Or on Veeky Forums overall?
What's the most popular revisionism here that's rejected by the qualified experts?
Other urls found in this thread:
Left: noble savage
Right: crusaders dindu nuffin
Veeky Forums is obsessed with Hitler for some stupid reason.
Contrarians and edgy fucks
Holocaust denial. This should be obvious to anyone who spends more than 5 minutes on Veeky Forums.
The lost cause
it's the Hitler rule. Everything leads to Hitler for some odd reason.
that's how my dad calls me lmao
All the good civilizations used have a white ruling class before massive invasions by mongrel races.
He was a weird and goofy-looking, but well-spoken leader of a highly aesthetic totalitarian movement that took over a modern society and murdered millions of people, precipitating the largest war in history, and praising him is taboo in mainstream society. It's like a perfect storm of factors that would make him interesting to edgy young men online.
WW2 Tanks?
People are paying a lot more attention to the eastern Front and declaring the western front meaningless in the entire war.
"Revisionism" is meme of fatty historians who dont want to debate about their propaganda.
Nordicist we wuzzing is pretty popular on Veeky Forums for some reason.
Incas were superior to europeans though.
Slavery wasn't the reason why the South wanted to secede.
>what's the best WWII tank?
>your WWII tank
That the Irish didn't deserve every damn thing we did to them
>Is a wetback
You're not even really a Redskin. You're a mongrel.
Hey there Tyrone. Or are you an Axisfag saying Japan Dindu Nuffin?
Holocaust revisionism
>What's the most popular revisionism here that's rejected by the qualified experts?
Anything by Christfags and other Abraniggers.
>muh fetus
>muh creation
>muh non-fictional Bible
Try again with some facts, monkey.
Incas were superior to europeans and you cannot literally prove your superior wrong.
Deal with it.
>This is what Beaners actually believe
Amerindian development rate was superior to eurangutans'. Try again, chimp.
titilating tantalizing tempting bait
there is literally nobody on this earth that would ever believe and im not even a national or anything
Amerindians reached America 15000 years after eurangutans settled on yuropland. Yet Amerindians reached the bronze age in less time, with less advantages and developed such technology comparable to medieval euchimpean """"technology"""".
Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Get over it, euchimpean subhuman.
ah, so that's why spics btfo them so easy, cuz we wuz incas n shit
Can this eurangutan speak clearly?
>Incas were superior to europeans.
If Incas were superior where did they go?
In the same place eurangutans will be in less than 50 years from now. Mexicans mutts and muslim peasants are literally replacing euchimpeans all over the globe. Time to get extinct'd, monkey.
Incas were superior to europeans and you cannot literally prove your superior wrong. Get over it.
You're honestly lucky it was the Spanish who colonized your shithole and not my people. We wouldn't have enslaved your, we would've minced you into a paste to feed our pigs with and paint our walls with the entrails of your daughters.
So you are a shart chimp?
Spanish didn't beat the Inca, natives did. Eurangutans just kept backstabbing everyone even their own kind. You cannot literally not make any of this shit up, monkey.
Incas were superior to europeans. Why is this fact so hard to get for the cattle?hehehe
>In the same place eurangutans will be in less than 50 years from now.
We wuzzing on a the History & Who-gives-a-shit board of a Khmer jazznoodling forum?
>Evidence for fully developed smelting, however, only appears with the Moche culture (northern coast, 200 BCE–600 CE)
Lay off the welfare, Pablo.
Literally the beginning of the bronze age in less time than eurangutans. hehehe
Try again, monkey.
Incas were superior to europeans.
>t. Dirty unwashed savage
How quickly did the Incas advance after their bronze age?
Eurangutan pestilence killed 90+% percent of amerindian population, then Atahualpa the traitor and the spanish killed the royal families, priests who guarded the knowledge and the elites/nobles. The few who didn't suffer that fate got assimilated by the eurangutan race like the nobility or stayed on the mountains.
Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it.
You won't get a cookie-post if your monkey brainlet doesn't use facts, my little eurangutan pet.
>Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it.
Your thesis is well-documented, you just need to flesh it out a little more. How does a culture and people get decimated and assimilated if it's superior? You don't seem to disagree with the historical account that the Incan Empire was destroyed and absorbed by the Spanish Empire. How does history demonstrate anything but that?
Natives destroyed the Inca empire, Spanish just backstabbed the alliance they got.
Amerindian technology development rate was a lot higher than eurangutans' even though they had less advantages, less cultures to trade with and didn't have northafricans nor anatolians to teach them the wheel, iron, give them horses and writting. Yet they had several techonology superior to eurangutan middle-ages.
Inca superiority is a historical fact that demonstrates itself as a culture with an amerindian ethnic group, that had a higher development rate despite the fact that the amerindian civilization race started 15000 years after eurangutans'.
It will soon be the time, probably in the next 50 years, that simple arab peasants and mexican mongrels will replace almost completely the euchimpean population of yuropland and USA(which is actually amerindian land).
>eurangutan pestilence
The monkeys didn't even know how to bath, they had to be taught by mesoamerican savages.
Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Get over it, chimp.
