Were knights really like dark souls?
Were knights really like dark souls?
What do you mean? Like, how they dressed, how they fought, what they did, what do you mean?
Exactly like dark souls. If a knight died they would reappear at a bonfire.
Loyal and aesthetic.
>ywn win your waifus heart by cutting off a mans face
Posting wojack/pepe and all derivatives of it should be a permabannable offence.
Fighting is completely unrealistic in some cases. A zweihander weight was usually around 4kg but they swing it like it is 20 and it is a maul and not a sword. Same goes for bastard sword. Also no parrying without shield. Also being damaged by cuts while in full plate same for foes. Also being that encumbered by full plate.
>can cut through steel, folded a thousand times
saved for later trolling
>Fighting is completely unrealistic in some cases.
Actually it's very realistic.
I've been a HEMA instructor for several years and have read through most of the treatises you can get your hands on, especially when it comes to mediaeval longsword and zweihander/montante, and I can tell you that Dark Souls combat is very accurate, especially the focus it places on dodge rolling, which was a central feature of mediaeval dueling and organised single combat. Acrobatics as a discipline, particularly floor events, actually developed out of the combat mobility skills developed during this era.
only shitty shoops like
DarkSouls guy could fit in the 16 or early 17th century and he would have a guns.
Yes. They would dodge roll in a set of heavy armor all day
Interesting thing about Halberds in at least the first two Dark Souls is that you must hit with the head (rather than the shaft) in order to do maximum damage. Of course, this adds a level of difficulty for no gain (it doesn't do more damage than a greatsword) and is terrible from a gameplay standpoint, but is interesting from a realism standpoint.
Dark Souls also has the real weights of weapons correct, though as mentioned, they are still swung as if much heavier.
Minor annoyance is that "rapiers" are mostly not rapier. I liked the Cystal Sage's in 3 because it was actually rapier length.
Smells like bullshit, 7/10 bait for making me reply
Dark Souls is aesthetics + gameplay mechanics, reality of knighthood has no aesthetics and no fluid mechanics
When you think about it it`s true. Most knights went around looting dead bodys for their armor and weapons. Heck I remember World War 2 soldiers saying that the only reason they lost faster to the Udssr is because they got free ammo for running over their dead bodys, wich was realy handy in most situations.
Doesn't it just prove my point?