Why has France never recovered, psychologically, culturally and politically, from being molested in 1940? Even Germany and Japan which were raped much harder, are arguably more self-assured
Why has France never recovered, psychologically, culturally and politically, from being molested in 1940...
>Even Germany and Japan which were raped much harder, are arguably more self-assured
In what world are those countries more self-assured than modern France?
I'll agree with Japland, but Germany a shit compared to modern day Frence
>Even Germany and Japan which were raped much harder, are arguably more self-assured
What are you basing your opinion on?
NEETs you met on the internet?
Because in real life, Japan and Germany never recovered
Their country are still under US military occupation, they have no military and patriotism is banned in their countries
>Japan 10%
Is this the power of McArthur?
France has nukes, is a backbone of EU and pretty much still forces authority over half of Africa with francafrique program.
Meanwhile Japan and Germany are under US occupation even after more than 70 years. The only reason they recovered economically was because US pumped huge investments to turn them into assets against Eastern Bloc.
Holy shit, I guess the nips threw that whole idea of patriotism and honor out the windows after getting nuked twice.
Turns out that getting your shit pushed in makes you much more humble.
Germany and Japan were only great powers very briefly - less than a century before 1945- so when they lost it all, it wasn't so bad.
France had been, since the 17th century, arguably either the first or second leading power in the world. They could still pretend to be an entire civilizational pole by themselves even if they were being eclipsed scientifically, technologically, economically and militarily by others. French culture was the most powerful in the world, their language the most widely spoken and their territory the second largest. When it came to being at the forefront of human achievement, it was France on one side, and everyone else squabbling among themselves for second fiddle.
What happened in 1940-45 was that France was irrevocably and undeniably reduced to third-rate behind the Anglos. Even after the war, it was clear they were going to be- at best- or the same level or even second place in Europe even to the Krauts. But internationally, they had been beaten for all time by the English.
Imagine two manlets who were picked on and raped continuously, but managed to briefly enjoy a short spell at the top before being pulled down and fucked in the ass again. That was Germany and Japan.
Now imagine the same happening to the toughest, butchest guy, who has never had his butthole violated and has only experienced rubbing his dick on the faces of others, suddenly penetrated without mercy. That is France. Who would be more traumatized?
No. France has been completely cucked by Germany ever since 1940, with the assistance of the United States.
Japanese are way more nationalist than french though.
>country completed destroyed simply due to "die for emperor and gibs me dat Manchurian/Indonesian resources
>wanting to go through that again
Dying for nationalism is so fucking gay, you're giving up your life for the state and not any meaningful thing. Trash.
Japan seems pretty self-assured
If you mean as a civilisation, Japan is definitely more so than France, but Germany has become Anglo in all but name
The French are still anal ravaged against English-speakers and keep trying to assert themselves thinking they are on the same level, whereas the Germans and Japs are content to accept their subordinate status and make money.
japanese culture consist to suck America's dick
The kind of honor and patriotism that mean signing up for your nation's regular military are for idiots nowadays. If you want to guarantee sovereignty in this day and age, you get nuclear weapons. Which means that the true patriot is the man who becomes a nuclear scientist, or who contributes to the nation's economy so it can afford nukes, or who goes to work in diplomacy so his nation doesn't get bombed to shit while it builds nukes... etc. Japan is a threshold nuclear state. They could get a nuclear deterrent in place in probably several months if they really needed to. They have no need for masses of young men willing to pick up rifles.
Japanese tend to actually differenciate themselves from the rest of the world. There are japanese on one part, the rest are just gaijin.
Japanese patriotism can be seen economically and culturally. Japanese TV spends its time showing how great japanese food is, or how impressive japanese traditional artisanry is. Sure, there are many americans elements un japanese culture nowadays, but they still know what beign japanese mean.
Meanwhile, in France there was a stupid debate about what is the french identity, and the president saying"french culture doesn't exist".
>Japanese TV spends its time showing how great Japanese food is, or how impressive Japanese traditional artisanry
>and the president saying"french culture doesn't exist".
