Satoshi Nakamoto

what happens when Satoshi dumps his 500k BTC?

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is this literally a sword of Damocles hanging over all our heads, or would this be a good thing?

is no one else concerned about this? at this moment, 1 person holds over 500k individual bitcoins and can LITERALLY dump when ever they want.

he probably lost a lot of them. like most early day niggas.

and sold along the way.

He'll dump his BCH first.

He can only dump them if people buy them, fag

The US government already owns satoshis private key and are waiting for the perfect time to drop them on an exchange and send the BTC price to 0.

very funny user

keep dreaming or satoshi is the US government. In which case the US government owns the biggest reserve of the most valuable cryptocurrency in existence. Surefooting it's way to continue to be the dominant power in the world.

any proof?

we can literally see his coins in his wallets. he isn't a weak handed fuck like you, satoshi is god

btc was created by two dudes - one american coder and british math prof
>both probably dead long time ago

Do the math senpai, it literally wouldn't actually affect the price

never going to happen, he's dead.

1 million btc on the first adress ,Still there all of it

That's 4 Billion, and isn't BTC total around 70B? It would have a huge impact if sold at the right/wrong time.

Satoshi is not an idiot. He won't crash his own cown. He will dump his BCH instead.

He would be a billionaire, who cares after that?

He wouldn't be able to sell a fraction of them all at once. Combine the order books for all exchanges and they won't amount to what he has. Unless he says fuck it and fills the book all the way down to the cheeky cunts with 1 dollar buy orders awaiting a GDAXening 2.0

He would stand to gain a lot more by doing a slow sell off

i think the reason there hasn't been massive dumps of btc or a "flippening" is because everyone that held btc already got their free bch so they are equally as invested in bch as they are in btc.

you wont see a big crash of btc. no one needs to abandon ship because no one is really on the ship anymore technically. sure if it starts to tank people will dump to make a few shekels but no one is panicing because they already have shit tons of bch as well.

So does satoshi have 500k BCH too?

would be dope af if he dumped XDDDDDD

yes. im sure he does. he's probably in control of his coins so splitting them into bch was probably pretty easy for him.

he's now just as invested in both chains at this point along with all the other whales. it's not in their interest to hurt either chain at this point.

The rest of the world will buy his 500k BTC?

That many get dumped every time there's a 5% dip

500k new BTC enter the market and the price soars to all time highs now that retards like you have nothing left to FUD about.

how am I FUDing? (I don't even know what FUD stands for)

I only hold BTC, I'm waiting for muh 5k, 10k, 100k, 150k, 1M coin like the rest of us.

cashing out is for plebs. that's like asking "WHAT IF GATES SELLS ALL HIS SHARES OF MICROSOFT???" circa 1980.

if he holds he is gonna be a trillionaire

He probably forgot his password and killed himself.