why does Veeky Forums hate fascism? It rejects both the destruction of history, and the senseless clinging to it. Both traditional and revolutionary, which i see as the general sentiment of this board.
Why does Veeky Forums hate fascism? It rejects both the destruction of history, and the senseless clinging to it...
I'm not 15 anymore
We like Italian fascism
any arguments?
made a thread a few days ago that was full with poeple crying about their freedumbs
This place is pretty much /pol/ 2.0 now. Fuck those racist bigots.
I'm gonna make a thread about this place on NeoGAF and SA tomorrow to call for backup.
/pol/ isnt fascist, they are cuckservative pseudo- traditionalists
Fascist is a nationalistic imperialistic sexist racist homophobic ideology foaming with toxic masculinity. Veeky Forums likes it now because /pol/bigots took over
Fuck fascism, fuck trump and fuck racism/sexism and most of all fuck PoC exclusion.
Also we get some really good threads about Fascism every now and then, problem is that most people don't seem to understand what fascism really is. Fascism will always depend on the country it grows from i.e Italian Fascism, Falangism for Spain, Iron Guard for Romania etc. NatSoc is just the German's take on Fascism which is why its fucking laughable when anyone other than Germans say it could work in their country (looking at you fellow Americans)
because fascism is the epitome of totalitarianism; nonfreedom. would you like to be a puppet controlled by the strings of a puppet master who can dictate anything and everything you do in your life? some people do; and i guess there's nothing wrong with that, but there are also others who don't
I know right? Freedom is for faggots. I love being cucked by the state. That's based as fuck!
Your leader couldn't take on fucking Greece and had to become Hitler's buttboy in order to stay relevant
If there's someone more annoying than unironic hitler worshipers it's people who unironically think mussolini was better
Fascism doesn't work and modern fascists are just as much dumb LARPers as Communists are.
I don't like authoritarian fucks telling me I can't have sex with midgets.
you guys think removing the power structure of the state will result in your freedom? The state, in theory, has an obligation to its people. This can be expected from nothing or nobody else
mussolino never intended to fight a war this early, ribbentrop and hitler promised not to. He should have never trusted them
I doubt it would work in the current western world, only when the situation gets so dire its either fascism or destruction. A return to natural order
futurism is cool and all but that image is hella poorly written - whoever wrote that is pretty clearly talking out of his ass
Antifa and SJW lefties are retarded, but so is being a statist shill cuck
no, i just think the state should have less control and work in favour of the majority to ensure more freedom, something that doesn't happen in authoritarian regimes.
and in fascism there is little/no obligation by the state to its people, since the state can now do anything he wants willy nilly. it also doesnt help that in todays age of surveillance and control, any sort of opposition can effectively be put down, no matter how tyrannical the state may be
homophobia, Veeky Forums hates faggots
Same reason we hate communism
it doesn't work
Not him and not defending fascism per se, but why would you rather be controlled by "the majority" than by the state?
We generally like fascism, only Americans keep crying about it for some reason.
mob rule is not freedom, its slavery to unwashed masses
but it did
Fascists and commies should be given free helicopter rides.
Are you aware that fascism draws its authority from "unwashed masses"?
Helicopter was invented by a devout monarchist, stop appropriating our inventions you lolbertarian bottom feeders.
>I doubt it would work in the current western world, only when the situation gets so dire its either fascism or destruction. A return to natural order
Why do Fascists always write in this autistic ostentatious style?
no, not really
sorry if it offends or irritates you Xd. My point stills stands, fascism will not be seen in the western world in the forseeable future
Holy shit
>no, not really
Yes, really. Fascism is a populist movement.
What a dumb statement
And you are the one making threads telling /pol/acks to fuck off
when you are from NeoGaf
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA dude you people don't learn do you? You don't change Veeky Forums, because trying to shit on it is like shitting on an cistern of shit.
This place will never be sanitized and we'd rather have 9000 /pol/acks over you guys.
>Things I don't like are the Americans' fault
Fascism is ok until you add nazis to the group. All this racial obsession is very pointless.
The whole ideology revolves around war and therefore killing
Thanks for confirming that you're an autistic 12 year old who thinks his feelings dictate reality rather than objective truth existing outside human consciousness. That's also rules 1 and 4 you've broken, champ.
>don't care about something which is objectively shown to be medically relevant
What did he mean by this?
Do you have a single fact to back that up, amigo?
It's literally not. Fascism can be either theonomous or heteronomous, but authority is not derived from the majority.
