Where do rights come from?
Where do rights come from?
God. Deal with it fedoras.
my nut blasting on an ovum, creating a being
the state
Our collective minds
>the state
Ones willingness to shed blood for their recognition.
Is your nutbladder okay?
Da gubmint
Well the first solid rights was invented in the roman empire
mutual agreement between those who have the power
can't you LARP somewhere else?
Societal prescription, per Burke. They are always artificial, to a degree.
Natural rights theorists get something correct, which is that negative liberties are more rational and workable than positive liberties, which are self-evidently ridiculous and shouldn't be advocated for. However, they are incorrect that rights naturally exist in any meaningful sense. Even if "natural rights" had a metaphysical reality or were granted by God, they still would be irrelevant because nature and/or God does not enforce them.
Do you think I'm trying to be edgy?
It's a self evident truth about history.
Rights what rights? The right to be a faggot? The right to be a degenerate and a cuck that talks shit about their own country and shits on their nation's achievements? Fuck your rights.
Does a nation as a whole have rights?
From the left.
Yes they do. Nations are far more important than your dumb faggot rights. Freedom is the biggest mistake ever. Freedom doesn't keep your nation free of degeneracy and faggotry. Fuck your rights!
Hopefully you're on mine-clearing duty next time your country goes to war, then.
And hopefully you'll be put in a camp like the rest of you liberals. I can't wait to become a camp guard.
I think you have to graduate high school before taking up that job.
>argues for might equals right
>posts magna carta
>reading comprehension
Do you understand the conditions the Magna Carta was signed under? Do you understand what it took to achieve it?
So why does God allow people's rights to be violated?
Endowed by your creator
rights are a human construct
"...that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among them are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness"
Moses meets John Locke. They have no disputes, according to Jefferson.
God came to the Israelites to grant them law, but it took over 2,000 years of exegesis to discover that the contents of this law are just "do whatever you want as long as it's not really, really bad" (cf. Jesus).
Well done Americans. You deserve the world you've created.
Modern """rights""" is practically a legal construct used to justify various forms of political actions and used in propaganda purposes in democracies. The establishment tells you what your rights are and enforces it whether it apply to individual circumstances or not.
Because god gave people the right to violate other peoples rights.
The government.
Beeeeeeeeeeeeep. Wrong. Rights are for faggots. Rights don't come from anything. If (((rights))) mean the right to be a faggot, the right to be a millennial snowflake, the right to be degenerate. Fuck rights then.