>it's never coming back
It's never coming back
>tfw he almost conquered turkey
Who would stop turkey from invading Syria right now?
Ataturk will never come back from the dead to fix Turkey
Good riddance
Not good.
People in itt thread realize that this isn't the flag of Turkey, right?
duh, if it was existing today it would make no sense to say it's not coming back
Meant to say the Ottomans
>all the roach-bashing in this thread
Name a single reason why it's a "good" thing that the Ottoman Empire is dead, beyond "muh muslims."
Prison of Nations?
> Kicks Naploean out of Egypt
> Seizes Egypt from the dying grasp of the Ottomans
> Consolidated Egypt's power for roughly 50 years until Britain showed up.
I don't know much else about this time period. Was it considered good for the average Jo Blow Egyptian?
I feel you op..
>Kicks Naploean out of Egypt
Wasn't that the British
A conglomeration of British and Ottoman forces, along with Napolean heading back to France due to political instability, meant the French expedition was forced to surrender eventually.
Okay, I'm under the understanding the British navy played quite a large role, or am I incorrect in that assumption?
found the turk
I had to Wikipedia it, because it's been so long, but yes, it appears the British did the lion's share of the fighting at the Battle of Alexandria after pulling yet another Perfidious Abion with Kleber.
Why do you have to depress me like that user.
The Armenian Genocide.
good fucking riddance, Ottoman apologists are all drooling idiots who don't know anything about their MANY structural problems.
>b-b-but MUH PASHAS
For fuck sake guys, how many stars on the Ottoman Flag again?
Five, clearly.
fuck you, idiot. Building a model of military compensation based on land grants only works when your army is conquering and gaining territory to distribute. It's like a military pyramid scheme. As soon as they start losing, their losses compound because they can no longer recruit anyone to their fucking officer corps.
The Ottoman's rebuilt their fleet after the battle of Lepanto in a matter of months. It was such a devastating loss because they couldn't raise the amount of manpower necessary to man their fucking ships after losing all those officers
It's like you want another shitty meme popping up non-stop for the next 6 months.
Why isn't it good? You wanted a Turkish Vienna?
Native memes foster board culture, that's not debatable. And the more shutin Veeky Forums the better, as it gets less accessible for newfags from /pol/ and leftypol and reddit. I'm acting with the boards best fate in my mind.
Vienna was logistically unrealistic to be held by the ottomans, as the presence of the sultan in Constantinople was too important and they all wanted to glory of leading armies on their own. But clearly, the Middle East can only prisper under autocratic or imperial rule.
That middle East does not include the Balkans or Anatolia. Roaches need to go back
Good luck fag
Halfway there, scum.
Pretty sure Turkey doesn't control the balkans anymore.
Can't we do it without creating misinformation though?
Balkans were better under ottoman rule, kept the subhumans in line.
It's harmless, no one is going to misstake the flag of Singapore for the standard of the Ottoman empire.
No it just kept them busy trying to control Slavs
Unfortunately you can never truly contain the inner animal of the Slavs, but the ottoman control did keep them from aping out too bad. Look at what Serbian independence has done for Europe.
There's a thread up right now where anons were unaware of Japanese internment camps in the US under FDR. You are not your audience.