Unpopular opinions thread

>Germany should've been spit up after ww1

>It's not genocide if they really are subhuman.

u mean liek this?

>the Roman Empire was a plague on Western Civilization

autistic screeching about race among historians and scientists in the 19th century was a bigger cancer to understanding the past than Biblical accounts had been - Biblical accounts could be and were disproven, while race science was an unfalsifiable mish mash of garbage science that was only dispensed of once the Nazis made it really unfashionable

Kind of, but to the extreme


Please put your name back on so I can filter you.

I personally think they should have been split up ala pre-1871. Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurtemburg, Barden, etc. all become fully autonomous countries.

>It's not genocide if it's population control

Germany never should've been united. Same with Italy.

Chinese history isn't interesting

Race doesn't exist, only ethnicities.

>let's make a bunch of small states out of the former UNIFIED GERMAN STATE, that'll work!
t. napoleon

Besides, Germany served as a buffer to russia, balkanization only works if people don't like the established order, and Germans were very much happy with their unified state.

>Anyone who has strong convictions on either side of the political spectrum is an idiot and probably insane too
I am proud to be a radical centrist!

>Germany served as a buffer to russia
Why would France need a unified Germany as a buffer from Russia? They could barely hold on to their own land, much less invade and hold German land.

The United States has been a positive influence on the world
Technology is overrated
The social contract is one of the most important philosophical concepts ever, perhaps even the most important after objectivity
Athens should have won the Peloponnesian War

Centrism is pretty bland tbqhwyf

>Why would France need a unified Germany as a buffer from Russia? They could barely hold on to their own land, much less invade and hold German land.
No matter how the political situation in Russia ended up, it'd be subject to the whim of a mad despot, or a mad despot, Communist thought about the world revolution was probably going to lead to expansionism, and a White victory would've led to the reinstatement of the Tsardom, and as World war 1 shows, When power is centralized into the hands of a single unaccountable man, then shit descisions can be made without proper scrutiny.

Another advantage was the economic incentive that Germany provided, German provinces had been previously split up, and they unified anyway, splitting them up again wasnt going to magically destroy the idea of a Germanic Union, something that was even more alive than in napoleonic times, as evidenced by the total lack of resistance from the Austrians to their annexation, Keeping germany together was politically unavodiable, Austria Hungary, on the other hand, was so filled with different distinct disgruntled national identities that Balkanization was possible in the first place.

>tfw too smart to be a leftist sjw or an altrighter nazi

they ARE western civilization

explain yourself

>a buffer to russia
>le big bad russian boogeyman
when has russian ever started a war with europe?

Hannibal is literally, the 2nd greatest General of all time.

G*rmany should be sterilized and turned into a game reserve.

Germany a buffer zone for Russia? Remember when HRE still existed and Prussia had its whims and made everyone drop jaws and run away in fear? Yeah that was when they were not united, stop meming please.

Wrong, they provide a small basis to what is now the west. Pretty sure we lost casts and no longer lie we have a democracy.

turkey should've been genocided by the allies and split between its rightful owners.

t. Karl Marx, 1857

>small basis to what is now the west.
small? if there was no rome what would the west look like today? literally unimaginable.
>Pretty sure we lost casts and no longer lie we have a democracy.

>human rights don't exist and are only used as an excuse to go to war over something unrelated.

Wrong reality Morty.

>its rightful owners.
i.e. the osmanli caliphate

Not them, but their policies slowed down the advances of the Greeks

That mon empereur did nothing morally wrong.

Mussolini would be loved today if he didn't side with Hitler.


Protestants deserve genocide

All types of Kike deserve death, Catholic, Rabbinical, Protestant, Sunni, why discriminate between one type of cancer and another? Just burn them all and be done with it.

Don't forget Shi'a. G-d should smite them too

I agree

Literally all of them, from the Kariates to the Mormons.

>oppression is bad
More like:
>oppression is bad unless it's the right people in which case it isn't actually even oppression because they didn't deserve rights anyway

>YWN hunt beautiful aryans through the national parks of germany.

Feels pretty bad desu.


Most wars are undertaken for something unrelated to the official reason.

Doubt it, he'd be a Franco-like figure.

Imperialism is the way forward. The goal is a world-state lead by an enlightened monarch akin to the five good emperors.

The problem with enlightened despots is that they die and are replaced by unenlightened despots.

That's why you implant rules to safeguard a competent rule.

Impossible, any despotic system by definition means you CANNOT remove incompetent rulers. If you could remove such rulers, the mechanism for removing rulers would be abused by psychopaths to topple decent rulers. This is why modern electoral systems are "the least bad", yes they produce mediocre leaders with limited vision, but on the plus side WHEN you get a bad rule (not if, WHEN), you can at least get rid of them fairly easily. Turns out, mediocre rulers are better than a good ruler followed by a ruthless self-serving psychopath.

>Italy was one of the most important allies in ww1 and I feel they're under appreciated
>I'm kinda glad Franco won the Spainish civil war even though I'm not a fascist
>I find Japanese history pre Meiji kinda boring
>I find Chinese history before the 20th century kinda boring

Anybody who takes inspiration from either side from WWII should be sent to a loony bin

>the best thing for the muslim world would be a restoration of the osmanli caliphate

>the German-hating on this board is completely retarded
>people who cannot differentiate between Germanics and Germans or Nazis and Germans shouldn't post on this board
>people who act like atrocities in war are ever justified are retarded, no matter if Stormfag, Tankie or else
>wars should always be avoided if possible
>Bismarck should have used his power more wisely and restriced the power of the Kaiser, so that the Reichstag could have a say in foreign affairs and prevent WW1

here. Marx was a doofus. If communism were to actually come about, it wouldn't be at all through the ways he outlined.

