And no,
this is not a we wuz thread
but which decade was the most ghetto
the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
And no,
this is not a we wuz thread
but which decade was the most ghetto
the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
Late 80s/Early 90s was a pretty shitty time to be a nigger, people in LA when I was living here would tell me that despite how bad things seemed to be, it was nowhere near as bad as it was in the late 80s.
How old do you think those niggas in the picture are in Chicago years? They gotta be pushing 80 atleast.
The 2010s
Post crack
If by "ghetto" we mean an impoverished ethnic enclave where people are forced to live by law or social pressure, the 1930s is unarguably the most ghetto decade.
White folk (like these in a shanty town outside Knoxville) weren't doing so hot either.
Hmm I never thought about that, considering that even White people were living in shanty towns during the Depression, black people must've been living like medieval peasants
They still were given better wages even as sharecroppers and had greater access to education
they would have all starved to death by now if they were black
this is white privilege, sorry not sorry
Even if we focus on Chicago, the crime wave of the 70s, the crack epidemic of the 80s, and the gang culture of the 90s can't compare with the unparalleled poverty and raw violence of the 30s.
While today we bemoan the state of public housing projects and their dysfunctional nature, you should've seen what they replaced. The tenement buildings of depression era Chicago make the much maligned projects of later decades look like Trump Towers. For a black sharecropper in the 1930s, great American metropolises like Chicago were quite a draw. Of course, once they got there...
...they kept complaining even though they had it good at someone else's expense then trashed the place and turned it into a crime ridden ghetto.
>saying this on Veeky Forums
you've just derailed the thread bruh
It's actually a very cheap bait, I'm not biting.
>they had it good at someone else's expense
I don't know your idea of good, but that's the family bed (their ONLY bed) four feet from the stove. These were tiny, cramped one or two room affairs and often lacked a bathroom. Bathrooms were communal, and it wasn't uncommon for it to come in the form of an unattached outhouse out back of the building. And I don't know your idea of "someone else's expense" but these places charged rent.
No such thing.
late 60's and the 70's.
You can't contest my post. You can't.
White also had access to stuff like federal job programs that Blacks couldn't.
No, user. I am the one with the uncontestable position ITT.
I'm the one in the chair throwing up.
>the ancestors of the pol posters
Eww niggers.