Tell me about the Jews. Why do they wear the nose?
Tell me about the Jews. Why do they wear the nose?
Tell me about the /pol/. Why won't they fuck off?
Large noses help humidify dry desert air and filter dust. They are common to many hot dry regions.
Why do you occupy and steal Arab lands? Also, why do you come to the Middle East and steal indigenous lands when you obviously come from Poland or Russia? Why do you live in East Jerusalem when it so obviously against international law?
i deleted that post cause i realized i didnt feel like answering questions, but ill try to answer yours
1. thats the way of the world, some conquer some are conquered
2. my family is middle eastern not ashkenazi
3. i dont care about international law
>i dont care about international law
International law is a meme that must die.
Also whosoever studies international relations is practically saying, I wanna be a good for nothing bureaucratic sack of shit.
>my family is middle eastern not ashkenazi
From what country? Was your family forced to leave or did they leave by choice?
Lotta loyalty for a shabbos goy!
morocco, mossad tricked them by telling them the arabs were planning to attack them so they better run to israel fast. honestly i wish they had just stayed in morocco but whatever its too late to cry over spilt milk
Did they face racism when they first got to Israel?
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a goy, before throwing him into a crematorium.
Why are the Middle Eastern Jews more right-wing than the European ones? I've never understood this, I always assumed they would be closer with the Palestinians because they are Arabs.
The Jews have on them the curse of Jesus spilled blood. Satan has adopted them as his chosen people... They genetically suffer from a type of paranoid neurosis that allows them to whole heartedly believe in their self fulfilled victimhood mentality ...their greatest tricks include being able to adopt regional ethnic looks by allowing their women to intermarry occasionally throu history with local men, in this way they can change their names and can assume a popular religion while maintaining their jewishness covertly by maintaining their blood lines and religious practices keeping their tribalistic nature in the shadows they can continue their satanic practices like blood letting or sacrificing children during Passover etc..; protected from outside influence or persecution
>by allowing their women to intermarry occasionally throu history with local me
This is the most autistic revisionist /pol/ shit i've ever heard. The opposite is what happened, which is why European Jews are paternally Middle Eastern and maternally European.
Ashkenaz are more tribalistic rooted in their genetic convergence from khazarian to assuming supposed Hebrew genetic roots...this is of course a fuckin lie...
they tend to be really dumb and easily fall for state propoganda. they are extremely sentimental compared to ashkenazis who are much more cold and calculating
You can't actually believe that Khazar theory garbage, right? I mean obviously they are mixed with Europeans but to say they are Turkic is ridiculous.
At least you can talk. Who are you?
>It doesn't matter who we are, what matters, is we were chosen
*takes off hood slowly, revealing a curly-haired man with a yarmulke*
>no one cared who I was before I put on the star
*gesturing to yarmulke* If I pull that off, will you die?
>It would be extremely humiliating
You're a big community [of Jews in Poland]
>for you
>Of course! Petain refused our offer in favor of yours. We had to find out what he told you. (in background: Nothing, I said nothing!)
>Exposing this genocide...
>*breaks cuffs*
that khazar poster isn't the israeli guy (me) btw, this is my response
Fuck off the ashkenaz genetic bloodline has it's roots in khazarian, yes their are talmudic Jews who can trace their lineage to the Jesus time Pharisees but your fuckin forgetting the racial difference among the accursed Jew...there fuckin Chinese Jews there are ethiopian stupid fuck... They don't look like Alicia Silverstone and call still call themselves semitic fuckin faggot.
Not totally but there is some truth in it... Khazarian blood is in the ashkenaz genetic but of course they interbred..
>state propoganda
How prevalent is this in Israel? I remember hearing about this early program to secularize the Jews from the Middle East, I think it was in some Meir Kahane speech or something so it might have been bullshit.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing though? From what I know about the Khazars they were bad-ass steppe people.
under state propoganda i include anything on tv, i dont believe that media and state are separate entities in the modern world. its part of the pan et circenses of the modern state
>program to secularize the Jews
that was a very real and well known thing. yemenite jews were the most harshly targeted with families being forcibly seperated so the children could be educated outside of parental influence. dont forget israel was founded as a socialist state
Is the hatred of Arabs as universal as people say it is?
by contemporary western standards of what's considered racist it's really fucking bad. i personally have nothing against arabs.
Last question, is Meir Kahane and his movement popular still? I live in Canada and I see these JDL people all the time with Kahane shirts and shit yet when I look it up and seems as if his party is banned in Israel.
no he's not still popular here, but i have met some kahanists before. i feel like there are probably a growing number of edgy young "dati leumi" people who secretly adulate him, and that his views might make a comeback as israel moves farther right and more religious in the future. i personally know a very ambitious religious guy who has started in politics and he's secretly a "jewish fascist" (his own words).
Interesting, thanks. Yeah it just seems like Kahane has a cult following of homicidal frat boys.
>homicidal frat boys.
that's a good description of american jew immigrants that go full-zionist when they arrive here
Caucasians have big noses, and Jews have some of the biggest noses among Caucasians. Only other Middle Easterners, biracial Indians (by that I mean the mixed race population that's most of India today), and Armenians are bigger.
Fuck off Ahmed. I can't wait till you get deported back to goatfuckistan