What was the Axis as a whole fighting for?
world relevance.
They all had their own selfish ideas and goals and rejected the very idea of a global community, so it would be hilarious to see the inevitable WW3 that would have broken out if they won
A "place in the sun", ie, a colonial empire of their own like those of France and Britain, only carved out of the Arab / Slav territories.
The unfair distribution of colonies? According to them that did not have much.
I've always wanted to see a semi-realistic hypothesis as to what would've happened if the Axis had won (assuming no war with America or the Soviets). I'm sick of the typical Wolfenstein.
Read the book 'Fatherland'. Aside from the 'muh holocaust' shit, it's pretty good.
Germany is trying to secure an alliance with the Americans in the 60s or 70s so that they can finish off the Soviet Union simply to put an end to the guerrilla freedom fighters
Fighting against Jewish domination...the allies were all controlled by the Jew bankers who drove the world to war..remember it was Hitler rejection of rothschild central banking and his creation of a new independent monetary system; that caused global Judaism to declare war on Germany first . economic of course.
I honestly think Germany would become a generic distatorship on par with Portugal or Spain after Hitler's death. Hitler was the one keeping it all together, ponder what complete faggots they would replace him with.
Your willing ignorance is truly pathetic. Jewish tricks and lies strike again...you fuckin simpleton
>They all had their own selfish ideas and goals
So did the Allies.
>went to the war alone
Literally look at the pic in the OP you faggot.
>Aside from the 'muh holocaust' shit
give it a rest stormfag
>Aside from the 'Muh holocaust' shit
What do you mean by this
I think most people wouldn't care about Germans fucking around with their IOU based rearmament if they didn't need to go around plundering everyone to sustain it
Another good book to read is Philip K. Dick "The man in the High Castle". Not to be confused with the amazon television series that is loosely based on it.
Main character is a detective in the KriPo(Kriminal Polizei), him and a young American journalists are following a string of murders of Nazi notables that leads up to the fact that the Nazi leadership is hiding something
That something is the Holocaust.
How would Japan Italy and Germany be able to manage the metric shit ton of land they would have to administer?
>muh nazis would genocide each and every Slav for being a Slav
PKD was a poorly educated American imbecile, drug addict and a paranoid schizophrenic on top of that. I generally don't put too much stock into TV and movies over books but the show is actually an improvement.
Firstly, there's no "s" at the end of [spoiler]. Secondly, there are no spoilers on this board.
Brot und freiheit.
Their Duce/ Fuhrer's personal financial gain.
It's in reference to WWI you dense faggot
>Germany was alone in WW1
If you listen to German soldiers most of them believed they were fighting for a "United Europe" free from tyrannical Bolshevik communism but also separate from corrupt western capitalism controlled by the wealthy elite.
Probably would set up governments to administer those areas like the British done in India, the Japanese had already set up puppets like Meanjing or the very short lived reorganised China during the war with China
give it a rest antifa
Fuck off, kommie kraut.
Literally every single one Harris poster is a lefty-hating radical centrist.
>radical centrist
So like Nazis? If radical centrism is anything but a combination of leftist and right wing ideas then how is it in any way radical?
The Axis were all fighting against common enemies which is the greatest alliance maker in all of IR and history. We still use this dichotomy of allies (good) vs axis (evil) today with the "axis of evil" by GWB, if the Axis won it would probably be the "allies of evil" instead.
>Nazi Germany (Later add Austria and other annexed German territories)
Reclaim territories of pre WW1 which puts them in conflict with the Western Allies, and create a greater Germany on Russian soil which puts them in conflict with the Soviet Union as well as being ideologically anti Communist (The concept of equality is not present in Fascism though in Communism its the main focus) and Liberal (The concept of the individual is also not in fascism where as in liberalism its the main focus)
Create a Greater Japanese empire which puts them in conflict with Western Allies (namely anti [traditional] imperialist America but also colonial France and UK) and China
Desire for a new Roman empire as part of their ideological principles which puts them in conflict with Greece (subsequently the western allies) and allies them with Germany (Subsequently against the Soviet Union)
>Eastern European Nations like Romania and Finland
Fear of the soviet Union expanding westward (a justified fear tbqh) so allies with Germany and subsequently against the Western Allies as well (Even though Finland was supported by the western allies in the winter war who hated communism but hated fascism a bit more)
>Spain (Not really axis but still sent troops to fight on eastern front)
Ideologically against Communism (though not a Fascist) due to civil war. But didn't join Axis as not fundamentally against the western allies ideologically
In conclusion if the Axis powers were fighting for anything holistically it would be anti-communism (except for Japan) or neo-imperialism(?) Ultimately the unifying factor of the Axis was a common enemy in the Western Allies and the USSR.
do it again Bomber Harris
>muh jews
>PKD was a poorly educated American imbecile, drug addict and a paranoid schizophrenic on top of that.
its funny because that sounds like Hitler. Also, you need to actually look into what the nazis thought about slavs and their plans for them, especially based on their actions against them
>muh slav extermination
>le Atlantropa
>Japan and Germany managing to invade USA
I am a Slav. My country is included in OP's picture, so peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
fuck the global community
Retard. Almost all of the axis were nations who got fucked by Versailles and were getting bullied by the USSR.