French can exist outside of their state, japanese can't
When their emperor tell them to die they do it, and when he order them to be american they do it too
Pic related is the average japenese today
>this meme again
He said that there is many cultures in France, which is true.
Based Macron is fighting the jacobin establishment who's been working on the destruction of local cultures for the last 200 years.
Auvergne is not Alsace, Savoie is not Bretagne.
>Average jap
have a (You), you're clearly starving for it
Wrong, france never recover of WW1, the rest aren't important, WW1 is stil the trauma that haunt them to this day.
They'd been getting into a few wars where they had been fucked in the ass a few times and or many of their population culled over the previous hundred years
Hard to keep up interest in war and armies and shit after that. Still a great bunch of lads tho.
What a lovely image
what happened to europe?
and why is finland so based?
France is filled with different cultures, i know fuck all about france but i know the Bretons are a distinct group.
Finland could be attacked by Russia, all other Western countries are completely safe, there is no country that would ever attack Germany, France or Japan. The military in first world countries is not here to defend those countries but to project power into other countries.
It's easy to sit on a continent that you completely dominate, protected by the worlds largest military, without any real enemies and no threat from anyone to say that you would be willing to defend your country.
Let's see how patriotic you are once a superior enemy force attacks your country, if you're still willing to die for your country then.
Don't feel sympathy, they had their shot in 1815, they blew it.
Sure, France has a chip on its shoulder, but Germany and Japan had their shoulders surgically removed as a result of their unconditional surrenders.
>Their country are still under US military occupation, they have no military and patriotism is banned in their countries
>What are you basing your opinion on?
>NEETs you met on the internet?
W E W. Irony isn't your strong suit isn't it.
*is it
Finland has a very good education system and stable economy. People living in it are very comfy and want to defend it. Also winter war.
Id be very interested to see how this graph splits down between the genders as both were asked
I have a feeling it just means most women arent nice words
>he doesn't know
>French can exist outside of their state, japanese can't
That's the complete opposite, French nation was built by the state. The History of France is how the capetians king managed to unify this territory made of very distinct cultures.
They are very distinct. For instance, no one forgot that they were forced to join the kingdom of France after fighting on both sides (""""English"""" and French) at the same time during the Hundred Years War. Or arriving late to battles. No one forgets that, but them. They like to remind themselves how better they are than the French. Truly admirable.
All the French women who cucked their husbands with German soldiers were left without any man at all..
Germany and Japan were able to have a redemption arc by accepting their mistake and working hard. France never got that because they were on the winning side so they kind of just trundled along.
>French nation was built by the state
Your BS is so erroneous that it refute by itself
How can a French state be born without a French nation ? Did it fall from Heaven ?
Even the French language is older than the Capetians and we exist still after them
French unlike Germans and other Europeans didn't wait for the Spring of Nations to exist
>How can a French state be born without a French nation ?
Are you stupid or something ? The french kingdom wasn't a nation state, it was a feudal kingdom in which a part spoke langues d'oïl, and the other langues d'oc, besides Bretons, Provençal and flemish in the North. It wasn't a nation state. You seriously need to learn History.
>The FRENCH kingdom
>Wasn't French
I knew that leftists were dumb but your idiocy truely impress me
*clap hands*
You're definitly stupid ans need to study history a bit more. You don't seem to understand how feudalism work. I guess since Flanders was part of the french kingdom, by your retarded logic, flemish are actually french right?
Nope they aren't
And why are you avoiding the question, dumb leftist
How can French be invented by the state(it doesn't mean anything btw) although there is a kingdom named after them before their invention ? Did this kingdom fall from Heaven too ?
And how it comes that we existed centuries before the Capetians
More like
>Finland had a very good education system and stable economy. People living in it were very comfy and wanted to defend it
But then the refugee invasion of europe began
Now fugees are raping kids in the house of the prime minister which he offered as shelter
europeans are so fucking weird. Its like they can only be one of two things, some cucked fascist like aristocrat worshiping cuck or some suicidal socialist retard
The kingdom was named "kingdom of the Franks" at first. It became "kingdom of France" under Philip II, and even then, "France" was a geographic terms, without anything to do with the language.
