How many Russians actually have Mongol blood? Most of em just look like regular white people to me
How many Russians actually have Mongol blood? Most of em just look like regular white people to me
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Cause you are comparing them with Germanics who also have Mongol blood.
The Asiatic admixture in Scandinavians is older
The meme comes up more with the ruskies tho
>regular white people
Russians actually have somali DNA in them. In 8th century Somali barbarians raided Europe and raped a lot of females.
Thus you end up with people with big forehead like Putin.
Russians look fucking weird.
Putin is from St. Petersburg, he's finno-urgic
Topkek! +1 upvote
Most common trait among Slavs is deep eye sockets, everything else is hit or miss.
god fucking dammit why are russian woman so fucking GORGEOUS
She is Ukrainian
Different gene pool than Rus-khanate
>have been seeing slav memes for over a decade
>yesterday deside to try the slav squat
>its fucking impossible
>not even weak-legged
how to these degenerates do it?
god fucking dammit why are women from that general area of the world so fucking GORGEOUS
>not a single serious reply
This board has truly gone to shit.
>trying to find actual dialogue on Veeky Forums after 2010
that's where you fucked up
All of them. They are still white tho, just like jews, arabs, anglos and berbers.
>b-but muh one drop rule
How is the first post not a serious reply?
Busby et al conclusively showed that there was Turco-Mongol related gene flow in Russia, particularly among Tatars but to a lesser extent among Slavs as well.
Russians are basically 1/2 Slavs + 1/4 Fins + all the rest, actual Mongol element is quite small.
Turkic people in European Russia have R1a-Z93 and R1b-M73. Even small frequencies of these among ethnic Slavs could be linked to their autosomal Turco-Mongol genetics and if not, the Slav males could have bred with Tatar females in a sexually biased manner.
She's really weird, she has an obsession with Tsar Nicholas II
Heels in the sky = Western spy.
So is it likely she post here?
Literally every ethnic Russian has some Mongol ancestry because that's how population genetics works, but not all Russian people visibly express Mongol genes.
Thats because you've never stretched properly in your life. You probably work out but dont balance it by stretching, join a karate or tae kwondo dojo. It will give you the flexibility from streching everyday.
Almost none in the Moscow area do actually. Siberia is another story.
Now all we need is an American to talk about his 1/16 Russian grandmother
Who should he compare them to then, Anglos who have Kike and Iberian blood?
Those look like regular white people.
You're out of shape.
Not to mention it was a retarded shitpost to begin with.
>R1a means Slav
Why do retards unironically believe this? Many Germanics, Nordics and even Turkics have their own subclades of R1a. Hell even the R1a in Czech republic is different from the R1a in Russia.
> can't do simple squat
> calls doers degenerades
Lmao on (you)
>being loyal to your country and respecting its traditions and martyrs
>"really weird"
Fuck off cuck.
Scratch a Russian and you will hurt a Mongol
This creature doesn't look Mongolic or Asian, it looks Jewish. Which it probably is.
It's Sminem
I know. What I said still stands, there's not a single Mongoloid feature on that face but like a dozen semitic ones.
I'm not suprised that Russia's starting to take a pro Tsar standpoint, i'd say House Putin would make fine autocrats, you bootlicking fiend.
That just makes her hotter
Among the public Stalin is more popular than he has ever been.
Marxist kike spotted.
Elves are like the polar opposites of jews though.
> Russia's starting to take a pro Tsar standpoint
It's not, some internet celebrity =/= Russia.
Hah! You think i'd take a dictatorship of the proletariat over a dictatorship of a single man? Any man who preaches that anyone should have total dominion over another is just like you, a god dammned bootlicker, down with the mob, and down with the king.
>Among the public Stalin is more popular than he has ever been.
People who were 20 during stalin's reign are getting into their later years, nostalgia for the times of their youth are inevitable, and besides, Stalin or Nicholas, the name of the dictator matters not.
Ashkenazi kikes are notorious for having those monkey like ears.
A survey of 1,600 Russians by Moscow’s Levada Center polling organization found that 48 percent viewed Nicholas II positively. He still trailed Soviet-era leader Leonid Brezhnev as Russia’s most popular 20th Century head of state, and even marginally behind Lenin and Stalin, but polled far more highly than eitherBoris Yeltsin, independent Russia’s first president, or Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, who polled 22 percent and 21 percent respectively.
Nicholas also had the lowest negative rating among those questioned.
Eww. That looks like the ugly guy from Star Wars.
Many Russians just like strong leadership, which is why you can meet people who consider both Stalin and Peter the Great admirable patriotic figures.
stop larping
Not anything but propaganda.
>Russian propaganda isn't useful in determining what people in Russia think
Also, actually read it, user, it gives its source.
>what people in Russia think
You mean what the goverment in Russia thinks.
Also, i didn't see any source on that link.
It literally says it in the second paragraph, user.
only caucasians can squat
you're not "white"
That's edited. There's a lot of colors missing.
t. American with zero history
>Tsar Nicholas II
He was a really handsome dude.
Veeky Forums was always pretty shit. The main problem being the "and humanities"-part of the board description, which left the door wide open for shitposts.
are Finns mongoloid?
Are you retarded or just pretending?
What the fuck is your problem?
Nothing except that has been edited so that the 0.5-5% range is represented by a single color even though it originally wasn't
I could imagine it's a simple mistake in an image editor but then again autism is always another possibility
All of them.
The feet on the ground Squat is an Asian ability. The fact that Slavs can squat is evidence of their Asiatic genes.
Also women that aren't horrible.
>only asians are flexible
>pure aryans are turds
I want to lick her neck
>Muscovite Mongol Rape babies,
>ywn be bros with artyom
why even live
>She is Ukrainian
Proof? She's originally from Luhansk which the Soviets heavily colonized with Russians.
>tfw westernized Chinese
>tfw you will never RICED a Slavic qt and breed a lineage of ultra-squatters until 10,000 years down the line one of your ancestors is the Kwitzach Haderach of squatting
Aiya Just
>Respecting the bitch boi who got your nation commie'd
>Kwitzach Haderach of squatting
hes got that puffy old man drunk face
jewish?!? this nigga looks like someone tried to make Link in Oblivion
did he do plastic surgey or something?
it wasnt edited
Your citizenship literally has a bigger draw to Slav qts than Mainlanders who have to be rich to net Slav grills.
Whats the deal with Finland's mongolian genes? Mongol/Hunnic settlers or pre-historic nomadic asian migration?
Very ancient West siberian admixture from times before the ice age ended and Finns migrated from north western russia
because you're a fatty :)
It clearly is edited.
It could be easy to imagine a Russian trying to his his Tatar genes through a little edit but who knows.
You neo-nazis stretch your imagination almost as hard as German women did their legs.
The guy on the picture is clearly the Hero of Kvatch.
There is no such thing as ancient West Siberian admixture in Europe.
It's from the Bronze Age when nomadic tribes crossed the Ural.
With that attitude you certainly won't
It's interesting how the part of Russia with the least Asian admixture has the lowest birth rate.
Russia becomes more Eurasian and less European by the second.
Russia is basically going down the same path as America, increasingly becoming a non-white shithole. Which is why the "savior of the white race" memes about Putin are a load of shit.
Putin can't make people have more babies. When a country is economically depressed, people are going to have less kids. And the rampant alcoholism drug use, and violence killing Russian males off early isn't helping at all.
hermione corfield is english
not her
Very few
I can't quite put my thumb on it, but something seems "illegal" about this picture.
Wait do people actually live in Siberia?
I thought that whole piece of land was just a big meme.