ITT: Evil people who got away with it
Also: Kim-Il-Sung, Stalin, Louis XIV, Columbus
And Obama, Bush, well literally any US president since Roosevelt
You know what he did
Any Nazi who managed to flee to South America pretty much got away scot-free
Also the entire Unit 731.
What type of subhuman are you?
An Ancrap, a Stormweenie or someone else?
He didn't get away with it, though
Your local Japanese person, my parents were killed by the heartless Americans before I was born.
I wouldn't call succumbing to a Mossad heart attack gun "getting away with it"
wtf do you mean he got away with it? His was one of the most theatrical deliverances of justice in existence. Literally.
A couple members of 731 fell into Soviet custody and actually got on trial if that makes you feel any better.
If there's any sign of justice in the world it's Mossad hunting down Nazi fucks who thought they could get away with it
They even managed to talk a Nazi into helping them do so. A rich irony indeed.
Skorzeny was a full-blooded commando, he couldn't helpt it.
Mengele. Fucker died of a stroke while swimming in Brazil.
>not spanish crypto jew de valera
Stalin had a karmic death. Commies don't get prosecuted. They're killing each other.
>raised standards of living faster than anybody else on the planet
>kill those reactionary birds comrade.
>somewhere between 20 to 40 MILLION people starve to death as a direct result of Maos policies
>raised standards of living faster than anybody else on the planet
That was because Deng Xiaoping policies.
>Louis XIV
>out of 550 million people
its awful... but as with everything in chinese history, a central government fuck up results in so many deaths because china has a huge population. Just look at the Taiping rebellion a century earlier: 20-30 million dead because of the famines and disruption caused by fighting between taiping and qing troops. And let's not forget that the Taiping arose because the predatory imperialism of the British and French weakened the Qing legitimacy immensely and vastly accelerating problems apparent in the early 19th century.
Yet that wasn't even enough to make a sizable dent in the population, which was growing rapidly thanks to the huge increases in healthcare and food availability for the poorest Chinese.
Lots of people died because of failed Maoist policies and that's a fucking travesty, yet those were only a fraction of the broader Maoist program. This is why actual Chinese people have much more nuanced perspective on Mao than random Westerners on Veeky Forums.
pol pot and pals got off rather lightly
Taiping Rebellion involved 10-30 million directly murdered. If you include famines it goes up to 90 million.
As brutal as Mao's China was, it can't even compare to the miserable final century of the Qing empire.
Hillary should hang for her imperialistic abuses but so should nearly everybody involved in the White House bureaucracy since Eisenhower
Well said comrade, here is your wax mango
Not evil but too smug for his own good
He is so smug.
what? he was a great man and a fighter for citizen rights.
Columbus didn't get away with it though
Fuck serbs
That was Truman you Japanese fuck, and the bombs were justified
He didn't though.
The Kennedy Family. This is just one of things they did.
>Guys are really comparing the deaths of a country in peaceful times and war, and pretend are the same thing
How retarded you must be to actually be a socialist?
>My great parents
>american heartless
>supported the massacre of entire cities in China
>the rape of children and elders
>for the great autistic emperor
>because we are master race in Asia
>ohh lol US dropped nukes they are so bad :( lol
>Parents died before I was born
Come on guys, I'm not talking about the bombs, I'm talking about the Japanese concentration camps that killed over 3 Million Japanamericans.
Are you serious brainlet? As i said in the first post, the taiping rebellion was directly caused by western intervention in china in the aftermath of the opium war. For one, hong created his ideology from bits of christianity picked up by western missionary tracts, which would have been unheard of abd forbidden before 1840. Theres also the fact that western powers made sure the qing government was as weak as possible during the war, offering limited aid and LAUNCING A SECOND OPIUM WAR in order to force concessions as the wing were fighting for their lives. If it was war, it was a war created in a vacuum created by western powers
>Mengistu left for Zimbabwe in May 1991 after the National Shengo dissolved itself and called for a transitional government. His departure brought an abrupt end to the Ethiopian Civil War. Mengistu Haile Mariam still lives in Harare, Zimbabwe, and remains there despite an Ethiopian court verdict finding him guilty in absentia of genocide.[4] Estimates of the number of deaths for which he was responsible range from 500,000 to over 2,000,000.[5][6]
The camps didn't kill the japanese
Let me rephrase
The camps didn't kill that many japanese
Ishii makes mengele look like a fucking nobel peace prize winner
>slavery is an abomination and Adam Smith proved it is less profitable anyway so we're getting rid of it, but I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races
>t. Lincoln
>fuck it, the niggers will vote for us because we freed them so we're giving them the vote lol
>t. Johnson
Whoa, plebbit out in full forces hyped for the new deadpool and wolfenstein huh?