>It took until about 200 BCE for Redskins to start smelting with their metallurgy still restricted to things like ceremonial moments afterwards. Said smelting was done by bronze instead of iron like in Europe.
>No Great Redskin advancements
>Beaners have an average IQ lower than Whites.
>Beaner countries are much more unproductive.
>Beaners are more fat than Whites
Well we all have access to the same shit thanks to globalization, and those places still suck.
>eurangutan mongrels-
This monkey can't stop contradict itself...
Amerindians reached America 15000 years after eurangutans settled on yuropland. In other words, so your chimpy brainlet can understand, the offset of each start is 15000 years.
Amerindian: 200BC-15000= 15200BC
Eurangutan: later than 6000BC
>eurangutan iron
Literally sponfed by anatolian civilizations.
Let's compare after the 90+% eurangutan population dies suddenly, the successful families get genocided, the eurangutan """culture""" mostly erased from history, and finally the rest gets mongrelized by muslims and mexican mutts. You can help the process hehehe.
History has demonstrated that Incas were superior to europeans. Get over it, chimps.
>northafricans nor anatolians to teach them the wheel, iron, give them horses and writting
>Wheel developed concurrently in Central Europe, Middle East, Caucausus
>Iron took off in Middle East
>Earliest writing from Neolithic Europe
>Horses domesticated in Western Steppes
Keep on wewuzzing, Tyrone.
Godwins law if anyone is actually interested in the Hitler phenomenon.
Tfw the one person who will be remembered till the end of humanity more so than jesus or napoleon was an autistic German from fake Germany.
It's almost as if fate has weaved history already and we are just watching it unfold in time.
Date of the Central europe wheel?
>Middle east caucasus
Proto-eurangutans? When did humans started populating that zone?
Date of the eurangutan ""writting?""
>western steppes
Go on, chimp.
>niggers STILL replying to the autistic incatard
I hate you all so fucking much
Thread reminder that Redskins have more archaic hominid mixture (as in Neanderthals and Denisovans) than Euros do. See:
>PCA is a descriptive analysis that is useful for indicating potential admixture events, but cannot be used to prove that admixture occurred. We therefore applied formal tests to document potential admixture between archaic hominins and modern humans. As EE/NA populations have on average inherited more archaic ancestry than West Eurasian populations (Wall et al. 2013), we computed f4 statistics (Reich et al. 2009; Patterson et al. 2012) of the form f4(Yoruba,Archaic;French,X), in which X is an EE/NA population. A significantly positive statistic (Z-score >2) is evidence that EE/NA possesses more Archaic (either Neanderthal or Denisovan) alleles than does the French population.
So if anybody should get called a monkey it's and his fellow Redskins.
>eurangutan mongrels-
Like yourself. Being a Beaner.
>This monkey can't stop contradict itself...
Speak proper English, Pablo. Also other Redskins in North America aren't much smarter despite their much lower White mixing.
>Amerindians reached America 15000 years after eurangutans settled on yuropland. In other words, so your chimpy brainlet can understand, the offset of each start is 15000 years.
>Amerindian: 200BC-15000= 15200BC
>Eurangutan: later than 6000BC
Here we see Pablo making imaginary rules to dance around how the Redskins were behind Europe. Complete with imaginary accomplishments.
Where were you educated? Some SJW class? Taco Builders U?
That the Balkans is filled with "Turkish rape babies". It basically originates from 19th century German porn and has no basis in fact.
>Being too lazy to read links.
>implying Ancient Caucasus to Western Steppe populations are significantly different from Euro
I guess you are a shart chimp...hehehe
>archaic hominid mixture
Literally more evolved. And with a higher development rate.
Let's check eurangutan IQ when their entire population gets suddenly decimated to the 10%, their successful families genocided their history erased and the rest get mongrelized.
Isn't mongrel an english word? They are eurangutan mongrels.
>Literally got to America 15000 years after eurangutans settled on yuropland
This fact will never ever dissapear, chimp. Amerindian development rate is higher than euchimpean ""civilizations"".
Incas were superior to europeans. Your monkey brainlet literally cannot prove your superior wrong.
So this chimp don't want to check the date of the arrival of humans and don't even acknowledge the difference of occupation dates of europe and middle east.
Keep going, monkeys.
>on Veeky Forums overall
Conquering armies cause dramatic genetic shifts in conquered populations.
Ya ya, that's cool and all, but why do the places where the descendants of Incas lived all suck? Peru is far from the worst place in South America bit pretty big chunks of it have living standards that would be considered 3rd world. All nations can have access to a similar level of technology now, why do they still suck ass? You claim that you develop faster, well we've given you the technology we had. We're at the same level and yet your country still sucks ass
Now that this chimp acknowledged Inca superiority...
It would be great to compare both descendants of the Inca and eurangutans after 90% of them get killed suddenly, the middle-high class and above get genocided, their entire history removed from the written tradition and the rest get mongrelized.
It's already happening anyway. Mexican mongrels and arab peasants are literally replacing thw entire eurangutan ""civilization"" right now. USA is becoming United Hispanic States in less that 50 years from now. There are more non-white babies in the US tham eurangutan ones.
It's time to get extinct'd. Hehehe