You do know the lords in the south were vassals of the king of Aragon, with whom they shared the same language ? You know Provence, Lorraine, Alsace, and the North weren't part of France for centuries?
>The kingdom was named "kingdom of the Franks" " at first
Nope it was named Kingdom of the French
>"at first. It became "kingdom of France" under Philip II,
It was always named kingdom of the French
Pic related is a French coin from Henry IV times
You did a good thign to remind that the French kingdom was property of all French tho
>they have no military
It followed the current U.S. model imposed on the West of selling out its assets, offshoring its jobs, and flooding itself with foreigners. Corporatocracy and globalisation has decimated the West, which is why Germany is fairing similarly. On the other hand, Asian countries such as China, India and, as OP mentioned, Japan have benefitted the most from the labour vacuum, which is why their economies have flourished in comparison.
>Philippe Auguste est le premier roi ayant fait porter sur ses actes, sporadiquement à partir de 1190, officiellement à partir de 1204[5], Rex Franciæ, roi de France, au lieu de Rex Francorum, roi des Francs
I don't think you know enough about history to post here...
>You do know the lords in the south were vassals of the king of Aragon
Pic related is Aragon at its greatest extent, they did not includes Southern France
I shall not bother aswering to the other question
Japanese economy has been in a recession for like 40 years.
>I'm retarded.
I don't care how many quotes you can pill up cause i literally posted an actual coin from 16th century that prove my point
Pic related is from Louis XVI btw
>I don't think you know enough about history to post here...
When you use wikipedia against actual evidences you aren't allowed to make such a claim
Go read the two coins that i posted and stop ridiculing yourself
But the jobs are still there and they are world leaders in the automobile, satellite, computer and robotics industries. A lot of the jobs in the latter areas were outsourced from western countries.
>This part
>Southern France
This thing is called Arabistan or Mooristan in France not Southern France
What point? No one says "Henri IV, king of the french" but "Henri IV, king of France", it has been this way since Philip II. The french kings kept using the latin title "regnum francorum" from time to time, but it's not really relevant.
Yes, of course. Toulouse was an arab city un the 12th century.
The Trevencal counties were nominally subject to the crown of Aragon, as such Aragon was drawn into the Albigensian crusade on the Languedoc side, after the French King replaced the Trevencals with the Montforts who only owed fealty to the French King. The mass killings they were OK with, but not a loss of ceremonial suzerainty. Of course they lost, had they succeeded perhaps the reformation would have taken a proper gnostic flavor rather than mere boorish iconoclasty.
The Albigensian crusade was essentially a papal sanctioned invasion of Southern France by Northern France, and it was the watershed moment by which the north eclipsed the south in prestige.
you are fucking retarded please stop posting.
>from time to time,
Not from time to time it is their titulature, king of France isn't their titulature
As for the French version, "king of France" isn't systematic, and it is mostly because we followed the cuustoms of the other nations(particularly England) that tended to replace the people with the land
>but it's not really relevant
You're in denial
I was thinking about how misleading that graph is, but then I saw the source.
30% of your population being willing to be conscripted is huge.
>Not from time to time it is their titulature, king of France isn't their titulature
In latin, maybe. In France, no king was called "king of the french", safe for Louis XVI during the revolution.
And yes, it's still irrelevant and does nothing to contradict that France was created by the state and the capetian dynasty.
I've talked to Finns who unironically believe they could win an offensive war against the US
90% of French army recruits could not speak Parisien (modern French) in the year 1890.
>The kingdom was named "kingdom of the Franks" at first.
No surprise there. It was a country ruled by Aryan supermen from the Netherlands who lorded over the swarthy manlets that are nowadays known as "French".
You're claim is unsourced claim
Parisian is just a dialect, and i doubt cause i French dialects are perfectly intercomprehensible, or to be more precise there is no difference between them
As for French, it includes every dialect French not just Parisian
>And yes, it's still irrelevant and does nothing to contradict that France was created by the state and the capetian dynasty.