It really does not get more evil than this mother fucker right here.
But he won the war. so he is a goody now.
Any intelligent person acknowledges Stalin was pure evil.
Hitler was not even remotely as bad. In fact, I don't consider Hitler evil at all. I have so much respect for him it hurts.
I'm just not into autists who lose wars
Lose the war yes, but the fact that he stood up for his people against the global power structure of the day is rather impressive.
There are many admirable traits about the man whether you like it or not.
>a fucking nobel peace prize winner
Yeah uhhh about that...
pic related
>stood up for his people against the global power structure of the day is rather impressive.
This naive notion could not be survive the first Vienna award and countless other events following it.
He wanted a global structure to crush other peeople and when it failed he wanted to at least crush his people.
They didn't get away with it. Ever hear of the Kennedy Curse?
you could say the same thing about stalin, but it is clear that you are a retarded stormfag so there is no point about telling you
Idk, he lifted dozens of millions of people out of poverty
to the grave
Rosemary deserved it for being a w*man.
> Mengele used Auschwitz as an opportunity to continue his anthropological studies and research on heredity, using inmates for human experimentation. The experiments had no regard for the health, safety, or physical and emotional suffering of the victims. He was particularly interested in identical twins, people with heterochromia iridum (eyes of two different colours), dwarfs, and people with physical abnormalities. Twins were subjected to weekly examinations and measurements of their physical attributes by Mengele or one of his assistants. Experiments performed by Mengele on twins included unnecessary amputation of limbs, intentionally infecting one twin with typhus or other diseases, and transfusing the blood of one twin into the other. Many of the victims died while undergoing these procedures. After an experiment was over, the twins were sometimes killed and their bodies dissected. Nyiszli recalled one occasion where Mengele personally killed fourteen twins in one night via a chloroform injection to the heart. If one twin died of disease, Mengele killed the other so that comparative post-mortem reports could be prepared. Many of the victims were sent to the gas chambers after about two weeks, and their skeletons were sent to Berlin for further study. Witness Vera Alexander described how he sewed two Romani twins together back to back in an attempt to create conjoined twins. The children died of gangrene after several days of suffering.He was personally responsible for the deaths of an unknown number of victims that he killed via lethal injection, shootings, beatings, and through selections and deadly experiments. Lifton describes Mengele as sadistic, lacking empathy, and extremely antisemitic, believing the Jews should be eliminated entirely as an inferior and dangerous race. Mengele's son Rolf said his father later showed no remorse for his wartime activities.
This guy sounds like a real jerk!
>I have so much respect for him it hurts.
holy shit you're pathetic
>Hitler was not even remotely as bad.
>source: my feeh feehs and /pol/
>raising the standards of living
Do you realize where you are? All the poltards here hate citizen rights, they're just elbowing for the place near their great leader of choice so they can lift themselves above the masses.
Mao wasn't even in control for most of those years though, he was ousted pretty early into the creation of the PRC, came back, did his autistic shit-flinging, then died (not before opening the country up to Nixon though) to claim it was Mao that did that is objectively even more retarded then the 4channers you claim to be more intelligent then.
Compare China in 1940 and 1970. While the elites had lost their wealth, everybody else was substantially more comfortable.
>when something good happens ,Mao is a genius, when something wrong happen in china, is the guilt of others.
Mao was the leader of the revolution, you can't hide all his mistakes.
If you count "dead" as comfortable, yes.
Nice post comrade, here is you wax mango.
>his people
he was a fucking austrian LARPer
But I am addressing Mao's flaws (Guy who commented he wasn't in power). I was just pointing out you can't lay the increase in living standards purely on him. Deng Xiaoping is the main reason China has a nice comfortable population more then anyone really.
total nonsense, see Lucien Blanco's research, you imbecilic communist shill.
I agree with that, actually I think Mao was not evil in essence but very stupid.
A little bit of evil, a ton of ego, and a boatload of incompetent.
To be fair it was a great leap.
>Louis XIV
Kinda looks like a sweet potato.
fuck off with that shit. great leap forward was completely his idea. some of his moderate officials were even against it.
Joseph Stalin.
This most people don't even know about him