Tell me your thoughts
BNB - Binance general
I literally have no idea what to make of it
i moved my funds to buy some HCC, bought and it instantly collapsed 5 days old low
fastest 15% loss of my life
yea i trade stuff differently most of the time so i have no idea how u '''invest''' in coins for short term profit
885 BNB holder here. Can't wait this thing to break out on the 24th.
Why do you think that will happen
because then the fees kick in and the coin will have real use value on the exchange.
Holding this for months, they have ICO's coming up that need this coin + 24th starts fees.
better buy up
now is the last chance
bought in at 30k sats, sitting pretty comfy with 2x gains, waiting for 24th, hell will break lose then.
Bought 3k at 10k, while the gains are nice I wish I wasn't a pussy and actually bought the 10k I was planning on
so you have 18K dollars in total now?
fuck me, I saw the goldmine of this coin when it was at 0,41 per token, decided to buy up, could only buy in because coinbase fucked me over with the confirmation time (bought in at 1,41 per token)
thinking of doubling down on this and dumping all my OMG into it
anyone use binance as their main exchange? Fees will be nice and cheap, plus I do like their interface and graph features (other than how the fuck do I zoom out?)
scroll out
Yeah I deposited 0.5 btc to binance and my account total is ~4btc now. (I traded some other coins too)
Poorfag here but this coin has made me 450% gainz
Same here bought in at 1 dollar
Bought more last night there'l be another pump today or tomorrow
THeir newest token:
Avatar Binance
a few seconds ago Updated
Based on the technical features of Blockchain, in view of the disadvantages of current election technologies, we will build an open-source Blockchain application for election, voting and lottery, and name it as ElectionChain.
The total amount of ELC is 10 billion ."
Website doesn't work and this "information" is astroturfing. I thought they were only going to add "quality" tokens?
Worth buying in now?
I got leftover gains from BTCs drop to 3800 last night and need something to put it in.
Ah thanks, you have to click inside the graph before scrolling. Guess I was too used to bittrex
Yep, I see it easily going to 5 bucks soon.
This coin is pure genius, no wonder it already gained so much attention. I wasn't halfway through the whitepaper when i dropped half my money on it at $1. Wish i had gone all in.
Is there a chance that with fees implemented, people start ditching binance?
why did you choose HCC? the moment i had a look at it, it seemed shady as fuck.
we havent seen where this coin will go yet and if it does end up as a load of shit, its not the only coin being added to the exchange in the coming days.
Yes. However, the no-fee trade was just to lure people in. They hope to keep on growing through smaller fees, fewer jewish practices (like the bittrex neogas scam machine), multiligual support and overall good service
yeah I think its too soon to ditch it desu
>Big movement either today or tomorrow
Can't wait
I lost half my binance scalping.
I have like 5%-10% of my portfolio.
This coin screams long term hold.
It could be $1 tomorrow. It could be $10 tomorrow. I have no idea. Risk is worth the reward to me though.
Yeah I made a big win trade today and made up all my stack losses but I learned my lesson about daytradinf BNB a few days ago after losing 20% of my stack trying to scalp.
Zero fees mean the botting and whales are rampant. Very unpredictable bottoms. It'll calm down a bit once fees are implemented.
By the way currently BNB is #25 in market cap but #11(!!) in volume, just behind NEO!
my brother
lost over 80% of my portfolio with 'technical analysis' jewery
Then you're not doing it right and you should keep your money in the bank
You serious? Technical Analysis is 95% bullshit. Literally toddlers drawing lines on graphs attempting to make patterns is what TA is. TA is the lazy way to trade, research is king. It barely works in the stock market but it sure as fuck doesn't work with crypto. It's way too volatile and has 0 regulations.