I really hope this is bait. I really do.
Nordicfags btfo
Buzzword overload
This! Statists are the biggest cucks on the planet.
People would rather think they are free while they are slaves like in all modern western countries
>mussolino never intended to fight a war this early, ribbentrop and hitler promised not to. He should have never trusted them
Yep. And the thing is, fascism encourages this sort of thing. In fascism, charismatic macho demagogues tend to rise to the top by telling the dumb masses whatever they want to hear. Then macho buttboy can't perform once he's actually the leader. Same thing in NatSoc - Hitler was really good at clawing his way up to the top of Germany, but once he was leader his diplomatic incompetence fucked it all up. This doesn't jut happen in fascism or NatSoc, of course - it's a common flaw of authoritarianism. For example, Lenin was a good revolutionary and a shit ruler.
>People would rather think they are free while they are slaves like in all modern western countries
There are gradations of economic freedom. Am I as free as a rich man? No. Does that mean I'm a slave? No, I'm obviously a lot more free than a black dude working on a plantation in 1850. You can call me a slave if you want, but that's extremely simplistic.
Furthermore, there is very little reason to believe that fascism would actually make things any better. It's just replacing one kind of unfreedom with a different, and probably shittier kind.
Hitler is responsable for that shit.
>I should scream at every black person I see because they probably have 5 less iq points than I do
Most obvious false flag of all time
for the mussoliniposter:
what's your top five books on fascist italy (ideology, history, thinkers, political program etc)
>It rejects both the destruction of history, and the senseless clinging to it.
Meanwhile, in Fascist Japan.
>LOOK! Our military saber make look like Katana! Banzai!
They not only clung to history, but distorted it as well. The actual Samurai were very practical military men who didn't do suicidal shit on purpose and could retreat or surrender if the situation ever called for it.
Japan was never fascist.
Fascists and communists are the same sort of mindless statists waving around different flags, don't be fooled by the pretty words they use to describe themselves and one another.
It was when the Militarists took over the government.
Military junta is not fascism.
Nothing wrong with being a statist
>Nationalistic Authoritarian Militaristic Expansionist Imperialists
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
>using the idiotic Umberto Eco definition instead of what actual fascists defined fascism to be
honestly fascism is just a specific flavor of the thing
>Nationalistic Authoritarian Militaristic Expansionist Imperialists
Napoleon was a fascist too?
Every manifestation of nationalism or patriotism is fascism by the average lefty.
Interesting got any sauce on that
It is wildly inefficient
>Falling for the trains run on time meme
Americans get what fascism is, there isn't much to it.
monarchy + technology = fascism
But you krauts love to larp about this shit as if there's some nuance to it and it's cute.
>Fascism: can bang ethiopian hotties and bleach Africa
>Nazism: hier ist Ingrid, she ist aryan und makes gut scheisse und deutsches kaviar sex. Unsern vateren are proud
Dumb krauts
>monarchy + tecnhology = fascism
Uhhhh, what?
I'll take Ingrid any day
>nationalistic imperialistic sexist racist homophobic ideology foaming with toxic masculinity
I'm not even from /pol/ but you need to fuck off with this moralfaggotry
It's obviously a /pol/tard falseflagging because they're so fucking bored with themselves they need to manufacture strawmen opposition.
Define "fascism". Get 20 people who call themselves fascists, and you will get at least 12 definitions. You people can't even agree on what it means, how are we supposed to like or support it?
If its state corporatism, its shit for reasons obvious in the USA today, with corn, milk, pesticide, military gear and pharmaceuticals producers preventing the government from running properly.
It's authoritarian, and therefore shit. Veeky Forums is naturally anti-authoritarian, and outside of the /pol/ aligned boards worshiping ethnonationalism, tends to shy away from it.
That said, Austrofascism is kinda neat.
Monarchy = mandate of haven, divine right, blue blood, etc.
Monarchy means that God put you in power, and people who want to take power away from you are heretics.
Fascism doesn't have that. It can't justify one guy being in power, nor explain why it is this specific one guy and not the other guy who is currently gathering a private army to change that.
>monarchy - God made me king, thus I rule
>democracy - you voted me king, thus I rule
>oligarchy - we are the richest, most successful men, and this guy represent us, the creme of society
>plutocracy - I am king, because my personal skills and success allowed me to buy this position, my wealth proof of my worth
>fascism - I am king, because.... ???? please don't rebel
Her arms look hairy , but yeah German girls have perfect jaw lines
to be fair, Hitler tried to take over EXACTLY the same way as Mussolini and democratic takeover was plan B
how is USA cosporatist? Which timeline do you live in
they are anti-authoritarian because they are sinners and only want license
>how is USA cosporatist
What is lobbyism?