Aside from the typical leftist screeching, so typical to Occitans you still showed not proofs
two words : Je maintiendrai
>You're claim is unsourced claim
Your claim is unsourced
>Parisian is just a dialect, and i doubt cause i French dialects are perfectly intercomprehensible, or to be more precise there is no difference between them
Parisian is just a dialect, and every French dialects are perfectly intercomprehensible, to be more precise, there is no difference between them
>As for French, it includes every dialect French not just Parisian
As for French, it includes every French dialects, not just Parisian
>Aside from the typical leftist screeching, so typical to Occitans you still showed not proofs
Aside from your leftist screeching, so typical to Occitans, you still showed no proofs
>When the French Revolution massacres and puts down local cultures so hard Modern Frenchmen think the whole thing was a nation-state since forever.
Daily reminder both the Left and Right are the same liberal cancer to the Monarchs.
Alright, so you're basically saying France was already a nation because french language already existed. Alright, if we toss aside the fact that a common language doesn't mean the same nation (Scottish aren't English, and nowadays, Wallons aren't French), here is your France. Doesn't it seem like something is missing ?
Korean detected
>Wallons aren't French
Yes they are
The true name of Walloons is Franchois, Walloon is an exonym
>Doesn't it seem like something is missing ?
Not at all
It is the actual and perfect France
France is an economically powerful nation and a leader of the EU and figurehead of Europe, in what way haven't they recovered? All they haven't recovered is their military legacy, they will forever be known as cheese eating surrender monkeys.
Surely it depends on the conflict? I wouldn't join up to invade some random arab country thousands of miles away. But I would if we were getting invaded or a neighbor.
Actually due to cultural, historical and geographic oddities, Finland basically gets the best of East and West Europe. ''''Refugees'''' have a shitload of better countries to land in before they reach us (including fucking Sweden) and when they do get here, the weird local culture is too much for them. Because we don't get all that many, the government can actually do what is done on paper elsewhere, i.e. deport troublemakers and refugee status scammers while taking in the actual ones, because the numbers are low enough that the system still works. This then means that the national culture remains homogeneous, while still virtue signalling to the world about Western values. Then on top of that you put Russia being RIGHT FUCKING THERE and acting as a boogieman against both 'Western values' and Eastern European national pride and you get an obvious enemy that you would defend against. Plus on top of all THAT is the fact that we didn't get rid of conscription and it does wonders for national unity to have the boys (and a handful of girls) from all over the nation called up each year to be trained to believe in and defend this little country.
Life is good in Finland. Not so much in Russia. People want to keep it that way.
>life is good in finland
Why do you keep killing yourself then?
It is a disease of affluence.
Fighting for your country and defending your country are two very separate things...
When a push comes to shove people think differently.
Russians have a higher suicide rate.
"If Finland was attacked, should the Finnish people fight in all situations, even if the outcome would be uncertain." Blue is yes.
French here, the nation is named by the state.
France is state with a nation not the reverse.
That's awfully ironic given the place we're posting on...
>French here
Once again, Ramos
You're not French
All the political history of france(since clovis) can be understand under the prism of a combat between the region and Paris, federal vs centralist for simple, that why the french revolution is not that much of a break in the french history, it's the final act of centralisation of the country. The destruction of any culture that isn't Parisian is the logical next step, that why french don't have much of independance movement. France is a state that build it own nation that why they are the fisrt modern nation state, they litteraly create the concept.
>muh eternal nation
Fuck off, don't bring modern concept in time where it didn't exist, you can say that the french revolution have facist caracteristic, doesn't mean it was facist.
>can be understand under the prism of a combat between the region and Paris
The prism of history is a battle between French and Romans, the Revolution was just the last death blow that the French gave to the Bretons/Occitans/Germaniggers
A simple look on the who supported the revolution and who revolted against it is a proof
>it's the final act of centralisation of the country.
It's the final death blow that the French gave to inferior races*
>France is a state that build it own nation that why they are the fisrt modern nation state, they litteraly create the concept.
You're still not French thus not qualified to talk avout France
Go wank on the Occitan flag while listening to Libertat, it is more fitting
>French and Roman
user sorry, but french are just gallo-roman.
>French are brownskined mongrels like Occitans
I don't think so, Ramos
Definitely bait