeans. Except for the destruction of the temple and expulsion from Jerusalem by the Romans (after the Jewish genocide of Roman populations during the Kitos War) And except for the expulsions from England in 1290 (for wealth increases from usury), and France in 1306 and 1394. Or the expulsions in Spain in 1492 (for their role in allying and supporting the Umayyads) and Portugal in 1496. Or the various Cossack wars on the Jews. Or the other countless indignations. I could say Hitler was lying, but as a man living in the modern era and having seen and learned how the Jews have impacted it, I can with a clean conscience say he was on to something.
I think that is the 1st pic of von Hindenburg in color I've ever seen.
I love it, Hitler in a suit with mismatched pin stripe pants and a solid black coat. Hindenburg in his old Imperial military uniform complete with leather gloves, Goering in his more drab modern military uniform.
>it was all real
Leftypol is up early I see. There is nothing more beautiful than to die for one's nation.
Shit man, if it's so unbelievable then look up FYROM right now. Naturally some people don't buy any of that shit but that doesn't stop the govt. from doing whatever they want.
Right, today in the 21st century we have real political "aesthetics" lmao.
Come to think of it, when did we ever?
You are wrong and clearly don't know history very well.
>die to create the dream of syphlitic, meth-addicted failed artist who declared war on the entire world
Maybe they earned every single one of those things?? Could it be possible?
>being a masochist
degenerate filth
It's German.
i literally only think jews and blacks have the mental capacity to deny the germans should've won because the regime hurt their feefies
Yep, look for Totenkopfhusaren if you're interested.
>being a coward
even more degenerate filth
Russian, Poles, other Slavs and everyone believing in liberal values also aren't very fond of the Nazis.
>tfw it was all bombed
>liberal values
>declare aggressive war against over a dozen European Countries, intend to annex and assimilate/exterminate half of them
>steal art and treasure from around Europe
>no respect for trraditional architecture or art, impose their gaudy Modernism everywhere
You don't have to be Jewish, liberal, or socialist to realize what criminals the Nazis were.
I just noticed the mismatched pin stripes. God that looks awful now. C'mon Hitler, you're the Chancellor of what still is a 1st world country. Get it together. Well you can't now, but still.
>bold claims that go against overwhelming scholarly consensus
>literally no sources other than a couple quotes and Nazi propaganda
I feel like you might not be giving us the whole story, Hans. Do you have some sort of agenda?
yeah nazi germany was great, such a virtuous society brings out the best in everyone
What a bunch of shit.
>Germany didn't even lose WW1
>Britain was starving
> scholarly consensus
> no sources
literally every single claim is verifiable using standard "scholarly sources" and given plenty of context.
>Germany didn't lose WWI
>USSR wasnted to invade Europe
>Some random telegram by an army colonel is used as proof
>Russians would've lost Mosocw without land lease despite the fact that they beat the Germans and pushed them back fom Moscow before land lease started arriving
And people are supposed to take this shit seriously?
>ancient judeans constantly chimp out and murder gentiles
>romans finally lose it and teach the judeans a lesson
Why are dead Nazis so aesthetic?
>Germany was attacked by France and Britain in WWI
>all we want is a united German state *plans to annex Russia up to the Urals
>Jews are a hivemind
>disproven claims about anti-German pogroms in interwar Poland
>claims that Stalin wanted a fully communist Europe without evidence (when he was basically a realist)
Dump more of your REDPILL shit, I dare you.
Stormfags should be banned, not because of their opinions but because they don't know history. It's impossible to discuss anything with them because they don't know the most basic facts. Take this nonsense for example:
>The Republic did not last long, the debts incurred on Germany and the troubles of their people especially with inflation, were killing the nation
>Now comes Hitler
No. Hitler came 9 years after the inflation ended. Between 1924/1925 and 1929/1930 Germany enjoyed a period of prosperity and quickly became a country with the highest standard of living in Europe.