>implying I want a despotic system.

Dialetical Materialism was a horrible mistake and almost single handedly ruined western intellectualism

The enlightenment was a mistake and almost single handedly ruined Western intellectualism

Marxism is a science (don't @ me anglo-science philistines)

the rennaissance was a mistake and almost singlehandedly ruined medieval intellectualism

greek philosophy was a mistake and almost singlehandedly ruined the mystery schools

writing down the orally transmitted wisdom of our ancestors in the vedas was a mistake and almost singlehandedly ruined arya intellectualism

>Biblical accounts where disprove
Where were you when Reddit decided Rome didn't exist?
>race was falsifiable
that's actually not true. Also none of them posited a continental German race. No racial group fit Germany, the fact that Germany exists is proof that racial homogeneity in the extreme sense is not necessary for a functioning state.
Germany is the tragedy of existence, beset upon by all sides, all of them come to ruin.
>garbage science
it's actually not garbage science if you have a method and concise nomenclature, which they did.
You can deny the antecedent all you want, but you can't deny that it was scientific. You can say you take a different perspective on the evidence, but you can't deny the data nor all of their conclusions.

This is now a German appreciation thread

I think German equipment from WW2 is terribly fugly and much prefer British, Japanese and American gear in terms of aesthetics.

>Where were you when Reddit decided Rome didn't exist?
Wut? Do explain.

>I find Japanese history pre Meiji kinda boring

Literally everything interesting in Japan happens before 1871. My opinion is that you have shit taste. Even so, I respect that opinion.

Not that dude, but the huge changes in Japanese society from the mid 19th century to the mid 20th century are extremely fascinating.

Most racial science is bullshit (the older stuff in particular) but race is real in the sense that different populations of humans can and do have varying traits. That is absolutely undeniable. Arguing whether they are significant differences or whether it makes any difference for public policy is where the focus should be. The only people who have two neurons to rub together that say race isn't real are the ones who think acknowledging it at all will lead to discrimination at best and genocide at worst.

Developing abstract language was a mistake and almost single handedly ruined human intellectualism

adopting corporeal vessels was a mistake and almost singlehandedly ruined spiritual intellectualism

>this boards anti-German hatred is stupid
>germany is one of the world's best nations and has contributed much to humanity
>the central powers were the good guys of WW1
>the british empire was one of the worst things to happen to europe and civilisation in general
>the idea of a british state is a meme worse than austria-hungary and should be broken up

emanation was a mistake and almost singlehandedly ruined pre-emanation to-hen intellectualism


it is impossible to go further back than this

I agree the U.K. is best broken up but I actually like Englishmen. I think they'd be better off without Scotland in particular. If it were feasible cutting out the cancer that is London would be nice too.

God was a mistake and almost single handedly ruined celestial intelectuallism

this is the truly enlightened opinion, dissolving Germany would have quite literally saved Europe from communism and the two world wars. Even further though, it should never have been unified in the first place. Bismarck was Satan.

the fact they let Germany continue to exist after WW1 was insanity, allowing it to exist after WW2 was utterly incomprehensible.

this, Napoleon quite literally, did nothing wrong.

>the German-hating on this board is completely retarded

>hating the country that has destroyed Europe over and over again is retarded

what universe do you live in?





>anti-German hatred is stupid

Neoliberalism is the way forward.

WW2, yes, WW1, Germany contributed a lot. Acting like that represents the entire German history is completely retarded

God is an emanation from the to-hen. Looks like someone has to brush up on their neoplatonism.

>implying Russia wouldn't have attacked A-H anyway
>implying France would have stood beside a war between Germany and Russia
>arguing with literal propaganda
The only thing Germany did wrong in WW1 was invade Belgium, France and Russia would have declared war anyway.

And open the Soviets a door to Western Europe?

The Arisaka rifles are probably one of the best Mauser military rifle clones ever made, and look sexy as fug. Same goes for their airplanes (even if they were BTFO in design and usage by American planes).
The IJA cap with the sunshade flap also looks neat.

>unironically a fascist
>Think /pol/ needs to fuck off almost more than the liberals because both have concrete concepts of history that neither of them bother to question

>Protestantism > Catholicism
>Napoleon should have won

Got more NV memes?

I agree with the second but disagree with the first. What are your reasons dor the first opinion?

>that tippy toe kiss
no homo

This is objectively true

who knows maybe soviets wouldn't exist , butterfly effect

dindu nuffin


>Germany is splintered into many small states
>Dolchstoß and revanchism overdrive.jpg
>Soviets kicking back collecting old lands
>oh no whats this
>despite Veeky Forums shitposting France and GB are both decaying powers extraordinarily fucked without the German market
>neither France nor GB have the Money or stomach to constantly enforce partition against large scale Pan German terrorism

>so we either have a NatSoc overdrive Germany sooner, with a GB and France even weaker than OTL

>or even worse the gommies win this time and Germany and the SU Double team to penetrate the capitalists anally without lube

>Oh no, Germans are so evil, they kill children all the time, surely noone else would do that

>Soviets existed before the timeline even took a different turn

>Butterfly effect something something
>insert German hateboner

>""""somehow"""""" soviets lose the CW despite even better conditions

>surely noone else would commit atrocities
>surely the british ww1 propaganda of german soldiers impaling babies is 100% correct


satan pls

He is right though.

The attack in Belgium was wrong but is understandable due to the military situation.

France, Russia and GB would have intervened regardless.