/v/ here. Did black people fight in the first World War? Legit wondering.
/v/ here. Did black people fight in the first World War? Legit wondering
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Mostly in Africa.
France did bring some of their Niggas over in the Western Front.
So did the USA.
Yes. Britain and France had colonies in African and they drafted soldiers from those colonies to help fill the ranks after they started losing so many soldiers in the fighting. It was a very small portion of the overall number of soldiers fighting, but yes, they were there.
The French and American armies had very limited numbers of black people fighting in Europe, probably less than 10,000 in total
Colonial armies existed but were mostly relegated to their homelands, where some of them performed with great distinction, such as the African forces under Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
All correct but what I think OP is asking is if they fought in the Western Front in the numbers they did in the video game, outside of the African American units, they did not, they fought mostly in Africa
All those people were directly answering that aspect of the question, though.
>64 players.
Well, a regiment is more than 64 people so yes, they did.
France had about 140,000 West Africans on the western front. While less than the native French that's not an insignificant number.
>outside of the African American units, they did not
So they did. In the African American unit.
Fak, I meant to specify that the German's didn't deploy their Askari troops to the Western Front like in the game. I know the French and Americans did, not so sure about the Brits
Nah. I wanted to know if the game's got any basis in reality. I don't give a fuck about 100% accuracy. It's still a video game. I was under the impression that no blacks fought in the first World War. I'm uneducated as fuck, lol. Thought EA was pandering to the extreme. I'm cool with a little exaggeration.
Thanks, Veeky Forums.
yes, but not anywhere close to the depictions in that game. For one thing, Germany had NO, blacks fighting for them in Europe. The only accurate part was the French having a black colonial soldier, which did happen.
In Africa of course, blacks fought.
this video sums it up pretty well
lol ok and also I didn't really find it as fun as BF4, nothing beats fighting in a high rise thats collapsing all around it
>Thought EA was pandering to the extreme.
they are. The depiction of a black on the german team is hilarious
Not OP but did the Brits have any colonial troops on the Western Front in any numbers like the French did? I can under stand a Sikh soldier in the team but the African had me confused. Also, was the French Army integrated or segregated?
>that's not an insignificant number.
Yes it is when you know that France fielded over 8.6 millions troops in that war
140,000 makes up for 1.6% of that
OP here. They gave Germany black soldiers? In singleplayer? I just bought it. Haven't even played yet.
Not in singleplayer IIRC.
You know what activates my almonds? The fact that the previous game set in WW2 had jet packs, this game set in WW1 have Italian power armor, yet the fact that you can play as a black German in the multiplayer parts was the straw that broke the camel's back.
>Not OP but did the Brits have any colonial troops on the Western Front in any numbers like the French did?
Brits had much more colonial troops than France did
While 7 millions out of 8 millions French troops that fought were from the mainland, literally half of the British forces were from colonies
Indians alone were over a million
there isn't any Black Germans in SP, only in MP, as a /k/ommando I was stoked about all the obscure weapons available in MP, I just wish they had left the SP historically accurate
No. Not ww1, other then British intrusion into Egypt predating the oil shipping lines being enabled from Iran, there may have been a couple dead nig nog's and this would be in and around lybia... Niggers we're sprinkled around lybia before Gaddafi ran them out....ww2 there were blacks fighting on both French regular and legionnaire forces and the waffen ss as freiwilligen.
Yes, Germany was in fact really worried since they mostly only had German soldiers on the field, while Britain and France could call upon Indians and Africans from their massive empires.
Power armor? What did he mean by this?
Yes, the Brits did have a good number of Indians serving with them. That being included in the game is accurate. The black troop on their team isnt. There was a few, but to suggest black troops fighting for britain in europe was common is a farce and not even remotely accurate. And colonial troops fought in their own divisions lead by French officers in the war. more native americans than black americans fought in the war btw.
did blacks fight in europe in ww1? yes
were there large numbers of them on all sides? no, mostly just France
was it anything like is depicted in the game? no
>/v/ here
this is an 18+ website, buddy
I thought they were trying to distance the German empire from the naziis
Really all they had to do was make a sub Saharan map and call it a day
power armor is more close to the truth though. And yeah, the racial diversity does ruin the immersion of the game more so than any weapons.
>more native americans than black americans fought in the war btw.
I had no idea lol, I know of Hispanic Americans fought in the war and even more so in WWII, did they use any code talkers like in the Pacific War?
>Really all they had to do was make a sub Saharan map and call it a day
pretty much, then they could make every character black. If plebs are too dumb to not know what nazis are then fuck them
I didn't expect Veeky Forums to be so active.
>did they use any code talkers like in the Pacific War?
yes, pic related are Choctaw code talkers from the war. Also, the best sniper of the war was a Canadian native american named Francis Pegahmagabow
You slap on an armor (with regenerative abilities if I remember correctly?) and walk up a mountain slaughtering everything with your light machine gun as if you're playing Fallout or something.
