what the fuck is this
which one of you fuckers just put up a 250btc sell wall at .00875
What the fuck is this
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm gonna make a wild guess and say whoever he is he doesn't post on Veeky Forums
just saw that too, don't think it's someone from biz though,we all poor, probably trying to keep the price down to accumulate, if it was really someone planning to sell, it would leave it on their wallet generating GAS and then dumping it once the gas sale could overtake possible losses
All me
listen faggot I put it there because price needs to be around 34$ for rpx ico price to be low as your mom goes when she sucks my feet.
read faggots:
Total RPX token circulation at end of ICO:
Depends on the USD/NEO rate 1 hour before ICO, and the amount raised in NEO at each bonus stage (see below).
and when is that ICO going to start?
Probably the devs trying to unload their trash before entering early retirement funded by Americans crypto welfare system.
got a quick rundown on RPX?
for richfags tomorrow 10k minimum
for poorfags next month
better get in fag. big chinese player
stay salty, no neo
I'm no rich fag, but gl, fag
Whales accumulating, theres buy walls too.
>GAS dividends = free money
>Byzantine tolerance fault
>Quantum resistance
>Energy efficient PoS
>100 thousands transactions per second
>.NET smart contracts
>JVM Kotlin lambda integration
>Dong Fei/Onechain has contacts with Alibaba
>Microsoft Partnership (workshops + integrated tech stack)
>2 new ICOs coming Setember (Red Pulse and TokenKai)
>Going to be listed in 2 major Japanese exchanges soon
Get in now fast, this shit is going to moon soon
not gonna moon until August 23, 2017 (0900 EDT / 1300 GMT / 2100 CST) - 1 hour. buy now or stay poor
any particular reason for such specific time?
read up
moon mission is a go, if anyone here didn't buy, now is a good time to do so
pre sales are over you idiot you gotta wait for the Ico now
It's back again...
bags r getting heavy
knees weak
bags are heavy
Its testing the 36 dollar resistance as we speak
IDGAF, have my sells posted, studying while it slowly goes up
let the whales play their games, I'll play mine
We broke the 36 resistance boys!
guess it wont stay down long enough
people want neo (for ico and for holding) more than they fear/care about the walls
I just bought a fuckload of this
let's do it
I took a screenshot of that wall while discussing in another NEO thread. Saving here for posterity!
U made me shit myself laughing u piece of shit
Your favorite biz/tard is going live in 15 mins!
All that GAS the whale could be generating...
132. gas/day to be precise.
oh believe me he has 100k back at home
I meant 13.2.