What are some things people say that totally confirm they are plebs?
What are some things people say that totally confirm they are plebs?
Caracalla was a good emperor.
There is no evidence for X.
Y never happened.
Z never existed.
>I like military history
>evidence? who needs evidence?
I turn my brain off to people that hate modern art.
Only history that matters
>country known for its culture
>country known for its military
>military country destroys culture country and steals all their shit
>now country is known for military AND culture
Happened to Persians with the Babylonians, the Romans with Greece and Carthage, the French with the Italians, etc.
Can you at least explain to me the point of it?
Plato wasn't black
>Panther tank was superior tank
>America won Vietnam war
>British empire was good
"Hitler wanted to kill all Slavs"
>Germany had the best tanks in the war
Modern art was the period from something like the 1840's to the 1970's. If you hate modern art you hate Van Gogh.
>British empire was good
spotted the frog
Yeah I guess confusing modern art with postmodern art would be a pleb thing to say.
Postmodern art on the other hand.
>Hitler was right
even by purely rational standards this is untrue
>British empire was good
This is objectively true. They practically invented the modern world and business model before the Americans ruined it with globalisation.
>business model
>lost all their money trying to maintain their colonies
>meanwhile US with little to no colonies becomes the richest in the world
>what was World War One and Two
Fighting half the world is expensive bro
I was talking about the late 19th century
>WWII was won by the US (bonus for being a nuke cuck who thinks H&N were necessary to end war and not just big dick waves to Stalin to make sure US was only country influencing Nippon reconstruction, thus kickstarting the Cold War)
>uses words like "advanced" or "lost" to describe civilizations
>cites Jared Diamond, Charles Murray, Robert Conquest
>wants "unbiased" or "objective" explanation/account of a historical event
>can name every Roman Emperor but not every Chinese Dynasty
>weapons/tactics nerd for military history who can't provide a detailed and nuanced account of socio-political context regarding idealist and materialist elements (e.g. just talks about the Treaty of Versailles like it's the core cause of WWII and can't chart the development of German nationalism intellectually from the mid-19th century and before)
>"amateur historian" or otherwise justifies arguing with people with advanced degrees because "muh auto-didacticism and ur academic indoctrination"
>The holocaust never happened
when some one says "What if Germany did [X]? could they have won the war?" I immediately kill them in my brain (close thread) and I never talk to that person again (reply).
thats not a statment thats a question, why do you hate people who revision?
>small brain: The holohoax never happened
>big brain: The holocaust happened, but more people from other ethnicities died.
>enlightened: The jews holocausted themselves to make the world feel pity and give them Israel
>Multiverse mind: The holocaust didn't happened hard enough.
Hitler was evil.
Rome never "fell."
The Dark Ages weren't dark.
The Industrial Revolution wouldn't have happened without slavery.
not that user, but it's a really classic sign of a poor thinker and someone who hasn't studied history very rigorously if they think that changing one event or one factor or something would completely alter the course of something with a binary outcome like a war or a civilizational collapse.
Usually it's someone who thinks they're being more clever than the people who fought the war by bringing up something that's been answered a million times already, like not focusing more on North Africa or not going straight towards Moscow.
Literally how can you compare Britain with the U.S.? Ever since the French won their revolution for them, Americans have had more resources, space and security than any other nation in history simply by being such a massive space of land. The brits, on a tiny little island, had to take literally everything they didn't have by force, by imperialism and colonisation. This is why the most successful culture on earth is the Anglo culture, its the main reason capitalism became dominant and it's the reason America even exists at all. It was a fragile system of course, but they made it work up to the point where external threats became to great for them to deal with. But their legacy remains in the entire Anglosphere. Even their language, originating on a shitty little island, was the first one spoken on the surface of another world.
"Christianity completed the classical world"
So much pleb tier theology out there
You should stay away from art desu
>Carthage weren't the good guys
History is written by victors triggers me
>>can name every Roman Emperor but not every Chinese Dynasty
Who gives a fuck, honestly? It's like people who make up for their lack of mathematical ability by memorizing stupid shit like digits of pi.
If a globe spanning commercial empire isn't a form of globalization, I don't know what is.
The English language, Anglo culture, and capitalism are as relevant as they are because of the Americans
I was responding to who also compared US with Britain
t. nigel chamberlain IV