I suppose I didn't have any issues with it since the black Germans was a multiplayer thing, while I found the Italian part just downright silly. Then again, the game plays around with the unreliable narrator so the silliness can be defended by saying that he made it sound as if his armor could withstand thousands of bullets to not scare the daughter the Italian retold the story to.
the arditi did have armor though.
There's s strong correlation between interest in history and autism user
The one kneeling in the middle front row looks like a bro. The rest of them barring the white guy and maybe the one to the far right kneeling are untrustworthy as shit at a glance.
So almost 2 out of 10 French troops were African colonials? That's not a small figure.
Yeah, they did, World war 1 was a war consisting of at least three colonial nations (Britain, Germany, France) So fighting was done in the colonies, in addition the Americans deployed an all black regiment, called the Harlem Hellfighters, and before the establishment of this regiment Black Americans joined French forces.
The real issue with BF1 is the incessant usage of prototypes, repeating guns on soliders used extremly rarely in the closing days? Put it in, it's automatic, Armour, barely used by anyone that was mostly ineffective and didn't see widespread production, yet alone use? Check, it's annoying.
2/100 but still that's not actually insignificant and it's in no way preposterous to feature them in multiplayer. The french commanders can be quoted as saying they used them in dangerous situations to spare actual french lives. Showing them in the war is completely reasonable given that they were heavily involved in offensive maneuvers, were brought in mostly during the late war which is when the game is set and as a point of military doctrine they were involved in operations directly with white french soldiers (Command stated this was needed to reign the blacks in, if there weren't whites there they assault would be liable to push too far.)
>140,000 West Africans
Nope we had 140,000 colonial troops
And they were mostly white colonists, the actual africans weren't sent on the front because they were uneffective
Except that's completely false and the West Africans were extensively used for offensive maneuvers, they were viewed as incompetent though which meant they had white officers. There were also colonial troops but the specific class of Tirailleurs were indigenous Senegalese. The french army built combat doctrines about how to use black soldiers, what their strengths were and what their weaknesses were, they fought at Verdun, the Somme, and Ypres.
There were black french soldiers serving on the western front in World War I in not insignificant quantities. They served in combat roles due to their perceived aggressiveness and warrior nature, and were envisioned as offensive units from the beginning of their deployment in France.
>black french
No such thing
>due to their perceived aggressiveness and warrior nature
You wish, Mamadou
The French opinion about the Africans at that time, was that they were docile natives to be civilized and not some warriors
Okay black soldiers from french colonies serving for the french army wearing french uniforms, my mistake. In regards to their nature
"Senegalese combat characteristics were discussed in detail in the Notice, and a series of Tactical Reccomendations concerning their use were made. Though possessing "[highly] developed warrior instincts." they also suffered from serious shortcomings. While there were exceptions to this rule, defensive operations frequently posed difficulties for Africans ecause of their "unskillful" use of terrain. Offensive actions were, however, a different matter."
and also
""Brave" and "Impetuous in attack, the Senegalese were said to pursue assaults to the very "limit of their endurance"
Both from "To meet Death Far Away": The Senegalese in the Trenches
The french viewed their West African soldiers as aggressive brave, excessively so even. They lacked marksmenship and tactics along with general battlefield sense. If they were stopped in their advance they had problems. "They became easily confused and unreliable" they needed french officers and additional completely french units to keep them from pushing too far or routing after encountering excess resistance.
I'm not trying to make the case for the Senegalese being super soldiers or a warrior race but writing them off as a fighting force in WWI deprives them of their well earned honor, they suffered similar rates of casualties (some estimates slightly higher or lower, most equal) and they fought with distinction at multiple battles.
General Mangin allegedly accompanied the sending of a contingent of African troops to the battlefields with the following comment: "to consume before winter, can not stand the cold"...
Also they were proportionally very few on the west front, but considering that 70 000 died you can say they were there.
Everything is fair game in create a character mp,as long as they existed.
I want to play as an indochinese slant travelling 5000 miles to Salonica
>almost 2/10
fuck you are retarded
not in the numbers represented in popular media. Those numbers are simply propped up because muh diversity. But the French had a few some colonial troops, the british also to a slightly lesser degree. There were some african americans there as well, most notably the harlem hellfighters. But if I said the represented about 1% of men on the western front, I'd probably be overestimating. In Africa, most importantly the fight over german east africa with von-lettow vorbeck they did feature prominently, but then again that wasn't that huge of a front. In the German army in europe black people were no factor, germany could not bring over colonial troops, so only the almost non-existing minorty plus a few men from the colonies were available, black men in the German army probably didn't number anything more then a few dozen.
>Black French
>No Such Thing.
So much for "Mision Civilisatrice" or "Muh inclusive Empire of Liberty," Pierre.