How do we deal with American problem on Veeky Forums?
How do we deal with American problem on Veeky Forums?
Remove ALL new worlders
Hi Canada
Burgers are not the problem. /pol/luters are.
>implying most of the /pol/tards aren't amerilards
Seriously, they larp irl and call everyone larpers on an anonymous mongolian horse-breeding forum
God I love ameribear
Ban all old world IPs
ban military history threads
"old world" is irrelevant now.
more like these
The poltard retardation has spread everywhere
Constant American obsession is indicative of being a jelly faggot.
yes please god. also ban Roman history and more closely moderate covert Veeky Forums, /pol/, and Veeky Forums threads that all talk about things like ethnicity in the past or whatever the fuck that history is rightly silent on because it's an epistemological sinkhole that is literally only used for political ends
Butthurt Eurotards detected
This is an American site gtfo to krautchan or whatever gay eurochan you browse nigger
>ban military history
You realize this is a board for discussing certain parts of history that interest people, right? And that military history is just as big a field as any other specializations?
> You realize that it's nearly impossible to have productive discussions about history with drooling faggots who spend all their time circle jerking themselves over ceasars conquest of an island of naked savages
I never said it was impossible without it, you fucking retarded autist. I said that this is a board for the discussion of historical events that are of interest to people. Some people are interested in military history, some people are interested in aztec history, et cetera. If warfare triggers you so much, you can start your own thread about roman history. And military history does not preclude a productive discussion about history.
I don't mind them being there, I enjoy making fun of them.
military history in PRACTICE on Veeky Forums attracts /pol/ morons. at the very least, there should be Rome and WWII containment threads and active moderation to delete threads that turn into the latest rehash of the Proud Western Civilization Defeating the Savages meme that both of those kinds of history attract on this website
And what's the problem with Caesars fighting savages? That's cool as fuck, some of us like military history and conquest, there's a reason Sun Tzu's "Art of War" is a popular book and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the great epics of chinese history.
War/battles are cool, people will be drawn to it whatever is their political leaning and nationality, deal with it.
Reminder that the main culprit is &Humanities, which is used as an excuse to shitpost and to bait.
>Veeky Forums - History when?
Euro are terrible posters
That's a fat kitty
>implying finns are white
Here is a low quality spurdo for you
Agreed, we really need a /hum/ containment board.
For Veeky Forums