What is military industrial complex?
What are the big industries I mentioned, who will literally and openly pay millions to a candidate so they can change laws in their favor when they win?
Modern day Russia has these corps directly influencing policy too.
Okay, monotheist scum.
I like how the existence of this shows us that the german NatSoc regime was internationalist in nature, since it saw the nation of Austria as its own, despite their obvious traditional, historical and cultural independence.
what exactly is your definition of corporatism, i think you are talking about something different from me
I'm no expert but it doesn't look like she knows how to use a bow
The control of the state by interest groups, mostly industrial giants. As noted, in the USA thats "Big Pharma', or the Military Industrial Complex, or the producers of corn, milk, etc.
They influence what research gets published, what policies get passed, and in the case of the military, may even influence foreign politics.
German Empire was fascist too?
>Nationalistic Authoritarian Militaristic Expansionist Imperialists
Alexander's Greece invented Fascism?
What did they define it as, exactly?
Neo-classic aesthetic for Germany, futuristic aesthetics for Italy, no aesthetics for Japan.
Keynesian economics for Germany, Austrian economics for Italy, central planning for Japan.
Pan-germanic nationalism for Germany, Imperialism and civic nationalism for Italy, Japanese racial supremacy for Japan.
Protestantism for Germany, Catholicism for Italy, cult of the Emperor and ancestor worship for Japan.
Which is fascism? Because they are all called fascists, and have little in common.
corporatism is the opposite. representatives from all parts of society, grain producers, stoneworkers etc. working in unison like seperate limbs under the government (corpo=body, makes sense right) for the nation. The state controls the interest groups. Otherwise autarky is impossible
I want newfags like you to fucking leave.
>corporatism is the opposite of the definition of corporatism
You are quitting theological definitions, and not the 20th century definitions that were enacted.
Corporatism meant that Bayer, BMW, Alianz, Kodak, Mitsubishi, etc big family businesses got to take state projects, buy competitors with the money, and dictate policies with their huge new influence.
Doesn't really matter much anyway. In practice both will almost inevitably be the same. The idea that the state will control the interest groups for the good of the people is about as likely to come true as the communist idea that the workers will own the means of production and the state will wither away. These are fantasies.
I think he's talking about corporativism which I think was spawned in Italy and heavily influenced Italian fascism and not corporatism but it's just a guess and I've only read the last few posts
Right, corporativism is the catholic idea that would be implemented as corporatism in Italy, basically meaning that big family businesses in the North will get government money to monopolize their field and help the government, but over time that meant that they started to dictate to the government what to do.
Those same businesses are still the core of Italy's economy by the way, what was given to them during fascism was enough to keep them in charge since.
You're talking about corporatocracy. Corportarism is just goverment structures by interest groups, which in a non-capitalist state doesn't mean literal giant corporations.
to be fair the only acceptable niggers in africa are the ones living in east africa, bantus are quite ugly
fascism is an oligarchy
also will to power
Italian because they are the only ones who called themselves fascist
they are clearly not the same, quite the opposites really. I know thinking beyond egoism is hard these days, but you can atleast try
>Corportarism is just goverment structures by interest groups, which in a non-capitalist state doesn't mean literal giant corporations.
In Italy, Germany and Japan, it meant exactly that.
>What did he mean by this?
he proved that you're a retarded.
Obssecion over race is stupid, history prove that.
The Romans thought the white people north of them were barbarians and savages, low men. Later in history, these north european's come to think of the southern ones as low, dirtier, people.
In America, the Jewish person was once thought to have a lower IQ than 'whites' as well with Italians and Irish...and don't even get me started on WW2 and how racist that got.
I don't think they realize that race is entirely made up. When someone says they are Greek for example, what makes them not Turkish? Ancient Greece once occupied land that would be in Turkey, where is the cut off in history that someone's ancestors would be Greek or Turkish? If you've been born on American soil, and your family dates back to the start of America, why are you simply not American? Why do you feel that you are German, Irish, Scottish, etc? Shouldn't you just be American?
Because history will call these people Americans.
>In America, the Jewish person was once thought to have a lower IQ than 'whites' as well with Italians and Irish.
Lies propagated by the jewish communist Stephen Jay Gould.